How to make an good Dark Souls 3 Wizard?

How to make an good Dark Souls 3 Wizard?

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Play dark souls 2

I did. And it was fun as an wizard.
So I also want to play as an Wizard in DS3

>putting any points in magic stats

So I need to have 99 Int?
That sounds to high.

I'm thinking of finally replaying 3 to play the DLCs, but the first time I played it I remember hating how all the bosses felt like damage sponges, I used a STR/DEX build with a katana. What build will give a better damage output?

More STR, just enough Dex to equip big weapons.

>an wizard

I played DS3 first with a Scyth.
I love the moveset but hate the damage.

Then I played the game with a Dagger.
This was funny as hell. I was able to kill anything with a stupid dagger.

Now I want to be a badass wizard :D

Poor selection of spells
Poor selection of casting catalysts
Long cast times with fast enemies

Being a spellcaster in DaS3 fucking sucked ass.

I dislike to say Mage.
I don't know why :')

That sounds bad.
Are there any spells that track?
Like Homing Soul Arror (I think it was called that way) in DaS2

Pick pyromancer and soul item as starting. Kill Gundyr. Do skip to get estus shard and silver ring, equip ring, kill the crystal lizard at the start for souls then grab soul item, spam fireball to kill Jap Katana Man, level up faith to 15, attunement to get two slots and vitality to 20. Then rush to Yeol and free cleric lady, then rush to get the tome to get med heal from her.
Set all flasks but 2 two ashen and use med heal instead of estus less you're needing instant heals.
Level up int/faith to 30 and attunement to 40 in whatever order you like, get more pyromancies
Congrats, you broke the game.

Only good sorcerery in single player is the dark damaging ones really and great soul arrow

It doesn't matter if there are spells that track, because fact is, you will get absolutely devastated as a mage in pvp by even the lowliest of shitters. The ability to spam rolls with almost nonexistent recovery time means even the dumbest shitters have a good chance of dodging any and all of your spells while actually good players will dodge them with 100% efficiency. Magic is completely worthless in DS3 pvp and creating setups where your spell will actually hit is literally a fucking art and takes an insane amount of skill with near-zero payoff, don't even bother.

I might try this one.
Thank you.

That sounds depressing.
So one thing less I could do by desing?

Working as intendet I think.

this. the only fun way to do it is to use a straight sword +10 and pretend to be a wizard by setting it on fire with spells

You dump all your points into the MOOOM PULL THE PLUG stat so you can run like the bitch you are.

>Congrats, you broke the game.
Until you get invaded by some flip-flopping bumfuck with and raped without landing a single spell.

Acquire spells

>shitter invades
>greet them in a corridor
>they bow back
>left hand chaos vestiges
>right hand chaos vestiges
>left hand chaos vestiges
>right hand chaos vestiges
>sit on their corpse and toast

sorc is no fun but pyromancy is great

That's funny :') and sad. Very sad.

>the only way a caster can hurt someone in DS3 pvp is by causing anal anguish via disconnects

You'll most likely need to use a guide since many of the good spells aren't buyable.

The biggest problem with wizards is that because of the FP system, it's not about the big spells but about what does the best damage per FP point that makes good spells.

For example, med heal is one of the best helas for FP cost (the miracles that do healing over time are better but take a lot longer). I think at the start, you get 3 med heals per 1 ashen flask and each med heal heals at least as much as a regular estus. They're just a lot slower.

I think the best spells would be: great soul arrow, great chaos fire orb/chaos bed vestiges (pick one only) and great deep soul though the regular deep soul is fine (great souls dregs is better but it's DLC)

Keep in mind that you only need 15 faith to use med heal. If you really want to use sorceries to be a wizard, it's absolutely fine to keep using pyromancies with only 15 faith and go to 60 intelligence for sorceries.

Attack miracles aren't very good unless you have a lot of faith. I recommend just going to 18 faith to get Gnaw. It's insanely powerful against enemies that are weak to bleed

If you want to be pvp viable, keep farron flashsword on you and use a melee weapon that can cast sorcery (Hysel Pick can be obtained pretty early and is one of my favorites) and mox and match R1 attacks with the flashsword and become super unpredictable in melee range. Flashsword and the pick's attacks combo together very smoothly, almost like you were expected to do that. Mix that in with staff flashswords, and people will be afraid to come near you. Each staff has different melee ranges for flash/greatsword spells and the Heretic Staff has the longest, which you can find right before the Crystal Sage.
t. I've mained sorcerer (And separate pyromancer character) since release

Thank for the help :)

Just don't level up int, stupid.

