Fire Emblem Heroes

Did you manage to get Gunnthra? Here's my damage report:

>260 orbs
>Bridal Lyn

>another Camilla
And is that two different versions of Takumi?

No, I haven't gotten a single green orb in my several summons, this should be fucking illegal.

Wait green mommy will be on the New Years banner too?

I hope they give us some free orbs for new years.

Spent 15 orbs and got fodder, saving for new years banner.
I already got 5 prize units on the last legend banner, I don't need to spend on this one.

I got chrom in 13 orbs. not what I wanted, but i am saving the rest for the NY banner


got her first try..

proof or gtfo

Don't bully.

Finally got an Amelia while rolling for BetterCecilia. Waiting to see if the NY banner is worth rolling for.

IS doesn't care about that boy in the slightsst

If I don't have Elincia and my only dancer is regular Olivia, is it worth it rolling this banner? New Year Azura and Camilla look nice.

Aqua has 30/35 and Tits has 33/35. I think theyre the fastest fliers in the game now. Tits has great Def so shes a perfect girl for Iote's if you ever roll those IVs even if its +Def -Spd.

I wonder, would that Camilla be a good fit for DC? Or is her Res not good enough?
I have the other 3 flying mages if that helps.

Elincia is still better because of her brave equivalent weapon.

I've managed to roll 2 Gunnthrá, which one to use?
+spd -res
+res -def

Elincia has one point more atk and speed, and more res, though with Amrita she has one point less speed. Camilla has more hp and def though, meaning she can survive better against shit like BIke.

Is kind of ashamed that they made her generally inferior to Elincia, though it really isn't that big of a gap. Camilla always kinda gets shafted somehow. Heroes devs hate cows aside from Lyn I guess.

Her res isn't that great, so I wouldn't put DC on her. Funny enough, normal Camilla is the best DC flier. For NYCamilla I'd say Firesweep or Slaying Edge.

-def, it seems to be pretty trash anyways so it's no big loss.

>my first amelia

Any advice with her?

lots of headpats

just run Fortify and Ward if youre worried. People run DC on units with worse bulk.

Also I was wrong. Caeda is the fastest flier at 37.

EAmiti was just bonkers in RD and they kept it just as bananas here. I doubt any flier could beat that.

>azura is a flying dancer

wew lad

4 orbs +free,
hawkeye and clarisse
Pissed about the sexmachine to not be free, but what to expect. maybe I can get aquas 3rd installment, got the other 2 already but most likely not. currently at 2 orbs




Thanks for reminding me there was a free summon. There was no green but this is nice, too.

>Aqua has to share green with Gun

Get a good armored ally to go with her, since Armor March doesn't do anything when she's alone. The Christmas units are great (obviously) but you can probably find a decent one out there. Gwen, Effie, and Draug seemed to stand out.

Is it worth building a 5* Camilla? I heard she was mediocre so I've been investing in Cherche instead.

>share green with Gun
user, there is no rate-up on this banner. Flying Aqua has the same rates as every other green unit.

>Not wanting Gun
She's a free nuke as long as she's >50%hp.

Spent about 50 orbs

I almost ended my first full roll prematurely when I got CHROM'd but I'm glad I didn't

Sniped some reds after this and got Sigurd too so I'm pretty content

Do you guys think it would be better to go for Gun the the current banner or wait for New Year's?

Maybe I can replace Bike for this TT and give it a test she is -res+def

Legendary Heroes are being rerun nearly once a month. Go for New Years, and then snipe for Gunthra in January

>another Camilla
Spring Camilla was March. Performing Azura was October


Camilla is weird right now because she requires very specific IVs and skills, but if you somehow have them then she could honestly be a contender for being green flier. Really unless she's +spd -hp or maybe def, I dunno if I'd bother.

When does this one drop?

> 4* Sheena
> +def/-hp Elise
> 3* Nino
> +spd/-res Gunnthra

Thirteen orbs got me a cinnamon roll and a dairy queen blizzard.
Talk about a lucky day.

Yeah but Camilla's bad because she beat Lyn and salty waifufags haven't gotten over it.

>VGs meaning anything

Damnit, more GOOD (fuck off lolishitters) Tiki when?

The New Year banner I mean

She's a pretty good alternative to Elincia with an obviously weaker player phase but a better enemy phase. She also doesn't look like a potato.

As far as popularity goes, well she was hated long before that, but it certainly didn't help.

Spent about 100 orbs and got two Amelias. Not too unhappy but I'll probably be saving the rest for New Years. Obviously Azura looks cool as a flying dancer, but Takumi being a dagger with 34/34 offenses is intriguing as well.

>lv1 5* caeda

Lv her up you fucking faggot

Stop with the shitty Fates event units and give us Myrrh already.

