Why did everyone suddenly stop caring about lootboxes?

Why did everyone suddenly stop caring about lootboxes?

They didn't

I'm just gonna get this outta the way before we start this thread: Lootboxes UNDENIABLY get actual children hooked on gambling.

>acting like you give a shit about children

This is the modern day "violent games turns kids violent"

You've become what you once hated, Sup Forums

The "nothing wrong with lootboxes" starter pack

Yes we did. We even stopped caring about Net Neutrality.

MtG is dying. Physical CCG is dying so hard it's not even funny.

And look at you, a corporate cocksucker defending anti-consumer practices. I guess Sup Forums really did become what it hated

>We even stopped caring about Net Neutrality.

That complacency will bite you back hard

>Sup Forums is for ''free market''
>Lootboxes shouldn't exist lol
Explain this shit Sup Forums hypocrites

It was just the latest big "controversy" people got worked up in and then left when the next thing came along or they got bored.
The internet doesn't usually forget, but it is very fickle and has a very limited attention span.

not him. pulling the lever on a slot machine is way more analogous to putting a key in a csgo loot crate than shooting somebody in call of duty is to shooting up your school

Gambling laws are inherently anti-consumer.

They just accepted the cold hard truth

No vaseline

And? Kekking @ moralfags

>Sup Forums is for ''free market''

Says fucking who? When?

>Disliking EA is now "Reddit"

Times have really changed these days

And? Who cares if a child does either of these?

No. Acting like a bunch of autistic internet warriors is Reddit.

Sup Forums just stopped buying EA games. Redditors think they can fix EA.

>implying we dont just want good vidya
stop injecting market politics into this. gacha and lootbox shit directly takes away time from working on actual content and playable things, and paywalling for "bonus content" in an already full priced game is fucking garbage.
>"b-b-but you support the dev :("
i supported the dev by buying their fucking game, if they are too retarded to price it at a point that makes them money then that is THEIR fault and burden, not mine as a consumer.

>EA shills are paid to push that disliking EA is "reddit" here

But it was very, very Reddit. Did you not see the ''most downvoted post in history''?

>Arcades are the same as lootboxes
This argument is retarded, in an arcade you are paying to play the machine and you get what you pay for, a lootbox is you paying an additional fee to the game you already purchased for some cosmetic item with no guarantee you will ever get what you paid for.

I stand with Gaben, I stand with free market

It turns out whining about something really loud usually does nothing with no real action to back it up

read the post i replied to. anti-lootbox is not nearly equatable with anti-violent games.

>Sup Forums just stopped buying EA games. Redditors think they can fix EA.

The screencap I posted was specifically about how Sup Forums got EA voted as "Worst company in America" back in 2012. I guess Sup Forums users were the autistic Internet warriors back then.

Anyone with a lick of gambling and gaming regulation knowledge laughed at the idea of classifying lootboxes as gambling.

I've never really cared about them to begin with. Every game that I have ever played with them had the ability to play the game for the exact same content, or the content that was available was literally just fucking color swaps. Why would I give a shit if some chucklefuck wants to spend $80 doll hairs to make his character look like Elton John.

It takes government to enforce lootboxes

Gambling is actually more likely to result in winning then lootboxes.
When you gamble there exists a possibility of a win, when you buy lootboxes you have already lost.

people were so fucking mad it was unreal, but i've always asserted that EA was the best target simply because they were the only ones petty enough to actually acknowledge their 'award'
bank of america, monsanto, etc... not one of them would have batted an eye to this.

Yes we were. Sup Forums was much worse back then, newfag. It's still terrible but back then it was much worse.

Sup Forums was never pro-free market.
Sup Forums is filled with faggots that buy into every fucking "easy fix buzzword" said by populist leaders and follow that until they fail and move to the next guy spouting inane shit.

almost every argument used by pro-lootbox people is an ad-hom or only somewhat related, like arcade games and card packs.

>wanting the government to touch your vidya
Germany says hi. Australia says hi. Japan says hi.

Free market is controlled by whales.

Sup Forums is the biggest contrarian shit hole on the internet. Say anything, Sup Forums will play doubles advocate, no matter what.

I really cant say anything for you if you are denying this board is a right wing hugbox thats for ''free market lootboxes are an exception though!''

>its a Sup Forumstard is a contrarian because they dont like r*ddit episode

>calls him a newfag
>says Sup Forums has improved
my friend i think it is
who are the newfag

I am in favor of the free market which is why I will be choosing not to financially support games that utilize loot boxes, I'm voting with my wallet.

