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For what?

Nobody here had anything to do with the creation or uncontrollable success of the game.

should i buy it


Think of it as BotW + The Witcher 3. If that tickles your fancy then get it.

I'd love to get into the Ass Creed series but one thing bothers me: there's never an actual internal locations is there?
I'd prefer a fucking giant ass building to explore inside and not "magical wall climbing" the game.
It's one thing Dishonored did better

>Zelda this year has a more blatant usage of ubisoft towers than the ubisoft tower game
I was shocked when i entered a new region and the map revealed itself instantly.

Sorry for what?

unity and syndicate does, prob origins too idk havent played it. Unity has a lot of that though

Origins and Unity have a lot of internal locations though. If anything, that was the one thing Unity was praised for. This is a screenshot from the actual game by the way.

But I always knew it would be a solid game.

Unity is pretty much what you are looking for.
Dunno the state of the game now but on release the game was so hilariously broken that they just gave the entirety of the planned season pass content for free.

its fixed now

I hated every singe AS since battleflag and I played origins for 50h

Its good because its not an AC game. Just ignore the animus crap

I didn't actually know that. I stopped playing after Brotherhood.
I'll look into Unity, then.

I'm guessing that the one set in England isn't the same with a lot of interiors?

tfw never had a problem with unity bugs at launch, never understood why ppl shat on it. Such a shame really, its one of the best in the series.

syndicate has a few interiors but not near as many as unity, even most random buildings have interiors in unity.

>its good because its not an AC game
Sounds like a bad game.

The combat of Unity is the shittiest among all AC series, the second worst is Origins.

because the game has shit LOD

Hmm, I'll look into Unity.
The combat was terrible from the very first game: counter attack and counter attack over and over

>The combat of Unity is the shittiest among all AC series
What? i was the very first one where it wasn't a qte string in denial.

never experienced this
unity actually got rid of the constant counter-attack shit, fixing free-running and the combat is the 2 things ppl liked about it

perfomance is shit

>i5 4690

>the second worst is Origins.

prob because the drm they have on it is killing that shitty cpu you have

>curent year
>assassins creed
>fun game formula

whats up with wojak being disfigured like that?

recommend me a better one socket 1150

Well combat is even worse in Unity, more clunky and stiff, believe it or not.

Origins changed it to blocking/slashing system like a downgraded version of Soul game which still plays like shit.

>the second worst is Origins.
It is though.

I'm gonna check out Unity.
How outdated is Black Flag if I play Unity first?
Or would I be better off playing Black Flag first?

WOW I think I played dis game before

Why? It's still a forced diversity revisionism horseshit with boring combats, not even has iconic hidden-blade anymore.

>because the game has shit LOD
I played on PS4 and this never happened.
Buy a better CPU faggot

Im actually excited for the museum mode and run around as Julius "death by a thousand cuts" Ceaser

>ppl liked Unity's combat
Absolutely No, otherwise they wouldn't change it in Syndicate, and changed it more drastically again in Origins

>unity combat
>spam smoke grenades and stab everyone while they're choking

Think of botw as Assassin's Creed
Think of Assassin's Creed Origins as Assassin's Creed Syndicate+watered down Dark Souls combat and watered down Witcher 3 side quests.

and this is coming from someone who 100% sync everything in Unity.

how about you just get a not shit motherboard

this pc is from 2014 so... no

>not even has iconic hidden-blade anymore.

>>because the game has shit LOD
>I played on PS4 and this never happened.
Stop lying on the internet
PS4 doesn't even run at fucking native 900p, I played it through and now enjoying it on my toaster which actually can run this badly optimized game and LOD is still shit even on PC, no matter which settings are

Black Flag is unironically far more fun than Unity. It's the last AC game I enjoyed.

those parts were shit in 2014 too lmao

go troll somewhere else

>set pieces are really nice
>good take on ancient egypt being subverted by greek culture
>ends up just being an other ubisoft tower game anyways

More outdated
BF fags going to say that BF is better, but don't listen to those niggers because BF mostly has only combat on ship shit and FOLLOW THE MAN OR SHIP missions
Unity is much better

sure is fun tailing some retard in 80% of the missions, brainless combat, brainless ship combat, and collectibles up the fucking ass. Black flag is severly overrated, this is coming from someone who loved it at launched and recently replayed it

go enjoy your bottlenecked 1080 somewhere else

Replayed all of them last year and only ac1, 2 and unity felt dated.
you should try Rogue before Unity, it's Black Flag 2 but with Ice instead of tropical.

>Think of Assassin's Creed Origins as Assassin's Creed Syndicate+watered down Dark Souls combat and watered down Witcher 3 side quests

you nailed it perfectly. except wouldnt mention ass creed. origins has no verticality. so technically its not an AC game

>Unity is better than Black Flag
Sounds like a unironic False Flag.

I have a key for this, where should I sell it to not get ripped off by a chargeback.

