Bad guy wins in the end

>Bad guy wins in the end

What games do this?

the games you dont play

wtf, I love israel now.

Pic not related I think

Fuck off and die Sup Forums

this thread again *yawn*

pic unrelated

>inb4 historical WW2 games

Killzone 2.
Probably slit of Japanese games.


>literally does nothing bad and everything hes done benefits you

>dumb niggers still hate them because they cant develop their own opinion

Putin deserves to become a Civilisation character for this.
The leader of a third world shithole playing the only remaining superpower like a fiddle.
Even if he doesn't get what he wants, the 4 years of uncertainty is enough to damage the US and the Western world in general.

But hilldog was the bad guy user

uh oh

Nah fuck off and keep your garbage in Sup Forums you pieces of shit


>Bad guy was formerly the head of a multi-billion dollar corporation
>Bad guy colludes with the Combine to become a world leader
>Bad guy is old and completely out of touch with humanity
>Bad guy tries to brainwash his retarded supporters into believing their lives will be better if they cooperate with the Combine

Here's photographic evidence from the FBI that russia hacked the election.

wtf i love Drumpf now?!

>in the end


>I have no argument, but I'm the good guy and he's a big meanie!

thanks gaf

Oy vey! Protect Israel!

Every WW2 game

He won, he destroyed the world.

Sup Forums is too busy having a civil war right now, so I doubt it's them.

cyka blyat

What happened in Sup Forums?

Every Wold War II game

Any WW2 game based on reality.