What the hell was her problem?

What the hell was her problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

exhentai.org/?f_doujinshi=1&f_manga=1&f_artistcg=1&f_gamecg=1&f_western=0&f_non-h=0&f_imageset=1&f_cosplay=1&f_asianporn=0&f_misc=0&f_search=ペッタンコ公園 &f_apply=Apply Filter

what is this

a bideo gaem

Gotta catch them all.

Shes the hero the park deserved

What the hell was her problem?

next game when?

What game? Asking for masturbatory purposes

The problem is that she's not gagging on my dick and saying "Thank you Mister!" at various points.

why is she wearing a collar

This right here

reverse image search is coming up with nothing

Someone better tell me what the fuck this is and if theres sex in it. Theres sex in it right? I need some pixel lolis

You guys really don't know what this is? It's one of the loli game in a series of loli games. This is one of the stuff that's translated. This one is actually entertaining while much of the others aren't. It's always loli & shota stuff.

>Its been a year since the last game

Plz gibe sauce

surprisingly enough i actually lost interest this time

Pettanko Park.

Seriously faggot there's nothing when you reverse image search

Next game is going to be about the green haired twin. No release date given yet though.

Right now there is someone working on an Anoko Quest translation and a translation of the purple haired hag game on cripplechan. What a time to be alive

>the thicc ganguro girl
I love her.

>small area with very little variety
I hope the dev starts improving and making things into a proper RPG, like with the last game.

What gaem

my dick not in her

ペッタンコ公園 -ゲームセンターのあのこたち-

Thanks for reminding me. I downloaded this a while ago but never played it.

Thanks. Managed to find all the scenes on sad panda.

Play the game man it's translated and it's actually pretty funny.

That I couldn't find. I can deal.

just searched that and pettanko park on panda saw literally nothing.

i cannot get it to work. i tried downloading different RTPs but it still didn't work, and i don't want to put the word pettanko on googleI don't want to get shot next time i go buy bread.

There's an user on /hgg2d/ that's working on an Anoko Quest translation.

You probably need the jp versions of the RTPs

JP VX Ace and Japanese locale not locale emulator. These two are a must and the only things you need to play the game.

Sorry not VX Ace but RPG 2000. I forgot this was one of the older ones.

>Japanese locale not locale emulator.
as in changing the computer to japanese locale and not using the "open in jap locale"? fuck

the game is on Nyaa, but I can't find the panda scenes.

exhentai.org/?f_doujinshi=1&f_manga=1&f_artistcg=1&f_gamecg=1&f_western=0&f_non-h=0&f_imageset=1&f_cosplay=1&f_asianporn=0&f_misc=0&f_search=ペッタンコ公園 &f_apply=Apply Filter

Wasn't that hard man.

In all the years I've been using Japanese locale the only problems I've had are that it fucks up Ragnarok Online's visuals and a few installers default to opening in Japanese. There is almost no reason not to use it.

This. It works 100% of the time unlike locale emulator which is a crap shoot.

>Guy says Pettanko park
>I search Pettanko park
>It's actually Pettanko Kouen

Yea no, kys. But thanks/

Yes and there is a guy on cripplechan translating this game. That's what I said.

You fucking retard.

Oh shit checked the cripplechan thread and someone translated the first game but I missed it and it got reported but the guy says he'll upload just the translation files after new years.

WHat other big translated games have dropped in the past 3 years

What board?


4+4 a.k.a. infinity chan. Mentioning the actual name of the site is a no no here. You're smart enough to figure it out.

I meant which board on that hellsite, you fags. I found it anyway

Soon. There's about a year break between each game iirc.

Oh yeah my bad. Fuck I can't believe I missed it and now I have to wait.