All I want is a copy of rimworld

The only Assassin's Creed I played was the original way back when it came out on 360. What one would be the best for me to get back into the series? Is Brotherhood any good on steam? Is Brotherhood basically Ass 2 and all it's expansions?

>sure is fun

>Black flag is severly overrated
It's not when it first came out, if you really played at launch you'd know.

how the fuck is that bottlenecked

Sounds like you have shit taste

I truly am sorry

The only thing good about Unity is graphic, nothing else.

you really pulling le oldfag card on an AC game? lmao, try replaying it now and see how much you have

does it have that "this game was made by trannies" text right at the start?

I apologize, Assassin's Creed: Origins, that you're a shitty game made by a shitty developer.

alexandria does in parts. but for the most part it is just mud huts and open fields with the occasional sand dune to break it up

maybe its coz i played syndicate b4 this. so i feel the lack of verticality

i cant believe all the hype and high ratings....when this is just another AC game. a shitty one too

syndicate was definately better and no one played it

Whatever you think, nigger

Only Revelations, Unity and Syndicate truly go for the most verticallity focused in the series.
most of the older ac games have areas with basically zero verticallity or are small buildings.
Kingdom, forli, I think Tuscany is a mix of both vertical and flat, 70% of Rome is mostly countryside with the occasional town or annoying unlikable rock, something Origins, all the games in America are barely vertical.
Origins has verticallity and it has its flat areas as well, the city areas and places with tons of climbable rocks, something that would've greatly benefitted ac1 and brotherhood, cause those two have a lot of wasted space with rocks.


>the second worst is Origins
>counter + instakill literally every enemy in the game vs. an actual combat system
i'm not even saying that Origin's combat is good, but holy shit

I liked the combat, probably the best after Origins.

Paris still holds up, shame this beautiful game was wasted on a bad ac.

The high ratings are from how nice the game looks. Thats all game reviewers care about. As long as it looks nice and there's gameplay present, no matter the quality, it'll get good reviews

I like the return to more open assassination missions, as well as the addition of accessible building interiors. Their attempt at large crowds didn't end up working too well, but it was still pretty cool. I also liked the changes to parkour, being able to smoothly parkour up/down a surface. It also put more emphasis back on the assassin, in Assassin's Creed. I don't play these games to be a pirate. I don't want a Witcher 3 knock-off where you level up and fight with glowing weapons. I want to be able to stab some fool and he dies, rather than living with 3/4 his health because hes a higher level enemy. I want social stealth and open assassination missions.

le blow up your cpu to stop piracy game

is it sad that this thread is full of shitposters because they obviously cant play it without a crack?

you get all that in Origins, and as for the HB, just upgrade to max early or cheat and force upgrade it to max right away.
syndicate and unity had level up rpg systems, this isn't a new thing.
Origins also has interiors everywhere.


It's sad that people defend ubishit in the current year

Can you please tell me why Steep is bad for example and why it should be considered as ubishit?

I hate that nobody mentions 3 in the combat argument. It's far from the best of the series and Connor was probably the worst protagonist, but the fast paced combat of 3 was a ton of fun.

i don't think AC has ever done assassination well tbf. they'd do better combining their open-world system with something like Hitman or Thief, rather than Witcher 3. it needs to reward you for being creative and pulling off your assassinations well, rather than mindlessly following a dotted line to your target.

Steep fucking rules, I just wish there wasn't so much DLC

No, your CPU is shit


65fps average @ 1440p ultra settings

4 and Rogue has the same combat, but I agree with you on that one, especially when overall 3 has more weapons and shit
Also I actually like 3, don't give a shit about plot and everything except gameplay and setting. The only thing wrong with 3 is that they shit a bed with missions where you can play them only one way and that this fucking footage is more Unity related than everything else. Damn I'd like to see 3 on Unity or even Origins engine

Unity and Syndicate have some pretty good spread out assassinations

I feel like they made big steps forward with those yet nobody played them

The animations blow any other game in existence out the water. The parkour and climbing animation are seamless and flow perfectly.

you get the hidden blade a few hours in you retard

The climbing and running in unity is so smooth

Syndicate is a step down because you just grapple everywhere like you're batman

Inb4 a faggot mod moves this thread to Sup Forums

Fucking retard

>apologize for WE WUZ KANGZ: THE VIDYA
no, it's shit and so are niggers

fuck off with your i7 meme

>implying you need an i7 for gaming
stop defending shit optimization and shilling unnecessarily expensive cpu's, Chaim

Forking over for 1080 and than cheaping out on processor was bound to get you fucked in the ass.

if using a meme means I get more frames and the most out of my GPU, then I'm a memelord.

as if the i5 4690 is a bad cpu..

I'm pretty sure it's one guy with nothing to do shit posting with these images on Sup Forums.
>inb4 Sup Forums is one person

Play it only if you want to be a pirate. The ship combat is probably the best compared to other modern games.