>Arcade games

Fucking retard lmao

Make lootbox contents tradeable and it's more analogous to the MTG set.

Also, anyone who says it's okay when Japan does it is a retard weeb.

t. soyboy

i've paid for lootboxes before

i only dislike them when they don't accurately outline the chances of getting particular items

Learn to read newshit. I said Sup Forums. Sup Forums was much worse in 2010-2014. Off topic threads were up 24/7 and moderation was scarce. Now there's still shit posting threads but they usually get nipped before 10 replies.

Getting a disinterested government to purge a few anti-consumer practices now and again isn't too bad. The corporations have and will do far more damage to the industry as a whole than they will.

Because "gamers" are stupid junkies that can't control themselves and impulsively buy the newest shit. They don't care if they get fucked over, it's the shiny new hotness and everyone's gonna be playing it, they can't miss out on it
As soon as EA announces Battlefront 3 and whatever other shit they'll jump right back on the bandwagon and forget all about how EA hurt them in the past

To be honest, even though I used to think that 2012 Sup Forums was shit, I actually prefer it now to Sup Forums these days, now that people on Sup Forums do nothing but spam Wojack and Pepe edits. Even the "Rustled Jimmies" times of Sup Forums had more variety.

this, I'm tired of these faggots making everything political.

Yeah ill never miss those “you have 10 seconds to name _____” and constanza threads

no they don't

How to shove ANYTHING down westerner's throat? Say "you're a gommie if you don't like it".

Giving the government power to do things like that means you have to give them power over the industry as a whole which leads to censorship.

2012 Sup Forums didn't think OC was reddit and that the only new stuff you should post are pepe edits

Its the free markets job to fix the shitfit cluster fuck its in
Not the governments, as soon as you give the government that kind of infringing power it is no longer a free market capitalism

It was also a pretty memorable event, due to the utter shitstorm that it caused. Sup Forums has gotten a lot more boring these days because nothing really happens here any more, because Sup Forums users these days are too contrarian and spiteful to organize anything.

I'm not worried about the current US administration censoring much, especially when we contrast it to the kind of hot-garbage agenda pushing that's been forced into games recently.

>calls anything that is remotely popular reddit/normie/Soy/nu-

Its up to you normies and the rest of the market to make that decision
Not the government that doesn't play video games or care about them.

>I'm tired of these faggots making everything political.

I think the reason that everything on Sup Forums revolves around politics these days is because of Sup Forums being the "king" board of Sup Forums now, like how Sup Forums was flooded with off-topic shitposting back when Sup Forums was the "king" board.


Before it felt like companies made games with micro transactions on top of it. Now it feels like companies are more focused on developing micro transactions and then throwing gameplay on top of it

>and constanza threads

I still like the ISHYGDDT meme, to be honest.

Alright, let me piss everyone off:
> I don't play magic
I did play yu-gi-oh for a while when I was a kid, but I'm 23 now and the last time I played with my cards was elementary school.

> Better Dead than red
>I don't know what the heart is
> I don't play shitty mobas
(probably spelled that wrong two and I don't care)

> I was a B average student in highschool and got into an out of state university. Even got a degree "with distinction" in a STEM field from it.

> I have only ever been to one board on reddit and its KIA so...you might as well start screaming like a retard now.

...but I don't really see how that's gambling?

Alright, are we all pissed? Good. Now that that's taken care of we all stopped b/c the internet has a limited attention span and its about as long as...

... oh look! A shiny!

Because it was a fake issue forced by the left. That's kinda what they do. Hot issue for a week, no real convictions, jump to the next thing, pretend to care about it, get really angry at anyone who disagrees, jump to the next thing next week.

Reminder that Dr. Seuss was racist one day a few months ago and now nobody remembers or cares.

>he hates funposting
go to neofag if you're worried about serious video game discussion (tm). now we have 10 consolewars threads, 5 waifu threads, brap posting, constant redditor accusations, the whole gamut of bullshit

>You aren't a cool cat unless you mindlessly purchase games from EA™ and all their DLC available from Gamestop™ "power to the players!™"

Extremely generic template threads are absolute cancer that killed Sup Forums. Nobody is creative anymore, that's now considered "cringe" and "reddit"

no you buffoon
Lootboxes take near zero effort to put into a game. Gamedevs face no significant risk by adding them unless they do retarded shit like bf2. Whales will buy them no matter what because they are retarded, have addictive personality types, and want to feel like an important community member. for every anti lootbox person, there are unironic supporters and whales. silently avoiding games with them isnt enough, we need to inform others and raise issue awareness. we are not the entire market.

