It's not happening lol
It's not happening lol
Other urls found in this thread:
i-it might
>21st century
It's not happening lol
>by the time Bannerlord releases it will be so outdated that contemporary toasters will be able to run it
>This way TW can make a significantly better looking game without losing half their fanbase
it's genius really
Its a sad day. Devs officialy canceled it and announced a brand new battle royal game. m&b fans commiting suicide everywhere
>by the time it comes out their original fanbase is grown up with kids and careers and no longer have the time to play it
10 years, 40 years, 200 years, tch.. how about I'm doing all of them
They better just release it in early access
Napoleonic Wars 2 when? Or 30 years war
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is coming out soon, so anything's possible user.
it will happen
you're gonna wake up one day and there will be a release date within a week and it will freak everyone out so much the hype train will push everything off page 1 indefinitely
why does mount & blade have one of the nicest communities?
I've rarely ever came across any shitheads. I've always found the player base to be friendly and lighthearted. Especially when play napoleonic wars drunk at 2am after a night out and there's other drunk people just messing about, good times
Except that's right now damnit!
you've never played competitive then
It's plagued by the same autistic screeching faggots that infest total war and grand strategy games
If you want to know why mbg is better than twg and gsg, it's because gsg is full of shitposting faggots, twg is full of clueless newfags, and mbg is a smaller group holding onto the dying general of a GOAT game hoping for an eternal release
Basically newfags and destruction of board/thread culture is why mount and blade community is better than a lot of others here
I think I'm pretty burnt out with vanilla after 100+ hours boys. I still haven't tried starting my own empire though.
Any mods I should check out for a good time? That Japanese one looks pretty neat. I'm thinking of trying that or just starting a new game as a Rhodok fag.
the japanese one fucking hurts my eyes, i wouldnt recommend it. the textures are terrible.
I'd recommend phantasy calradia if you wanna try being a cleric, orc berserker, necromancer, etc though. its buggy but fun
When you say vanilla do you mean vanilla or diplomacy?
I could give you a run down of a few good and popular mods, but if you're playing vanilla over diplomacy you might want to play that instead
Regardless, geko (japmod) is good for hot spear on spear action, guns and a complete lack of shields to make ranged stronk as fuck, and means you must get gud in melee (it's a good mod to practice if you're shit)
1257 is a good mod, it has a large map and some cool systems, I found it very good for playing a landless Merc (which is my favourite stage in the game by far)
You could continue and try and make a kingdom, but it sucks balls imo, I hate being landed though
they probably will since original m&b and warband were both EA
Yeah I imagine they will
Hell we'll have more than 2 factions on release, I get they want this to be their great game but fuck I'd just like to play it at this point, their promos don't do anything for me anymore
I heard that they are pretty much done with Bannerlord, they are just trying to get multiplayer to work the way they want it to work.
Yeah I like the roaming merc stage too, to extend the journey I usually make sure I get enough money to invest in every single place I can.
>still haven't tried starting my own empire though.
the game is completely different once you're managing your own faction
Have you played Persistent World? The best community, god I wish I screencapped some moments of chat on there.
Yeah Merc stage is the best, roaming around as a tourney knigga with your merry band of village raiders and looters, no responsibility to stop some horde of enemies fucking your factions last city (and the one lord that bothered to try defend it) or saving your village being raped by the guys from 500 miles across the map
Still, I'm not sure if I could recommend what mod is best for that playstyle, I did it on 1257 roaming Europe before taking my band on crusade (of which none survived)
/mbg/ has tweaked versions of a lot of mods and links and other useful shit by the way
>good community
maybe like 3 or 4 years ago
as a side question, is the last days of the third age a good mod?
I want to believe
its not easy though.
Most of my 600 hour playtime for Warband were from playing PW and PF. Had the most fun in PW running around as dick thieves with a group of friendly guys.
the devs are fighting off hordes of jews on the daily because once its released you will never need to play another video game ever again
Sir wanna join our Game of Thrones Faction? Wanna join in on our TeamSpeak? youtu.be
>+100 hours
Prophesy of Pendor
>phantasy calradia
which got an update this month!
>accidentally let myself get excited about this game coming soon back early 2017
>early 2017
it was announced in 2012 you lucky faggot
you don't know pain
Yea Its a great Mod along with Mercs. Hope Bannerlord will revive community. Some of my favorite moments was Bohemia Events and Sieges aganist Lorraines.
Was it that long ago? Maybe I have had waves of excitement over the years that have been crushed by long stretches of disappointment
are there still a decent amount of people playing? Haven't played since 2012 but been itching to play it again.
