DBZ gets hundreds of games, lots of which are great...

>DBZ gets hundreds of games, lots of which are great, and is getting what looks to be a fantastic game next year with DBFZ
>One Piece gets plenty of games, including some solid musous and RPGs
>Naruto gets plenty of games including a high paced Vs series that's gone from strength to strength
>Bleach gets a couple of substandard fighting games exclusive to DS and Wii of all fucking consoles, a bad musou, and an alright Powerstone clone that never came out in the West
It's not fair! Bleach was supposed to be one of the Big Three!

Other urls found in this thread:


Reveal some fucking Bankais and Shikais for some Soul Society people then.

mootman will anime will never get a good game

>You will never see Shinji turn people inside out
At least when he was in games you could fuck up the other player's controls with your shikai.

it also got 7 fighting games on the psp

mootman anime will never get a good game*

>Heat the Soul
>Fighting games
Don't flatter them like that. They're 8ing garbage.

>Aizen, Shinji, Hisagi and the Zero squad other than Monk dude never got to show their Bankais.
Burn in hell Kubo

Are the Naruto games any good?

Don't forget
>Ichigo's Dad never showed his bankai
>His sisters who were teased as being powerful never did shit
>Ishida's Dad never fought
>Unohana vs Kenpachi was a 3 page fight

There was also a SRPG for DS.

>it's this thread again

And people say shounenfags don't come from Sup Forums...

It's almost like Bleach was the weakest of those shonen you listed.
Can't sell a game and make profit when your target audience is small.

are there any good non-fighting game dragonball games? there was one I played a JRPG-like ages ago that basically covered the game until you fight freeza, but don't know about any others.

a. there's no such thing as the "big 3".
b. if there was bleach wouldn't be in it.
c. one piece and hxh are the only good shounen.

>kenpachi gets super powerful
>building up to something awesome
>attacks one time and kills a guy, rips off his own arm or something that like
>thats all he gets to do

what the fuck

>Kubo runs Bleach into the fucking ground killing Ulquiorra and Stark with complete bullshit
Bleach and Kubo can eat shit

>Bleach haters are whiny manchildren

Why does this not surprise me?

>not liking what Kubo did = whiny bleach haters

>whiny manchildren
t. whiny manchild

>the entire Fake Karakura arc
What the fuck was he thinking

Quality dropped after soul society, complete and utter dogshit during war arc that I had to drop midway

>hurr I don't like it so its shit

Thanks for proving me right Sup Forumstards

What do you like about bleach user?

Because Bleach stopped being good after the Soul Society arc.
As soon as they were done rescuing Rukia the series dropped in quality.

Shit, there were a lot of times Kubo would hardly draw a fucking thing in most pages just backgrounds with white in them.

He left a bunch of plot holes open, Ichigo went from son of a powerful shinigami to SHINIGAMIHOLLOWQUINCYGODSOMETHING
Just felt very shitty, read it just to finish it because I had already invested in it.


if you like Bleach, your anime taste is complete shit and no one should be listening to you anyways fuck off.

Remember when Bleach was good?
Remember when Kubo didn't ruin it?

Cinematically good, frankly a better experience than the manga and anime.

As games? Garbage.

The ps2 games are actually legit, kinda of amazed when they had 50+ chsracster each one with its own moveset and special. Not balanced though, tenten can stunlock infinetly

Not an argument.


let's not even talk about how he would introduce a fuckton of characters and never have character development.
The characters people actually liked were hardly given anything, Ichigo was always left to do it practically all.

What the fuck ever happened to him losing his powers? What was the consequence of stopping Aizen? A year of boredom?

Complete crap, Kubo was shown to just cop out bullshit by the end.

You don't have an argument for why Bleach is good, because there isn't any.

Like I said, if you like Bleach you might as well fuck off, the anime didn't even finish because the manga was complete crap and the pacing was horrible and instead of taking a break they just ended it there.

I've been playing Bleach Brave Souls for a while. Yes it's a mobage, but it's high in quality. Would compare it to Granblue and FE Heroes to how much stuff gets put into it.
Bankai kenpachi and unohana will be available on the 31st.

Still not an argument.


Kubo needs a writer. His drawing skill, fashion sense and character desing is top notch though

>provides argument
>>still not an argument
>has nothing to say about why bleach is good j
loving every laugh


This poster is a retard


Nice tastes soyboy

Pretty much. Or at least someone to keep him a very tight leash when he actually writes.

I accept your concession that bleach is shit since you haven't provided why its good bitch

>one of the big (last gen) three
It may not be on par as daddy dragon ball, or its one piece and naruto brethren, but don't kid yourself thinking it had less popularity than anything else in Jump.
I would guess hero academia and fairy tale surpassed it now, but do remember that the anime ended 5 years ago and the manga 1 year ago. I would assume it could still be pretty popular if it still aired or got revived.



The guy hated control, his relationship with his editors killed the manga and broke the guy.

He needs a writer

>DBZ gets good games.
1 game that's good and it's not even out yet.

I'd kill for a good Hunter x Hunter, Fairy Tail, or Toriko game. I fucking love me some Shonen shit for some reason.
Although some non-shonens are deserving as fuck of vidya. Golgo 13 and Hajime no Ippo games never ever.

Name 3 (three) distinct, named attacks of Kurosaki Ichigo. I'll wait.