Have you played the game before?
If you haven't, I can give better advice without spoiling you

>psssh it was a hologram kid, cya around

that wasn't what was wrong with what you said

I completely forgot about the FP system. OP, spells drawing from one resource means that casting your utility spells will eat into the amount of offensive spells you can cast, and vise versa. Now, this is fine in Demon's Souls where your MP healing choices are plenty, but in DaS3 you either have to cut into your estus flasks, or mule some Hidden Blessings up. Keep this in mind.

Magic in dark souls 3 was so bad even bloodborne by the end did it better
Bloodborne also did heavy weapons better and tanking was a more viable strategy, and that's just plain sad

Almost every original build, weird builds you create, etc, are ruined in DS3. From decided that Dark Souls it's not a single player game with online components anymore, but instead an Arena Online PVP game, so they started going heavily on "balancing", aka nerfing everything because of whiny losers.

I did played the game. More then once. Including all dlcs.

>not allowed to use any good rings because you have to waste all 4 slots on magic boosting rings
>have to use proper combination of gear, buffs and stats just to do any substantial damage
>DLC enemies have magic resistance up the ass so you better upgrade that broadsword, gaijin:)
>the only way a caster can kill someone in PVP is through lag
god damn casters were really shafted in 3

So no "Yes my spell does 3k damage" invasions anymore?

>bothering to "balance" a game with roll spam god mode and phantom range on fucking everything
laughing my fucking ass off

Okay so you know the wiki here:

I'm talking about PVE only
These sorceries are very nice: great soul arrow, deep/great deep soul
Pyromancies: fireball/fireorb/great chaos fire orb (upgrade as you find them), boulder heave is good and so is black fire orb
For miracles I just use gnaw or Dorhys' gnawing and then med heal usually.

Pic is what I would recommend for when you get to the Abyss Watchers or Crystal Sage. I use a longsword that's why my dex is at 10.

>Tfw Sorcerer in every game in the series (including Bloodborne, it takes a little bit, but eventually you can master being a sorcerer in BB)
>III's sorcery sucked ass.
How did they fuck it up so much?

On my pyromancer, I kept Vestiges and Black Fire Orb on me in case I encountered enemies resistant to fire and also because dark spells scale off of the same stats at fire, so damage is pretty much unaffected. Warmth is super useful but a pain in the add to get, Boulder Heave is good against greatshields but is pretty shitty otherwise, and black serpent is good for catching rolls. (Dorhy's) Gnaw is also amazing, and allowed my pyro to solo Demon Prince in the DLC without needing a respec.

Hackazaki decided to throw out DS2 magic system entirely simply because he's a narcissistic incompetent bitch who can't stand when someone does something better than him. This is the reason he castrated dual wielding as well. In the end, he was completely right, though: you don't need superior gameplay to have your turd hailed as the better game, you just need enough cultists to eat lap your shit up.

Why can't we just spam From so they fix Magic and stuff.

Its quite miserable until you get through the catacombs, then you start getting good shit.

Honestly DaS3 is a miserable slog for the first half unless you're doing a quality build. Everything else gets dogshit for variety.

get good

Dump all your points into int but keep an infused longsword for invaders. There you go.

You just gotta work on your tactics nigga. I got my dex build at high wall lothric PS4 if you want to see. The katana is godlike you just have to approach each situation correctly it has an option for almost every enemy.

S'truth. If you use an enchanted weapon and ignore the boring lame bolt/spear spells it's fun as fuck.

You didn´t break a shit you clueless mongoloid. You forgot like 80% of the bosses, anf 60% of them are like HIGHLY resistant to fire damage.

To the OP, don´t play wizard, it´s shit.

I specified great soul arrow, nigga.
Don't be so dumb, yo

>all that passive circlestrafing
my fucking god thank the lord i dont play this trash anymore
god III's pvp is so terrible

You don't, FromSoft hates pure magic users, using magic without melee isn't viable in any of the games.

you're braindead if you can't do it in DeS and the only time I had to use a melee weapon in das2 was sir alonne
magic in 1 is just boring shite and magic in 3 is straight trash