It was alive in summer of 2017, alot are still on GOT factions. At its peak was in 2012-2015. Now theres just Pheonix with 30-90 people on. Mainly European players
i was expecting early access before the end of the year.....
fucking turkroaches
I wouldn't be surprised if it was delayed again
probably one of the best, I'd say. you'll love it especially if you're a lotr fan.
>elf soyboy
fucking faggot, get out
>Implying the mountain blade fanbase is that socially successful
Hah, yeah sure thing.
You're the best
Yes. It's been updated on reg over the past year as well. OP pic is TLD
Latest builds can be got with latest patch here
Or, get it via steam for the latest *tested, stable* release - nightly patches above can include untested releases.
could be worse
yes i know deflecting much bannerlord never
What is the first thing you're going to do in Bannerlord my dudes?
Mod in elves.
Apparently their lead programmer was killed in the coup which is why it's taking so long to finish off.
why would you do that?
>At its peak was in 2012-2015. Now theres just Pheonix with 30-90 people on. Mainly European players
well at least I got to enjoy it during it's peak. I guess I'll check out Pheonix anyways even if I do get a shit ping.
Mount&Blade: Neverlord
Elves are the master race.
To kill them.
>new shitblog this Thursday
Can't wait, fellow warbanders.
Can't wait, day 1 pirate.
Because it's literally the best video game of this century, so far.
If you have M&B classic, 1866 is top-tier. For a change of pace, Star Wars Conquest is pretty fun too, unfortunately that one is always in an incomplete state.
Also as others have said, if you haven't done kingdom management, get Di(ck)plomacy and do a Calradian run as a ruler; Native ruling is pretty tedious but the QoL additions in Diplomacy and offshoots (Dickplomacy is the best one), really step up that process. And don't be a pussy, Dhirim is always best capital for the New Calradic Empire.
Pelinal doesn't understand franchise bounderies
You need to go into the modding community to see the real autistic shit. Someone post the Pendor guy going full Shrek for this user, please.
already happening, faggot
>Kotor 2 got patched before Bannerlord was released.
I lost all hope that day.
Napoleonic Wars at 1am+ EST is mega comfy, all the tryhard no-fun allowed admins are sleeping because they have school tomorrow so you just chill with all the faggot NEETs and some Euros and other timezone fags and just have fun, throwing bants in chat and no pissy ass admin with a stick up his ass to ban you for having fun.
>tfw you will probably die from ass or stomach cancer before it's released
>that guy who made a huge fucking mod with new textures, UI, skyboxes and sounds
>and changed the pirate hat model to a fucking PONY face from MLP
>also some MLP shit with the horses
Fucking why do they do this shit, they can't seperate shit they just toss it all in one giant modpack and leave you with the hard work of breaking it up into only the changes you want like textures and not their autistic pony shit.
>napoleonic wars drunk at 2am
this is a good time for sure
Also it was for Napoleonic wars not the vanilla game forgot to mention
the greatest drum/flute band you ever did hear
turn off my computer and die peacefully from old age
Is Minas Tirith part of the map or just a nice backdrop for a battle?
part of the map brah, it can be sieged
they have loads of the iconic locations as places you can fight
Fucking this
Also western American expansion vs plains Indians.
which mod?
Are any of these total conversion mods playable on a toaster? I am stuck with integrated graphics only for a while.
Is it okay to into elves as long as you smite them after?
I feel like there should be a ruleset to avoid any confusion, other than just saying nohomo etc.
Can't wait to genocide !Rus
Elfs are allowed to live as personnal cumdumpsters and free use sluts.
1. what mod
2. can i play as a dwarf
So in the end... Tiger Knight: Empire War won hahahahahahaha
mbg btfo
>pic related
It's been so long I have burned out of Warband, waited more than 6 months, came back and burned it out again. Multiple times.
Are we here just to suffer?
>tfw so bored of tournaments I just ctrl + alt + f4 them through
I'm not proud of this
>Sup Forums
Nah fuck that
Tournaments are the most bullshit thing ever invented in a video game. Specially at harder difficulty settings.
>spawn with a bow
>other team has lancers on horses
>my entire team suicide even though I order them not to
>always end up running backwards from 6 attacking enemies as I try to defend their incoming blows until sweet death takes me and Harlaus' laughs are all I hear as darkness consume me
Seems like the usual cancer to me
Tried playing it the months in and around the election and people were spamming the usual n-bombs and Sup Forums rhetoric.
So what's taking them so long again?
>going to tournaments in khergit/vaegir areas
War is hell
Thankfully mods either let you use your own equipment or let you actually pick the things you spawn with
In Dickplomacy, you don't get auto-healed after every round so it's a persistence gauntlet too. But worth it as they improve the payouts.