Sand Kingdom

>Sand Kingdom
>Filled with a mixture of Egyption, Mexican, and Mayan culture
>Even features a cowboy outfit
>Everything seems oddly out of place

Was this intentional or are Japs just retarded when it comes to level design?

What did Nintendo mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

What's Egyptian? The inverted pyramid wasn't an Egyptian one I thought it was like a South America one with layers.

They literally put the fucking Squinx in the level

or bad level design?

Don't get me wrong. The game is great fun, but this level is all over the place.

I don't think it matters as much as you think it does.

>shows up on the moon and in a lake as well

The Sphinx is in every level fool

You don’t even know what level design is if you’re complaining about this

>Sand Kingdom
Alright that makes sense. It's the default for dandy areas
Cactuses, Sugarskulls, Ponchos, Sand Dunes, and whatnot. I can see why they included that.
I guess it's because they have pyramids too or something?
>Easter Island

There's a sphynx in the moon and in the forest and other places


It's a bastard desert, someone used that term here yesterday.

Now I really just wish there was a TV Tropes page about it.

>a fictional place having elements from different real life locations is bad level design
is this the fabled power of autism

>lets put X in every level


Don't forget Southwestern

>mexican and mayan
mayas territory includes southern mexico

You clearly haven’t played the game if you fell for that blatant lie (:

>Odyssey has places based on real-life locations, such as how New Donk City is based on New York City, and Tostarena is based on Mexico. But they didn’t actually intend to base them on those areas. Instead, they first created stages with certain gameplay systems and gimmicks they wanted to implement. After this they would give a scenery theme to the stages.

>When people think about desert stages, normally they would make it look Egyptian. However, director Kenta Motokura really likes Mexico, and his trips to the country left a strong impression on him, so he wanted to reflect that in the game. This resulted in Tostarena.

Koizumi also received warm responses from those in America who said New Donk City “looks like New York!” and from fans in Mexico who said, “Thanks for putting our country in the game! Please come to Mexico, you can enjoy Mexican cuisine!”

The Sand Kindgom is mostly Mexican themed, the sphinx creature appears in almost every kingdom so that point is moot

I'm gonna agree that the music has certain Egypt vibes:

>Maya aren't mexican

It's nintendo don't critique you fucking ass retard

Of course it's intentional, you're not some fucking rare genius for noticing the most basic of shits.

Bastard desert?

That is, dare i say it, a badass moniker

Closest thing TV Tropes has is All Deserts Have Cacti.

Mexicans originated from spain

>>Everything seems oddly out of place
you mean the whole game or the console

But they aren't

Yeah OP, its called being FUN.
Its a game for little kids. Nothing is supposed to make sense. He's a chubby little plumber throwing his hat at people, wearing funny costumes, beating up turtle monsters.

They put things in the game that are notable and associated with deserts, so kids can have fun.

Spaniards are from Spain you fuckhead Mexicans are the genetic offspring of both Spaniard and mesoamerican Tribes people.

>MFW being a Euromex mutant.
people mistake me for being white.

>TV Tropes

>it's ok when nintendo does it, you're not allowed to criticize a single aspect of the game be it a valid complaint or not
THE most insecure people.

Show me on this doll where Nintendo touched you

Mexicans are nahuatl shit eaters

>i dun get this imaginaayshuun ting ughhhh
just give us something gray boring shit like cock of doody battlefield 5000 modern warfare