You're wrong because lootboxes are in fact gambling. If they were like "violent games turns kids violent", then they would have had to be pretending to be gambling. But they're for real.

Battlefront 2 fiasco wasnt only because it was lootboxes, it was because they could give straight upgrades in a multiplayer game

>you're either for total corporate-oligopoly rape or total totalitarian-government rape!
>no reasonable middle-grounds! fuck consumer rights!

This is exactly how (((they))) control your political and economic outlook, just as they did with the SJW's and mainstream media.

TCG's you can actually buy each card individually online or at your local card shop. Buying packs is completely optional. Even if you did buy booster packs of your favorite TCG you can still trade them. And they have physical value. So it's nothing like loot boxes.

For arcade games yes you can continue to play when you die but your highscore is reset and you get another 3 lives. There's a thing called 1CC'ing a game. If you slide another quarter in you're a fucking chump. A fucking quarter compared to fucking loot boxes is absolutely picking at straws here.

Try again OP.

>>implying we dont just want good vidya
This is a really good point.
If government regulation helps vidya, so be it.
If an unrestrained market helps vidya, so be it.
Please note that "vidya" means "good games that we can enjoy playing", not "profitable games and practices that I praise as if I am a shareholder who's not actually interesting in video games as an entertainment medium".
>Captcha: Lichfield Torrent


Go fuck off to 9gag if you want to post about memes

Corporate dictatorship is the same shit as state dictatorship. Both socialism and feudalism are bad.

My god that was fucking hilarious. I don't know why people thought it was internet warrior bullshit.

it wasn't because Sup Forums thought EA was worse than Bank of America. it's because Sup Forums hated EA the most.

plus the fucking shitstorm that followed was priceless.

honestly the only thing funnier was the day trump got elected.

my fucking sides.

>>no reasonable middle-grounds! fuck consumer rights!
What "reasonable middle ground" are you suggesting? When you say this, I imagine you mean punishing everybody as if we all have gambling problems just because a few people do, all under the guise of "defending the consumer".

>lol i shot off my dick and balls with a shotgun epik comedy gold lol XD

>No. Acting like a bunch of autistic internet warriors is Reddit.

Like Gober Gate?

it operates the exact same way as a slot machine, and you do it the same way. there are for example virtual/video game slots that are VERY similar to the layout of lootboxes. csgo literally has skins roulette wheel past you. playing videogames as some other guy shooting a gun doesnt do the same thing as killing a person at all.

Hey, no one ever said Sup Forums isn't hypocritical as fuck.

Do arcade machines cost only 25 cents a pop in the US?

template threads are far better than template (((oc))) that is just forced pepe and wojack edits over and over and over. apparently putting effort or genuine conviction into a joke at all is too attached and unironic for sociopathic modern Sup Forums, so the site is committing social suicide. if only we could have 4cc threads, at least something new would happen

>Its okay when Japan does it.
>Playing phone games at all.

>punishing everybody
No, it's just this lovely yet elusive phenomenon we used to call "having standards".

If the food, pharmaceutical and tobacco industries can be reprimanded for using literal poisons as fillers/preservers/etc. without having to elect a fucking Stalin to take away their means of production, then so can entertainment businesses be for disguising gambling (a medium which already has required regulations) as a children's gameplay feature required to properly play.

Trying to ban a hot topic discussion from the entire internet typically riles people up but I'll forgive your ignorance of how the Streisand effect works since you're nu and all.

>template (((oc)))

> forced pepe and wojack edits over and over and over
Go back to re:ddit if all you want to be is included in the epic screencaps

But I agree with the idea that Lootboxes and microtransactions are bad, and dislike Magic the gathering, autism, arcades, mobile games, communism, reddit, bad grades, and useless diplomas

arcade games are not even close to being considered gambling

they're just normal games you play for fun

What's so bad about communism? Rich people get BTFO'd, the working man gets their dues, and everyone is equal

MS has had lootboxes in most of their multiplayer games (so still only like 4) and didn't get shit for it until Forza 7, which was just a timing thing with the BF2 shit.

Still a form of autistic internet warriors you stupid fucking retard.

Do you want to starve to death user?

Glory to Stalin.

>if only we could have 4cc threads, at least something new would happen
Fuck off back to your containment board metacancer.

if you don't think someone shooting of their dick and balls for laughs isn't goddamn hilarious.

you must be fun at partys