NEW easter egg in SM64 JUST discovered today! How did we miss it??
NEW easter egg in SM64 JUST discovered today! How did we miss it??
L is Real 2019?
Source please?
I don't believe this
source nigger
inb4 thousands of kids claiming they knew about it already as everytime somthing like this happens
here it is guys
tfw i thought op was baiting
tfw it was the games media site
tfw this is the state of 2017
>New easter egg in sm64
What kind of mentally fucked fuck produced this
What the fucking ass, this is something I observed on Sup Forums years ago.
This is all it was. We've known about this for a long time. The king turns into a canonball after you defeat him.
Are nint.oddlers the most autistic breed of manchildren that exist?
thats like old
What did they mean by this?
fuck me why do people go to reddit
Why are comic book reading nerds always so fucking stupid?
nigga that fact gets posted a ton in deepest lore threads
new my ass
you wanna get mad
read this shit
The beginning notes of the overworld theme from smb?
Oh, I reddit
>Photo: Chad_J_Thundercock via Reddit
someone unironically sits there commentating on random shit posts from /r/gaming every day for their entire lives
do they actually make money doing this?
because i dont see them making a name for themselves being this much of a dumb dumb
Friendly reminder that today's the Spic equivalent of April's Fools.
Y'all prolly got innocent'd
That's so obnoxious. The real easter egg is seeing a decayed bomb omb king in the far off corner of the map in a Mario Party 3 stage. Or was it MP1? The stage had a dino theme.
Called it
Stay mad Channers, if you can't prove this existed before leddit found it its now the official discoverer.
>Reddit discovers something new
>Sup Forums tries to take credit
>Chad J Thundercuck
I can't be mad at this.
There was a picture pointing this out that was circulating around 2007.
Based Redditors BTFO virgin alt-right Sup Forums losers. Don't try to take credit for reddits discovery you mad little channers xD
this thred fukn suks
There's this place, called Sup Forums...
That's a stupid explanation. There's probably just a sprite limit the programmers didn't notice that caused the third ball to not load while King Bobomb is loaded. It likely wasn't even an intentional addition.
i dunno miyamoto is autistic enough for it to be real
The real headline: Journalist has nothing to report, pretends something old is new
fucking owned
You want some deep lore?
Sierra = mountain range
Mist/Dew = tiny water droplets
i knew about this 20 years ago
lmao epic for the win!
>This stupid ass shit
>Not the unreachable hangable cloud ceiling
I saw the thing about the extra ball in a gamefaqs FAQ, which I cant find anymore. im the one who made this image. ,its over a year old and I found out. never let anyone else take credit for it
In other reddit easter eggs: The 64 number located in the front of the Nintendo 64 console actually stands for 64 bits which is the amount of bits the console is capable of using.
Koizumi was the modeler
wait until they steal this too
what is a reddit easter egg?
>the virgin Sup Forums memer vs. the chad j thundercock redditor meme stealer
Why did you blur out the Mario hentai?
Why are reddit niggers so rude and angry? Have they not gotten enough loli images today?
I'm not clicking that, I don't want viruses.
It's okay to accept Reddit found something you guys, there's some pretty clever people over there
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. See you around champ.
hows that nigger dick taste
This isn't ironic shitposting. This is AGGRESSIVE shitposting.
Cool it with the racism bro.
fucking nigger
this is fake,right?
Makes me feel better about myself every day knowing I do not use sites like neofag, or leddit.
It’s the cumstain if the internet, didn’t es this really surprise you?
theres literal youtube videos about it you retard
i just wanted to believe the situation wasn't as bad
You know,that would be perfect to insult soyboys
They outnumber us.
How do we make them go back?
What did you expect after luggage lad left us?
You don't.
What do we do then?
Be assimilated or leave
This is what a tryhard bait looks like
You still took it
Tourists assimilate to their surroundings and hosts not the other way around. They’ll learn to love loli and anime whether they like it or not.
i found a new zelda easter egg
This one got me more.
Doesn't matter. They outnumber us and they are our moderators. Anime and Loli posting will be snipped and banned.
You clearly haven't heard of eternal september
I still don't get this
He doesn't become the tower, he was interrupting its progress.
You defeating him allows them to finish.
the right one is a ghost
they can steal my bobomb easter egg, but theyll never take my koopa the quick easter egg
The difference between visiters assimilating or invading is simply in their numbers.
Ghosts can drink potions?