>-spd + def

yeah... no

>Chrom'd in the free summon
>~50 orbs of nothing
I'll try again but I'll keep my expectations low.

It says 27 but they haven't actually announced the date yet. It's assumed after the current winter banner ends.


fodder her off for armor march on someone better

Fodder that shit and roll Wlissa

>Adult Tiki will never be playable in Warriors
>Not even Nowi will despite her having a cloned moveset makes perfect sense
>But hey here's two more sword users and another Robin clone

I got Gunnthra

-hp +atk

Who should get her blessing in a horse team? HP/RES seems kinda useless for horses.

Real sad she wasn't free, I wanted to roll colorless then save for rolling red on new years. Instead I rolled it all on green and didn't even get her.

I just hope that the red blessing is HP/ATK with flying legend

>No cape
I don't even want her


Is Gunthra going to be free like Fjorm or is she limited to this banner?

I still think there's a chance she might be free when the new chapters come out. Would be a slap in the face to people who roll for her but something I could see ISIS doing since she isn't especially amazing.

>one strand of hair has a snowflake
>other has what looks like fucking feathers
>roses on veil
>large veil doesn't match outfit
>pink hair
Gunnthra's design is all over the place that it looks ugly.

How do you build Amelia? I have an extra distant counter but uh, I don't really want to use it yet.


>That banner
M!CorrinxCamilla confirmed canon

>same banner as Azura
Nah it's MamuixAzura and TakumixCamilla. Takumi and Camilla also got a butler and maid costume in Warriors. Nips ship Takumi and Camilla hard and it's being acknowledge.

The way this artist draws girls just hits all the right spots.


I now have a +atk -res lachesis (with two more of her waiting to be promoted for merges) and a -hp +def Elise

Which one should I use? Feeding the Elise to lachesis for gravity+ so I don't have to spend feathers on a Lissa is getting tempting

Do you think we will have another new years banner with Hinoka and Ryoma? Or are they forever cucked.

so are we just going to get seasonal units every other banner now?
also are we going to get a free Gunnthra?

Yfw they show up on a Valentine's banner

Why are people acting like it's strange that we got a ton of seasonal units during the season where there are a ton of holidays back to back

>>azura is a flying dancer
>wew lad

Can't wait to attach the Guidance skill on her

>1st anniversary banner and Valentines banner within 2 weeks

I'm sick of seasonal banners, we're getting more of them than normal characters. Plus it's all Royal families from Fates or some Awakening characters.

>Did you manage to get Gunnthra?
Yes after 140 orbs
I got an extra Sonya so I'm giving her that mirror strike(?) instead of that -atk garbage.

It's been nearly a year since the game came out and we still don't have 2 main characters

this shit is the biggest scam IS has done so far


>I'm sick of seasonal banners, we're getting more of them than normal characters. Plus it's all Royal families from Fates or some Awakening characters.

There's a survey right now. Go pour your complaints there!


Who is the best candidate for slaying axe+?

>valentines hinoka


Is that banner, with Gunnthra even real?
Because if Gunnthra is part of the new years banner, then that would imply that the new years banner is in fact the next legendary banner. Because Gunnthra's reveal video explicitly stated that the next time she would be available would be the end of January.
So if she is part of the new years banner then it would be assumed that the new years banner is due for the end of January since that was when Gunnthra would next be available.

So isn't this just dataminers messing up?


Looks like the girl from that meme VN that shall not be named

>Start playing this shit last night
>Still no idea what the goal of the game is
Help me understand anons

In the last 7 months we've gotten 6 limited banners. Even when there's no holiday they throw in something like performing arts.

You think they'll ever make a GHB for Veronica

Stop playing gacha

You collect you're favourite fire emblem characters, pimp them out with skills, and make a dream team.

>Still no idea what the goal of the game is
Kill things. Level characters you like. Sometimes there's a plot that happens. That's about it

>hinokafags thinking their character is relevant enough to get onto a seasonal banner

Jakob FCorrin, Nowi, Tharja, and Elise will all get a 3rd version before you get another Hinoka. Oboro, Odin, Severa, Cordellia, Navarre, and Arthur will get a 2nd version before you get another Hinoka. Thracia will have 10 heroes in this game before you get another Hinoka. IS doesn't even remember your favorite royal exists.

Collect units like the other user said, build them up with skills and abilities, then use them to play various modes of miniaturized FE gameplay.

If you need help on units feel free to ask

>ANOTHER BHB rerun coming up
>another Tempest coming up after the current one
>New Years units are all Fateswakening trash

Post more flier comics.

Also which Sigurd should consume the other Sigurds:
+atk -hp
+res -spd
+atk -def
+atk -res

Im thinking +atk -hp looks like the best choice right now.

But why would anyone pay any money for this?