But user, Budokai 3 was out years ago.

Just let it go already. Bleach is fucking dead. Both its anime and manga got cancelled. Its popularity went down the drain real fast.



Bleach is such a meme series, how can you not love it. On the other hand the shippers in Sup Forums threads are really cancerous.

Provide an actual argument, I'll wait.

Bleach got progressively uglier and dumber with each season. Impressive when you consider it went to shit right after the first Soul Society arc.

Go bleach yourself

The one where he does it twice in a cross pattern
Jackie Chan

nice, but Sternritters fucking when?
Also, what really pisses me off is not the fact that 5* characters have very low drop rates (i mean its to be expected of mobages) but the fact that when you're doing a specific 10 pull theres no guarantee that the new characters will drop, that shit happened to me in Halloween (tried to get Soi Fon and got everyone but her and Christmas where I got no 5* after 6 differents rolls).


Is there any current manga on par with the "Big three"? Or is it all sword art online shit now?

>the shittier the show the shittier the games

wow what a surprise

Bleach was a mess plotwise compared to Naruto and One Piece. You can't really make a game out of a mess.

I'm not gonna argue with your gacha complaint because it is what it is - gacha shit, it's cancerous and prevalent in all mobage.
However as the for the sternritters... they need voice actors for them, and most likely studio pierrot or another licencing studio (whichever picks it up again) needs to choose those voice actors.
This is the reason bankai genryusai isn't available and won't be since his voice actor passed on.
We will need a revival of the anime to see more manga content in game.

Actually Bleach was still good until they rescued Orihime from Hueco Mundo. After that was when it all went downhill

>t. speedreader

What is the big 3 now? One Piece then what else? Boruto and Dragon Ball Super? I'm not keeping up with their sales but I doubt they're selling well. Boku No Hero Academia is probably one.

>You can't really make a game out of a mess.

>You can't really make a game out of a mess.
Then there would be no adaptations. You know how many anime games skip arcs and plot points like they never happened or add explanations, simplifications or there own cannon? Xenoverse 2 explained how Bardock went back to the past, Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 made up it's own arc and villains. Almost every One Piece game skips Little Garden and Long Ring Long Land

Why are Bleachfags such fags? My mistake, Bleachfag.

Thanks for proving my point? Lol

nips were never big fans of it outside of fushojis. It fell off a cliff in WSJ popularity polls after Soul Society, so it got fuck all games.

It's just one autist who screeches at everyone who says anything even remotely negative about bleach.

>Bleach was supposed to be one of the Big Three!
It was until the author decided he's going to be a little bitch and stop giving a shit about the series

People generally agree that Legacy of Goku 2 and Buu's Fury are some of the best non-fighting DBZ games.
I've seen Advanced Adventure or DB Origins (one of those) mentioned frequently.
Fusions might be good, but I'm not sure.

I heard somewhere it was because of his declining health.


It's one piece and as far as I know my hero academia is trying to climb up close

No such thing anymore.


Monk's Bankai was the name changing ink technique. He even said that technique is what modernly would be considered a Bankai.
And chances are Aizen didn't have one. His shikai was already broken as fuck and his overall raw power was one of the highest among shinigami, even before the butterfly hax.

Shinji's however, you're right. A lot of potential to be some cool mind fuck, battleground rule altering power like Shinsui's, and we'll never get to see it.

That's because Bleach is bad.

The anime got cancelled before the last arc of the manga could be adapted, as the popularity of both went down the shitter with the fullbringers arc.

No anime = no games.

I went back and rewatched some of the early episodes not too long ago. I'm surprised at how decent the early stuff is.

>chances are Aizen didn't have one
It's explained multiple times that you need to have a bankai in order to become a captain, unless you're taking over the Kenpachi title. That's the whole reason why Ikkaku hides his bankai, so he won't be pressured to become a captain.

What's Kubo's next work going to be then?
Even Kishimoto announced something

Did you forget the part where Aizen can make people see, hear, smell and feel anything he wants them to? As you said, aspiring captains are forced to reveal their bankais to the other captains in order to be accepted. Do you think Aizen showed his when he had hidden his shikai for a hundred years?

When Aizen revealed the real power of his shikai at the end of Soul Society arc, other captains mentioned that long ago he had showed everyone what was supposed to be his bankai, and it was something that made random low rank shinigami fight illusions or some shit. So he basically used his shikai to put everyone under and convinced everyone that a shitty illusion was his Bankai.

So basically, maybe he had one, maybe he didn't. We'll never know. But after he became immortal and his sword became obsolete, it stopped mattering.

>It's explained multiple times that you need to have a bankai in order to become a captain
You can become one through enough recommendations through other captains or kill an existing captain.

>FMA:B isn't good
>FotNS isn't good
>YYH isn't good
This shit taste user.


FMA 2003 is better than FMA:B

I'm pretty sure that user is talking about currently running manga.

Dude, we still never got a good explanation about the soul king, about how ichigo beat the last boss.
And about kenpachi and his actual relation with the loli

>you will never repeatedly impregnate Coco Bandicoot
Why even live Sup Forumsros?

I wish there was a xenoverse for one piece where you make your own customisable pirate crew with cel shaded graphics and go island to island on adventures with your crew.

Gran Ray Cero