*makes the original obsolete*

*makes the original obsolete*


How bad could an Ape Escape remake be, if it was made today?
The worst part about On the Loose was its control scheme and Million Monkeys was a spin off, based of a different version of the series, that was mostly japan only.

Insomniac havent made a good game in 20 years

It's okay. Don't care much for the Brit, because I play these games for fun and not social commentary

The original isn't a good game anyway

It may be nostalgia, but the original is still superior in a lot of ways.

I feel for Insomniac, having to misshapen their character into something sterile just to meet the movie quota.

is this worth buying?

It wasn't meant to be a tie-in for a movie, but instead a first game for a noticeable PlayStation series, so of course it's better.

yes, don't listen to
>it's dont 100% like i remember it, so it's bad
its a very good game.

Yes. It's fun.

Agreed. The original still has more meat on its bones compares to the remake.

don't fucking buy it. it's pretty but that's about it. I regret dropping 20 bucks for this shit. You can randomly find better games.

Even the most lackluster Ratchet and Clank games are fun to grind through. Skip the cutscenes or turn off the audio.


It’s my first game in the series, but I really loved it.

but that's 1997

It's cheap as sin so it's fine.
You'd wish the remake game would have a better way of making it's own identity.
Instead of a reimagining of the first game, the movie should've just been ratchet and clank having another adventure.
Then the game could expand properly, but granted the game had a short dev cycle in the first place.
>no arena
Why though.

So, besides Ratchet, which PlayStation series had it worse?

So is there any chance for a new and by new i don't mean remake Ratchet and Clank? Maybe after they finish Spierman?

That's your best bet if they ever do a new Ratchet game again.

Jak by far. Ratchet had it easier in comparison
>devs change their whole approach
>people leave
>handed off to devs who make a shit game
Ratchet at least had good games for 7th gen and devs still make enjoyable entries, even if they're inferior

the original still the superior game.

Have you played some of the PS2 ones? If not, go ahead.

This game is an insult to the original and it only improves on the graphics, this game provides no challenge, the humour is flat and constantly being shoved in your ears and the pacing of the story is a mess.
It's decent brainless action at best, but if you haven't played R&C before you might not notice and it'll just be fine for you.

>Jak was supposed to have a reboot
>ND started on it and realized they changed too much from what they used to be and dropped it
>Outright admitted outsourcing Jak wasn't a very good move in hindsight

Poor Jak.

No, afraid it doesn't, even though I really wish it would've. Just on gunplay alone, RnC1 had a good principal of design in which most weapons served a specific purpose. The flamethrower is for hordes, blaster for straight-up shooters, Visibomb for long-range easy-pickings, decoy for crowd control, etc. The remake not just ditches this gunplay logic, but also forces down the GrummelNet galaxy weapons and brand. I'm a tad bit neutral on remixing certain planets/levels with others and cutting down the pacing a bit, but how the enemies are handled now just feel tedious. Because with the weapon balance above, some of the enemies just get steamrolled into infinity because Ratchet has full third-person shooter controls and mobility. Collecting RYNO schematics is less of a chore than buying the damn gun at least and gives better incentive for world exploration. Too fucking bad the RYNO dealer is some nu-make Slim Cognito, he has too much of a personality for an NPC that just gives you a fucking gun. Also fuck the nu-Galactic Rangers too, I never asked for a bunch of pansy faggots to replace the robot space marine equivalent of the Bad Company cast.

It really wasn't, but a lot of effort and detail was really put into this game that in comparison to this mock-Disney sellout. The gunplay is arguably better and more consistent with the series but it misses out on what was so unique about the first game's combat.

Sale or used copy for under $10 CAD. The story is awful and the game is rather short, like Into the Nexus and Quest for Booty short. The gameplay is rather fun at times but the GrummelNet shilling is actually intrusive at ALL TIMES. The fastest RnC game I manage to 100%, it's almost effortless.

Insomniac probably tried pushing the cinematic angle as Naughty Dog did but everyone spat in their eyes. So they'll probably end RnC here, a shame.

yea but only because the original was so rough, if this was supposed to replace 2 or 3 it wouldn't have even held a candle
plus the story, writing, and acting are the actual hardest parts of the game because they are very difficult to sit through and not want to turn the game off

Isn't there any other series, that had it worse?
MediEvil didn't even get a third game.

Sony knows R&C prints money so you can bet your ass on it. I just hope is a full length game, not 50% like Nexus or 75% like this one.

>inb4 Sly remake

>$10 CAD
of course a fucking leaf has shit taste

You mean 9 years, right?

Why remake it when they could just shoehorn an interim game between 1 and 2.
Or is the animated series now being a retelling of the first game?


I think it's all but confirmed at this point. R&C 2016 made Sony bank even as a budget movie tie-in. It's the fastest/best selling game in the entire series

I thoroughly enjoyed every single Ratchet&Clank game in the franchise though. IN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR GAMES BLOWING STUFF UP IS FUN AND FAST ! What else do you want ? It's also quite challenging if you ALWAYS play on hard difficulty ! There's no way you'd complain about a Ratchet&Clank game.

Nice block posting user.

what's your opinion on the ps3 sly game?
wondering if i should buy it after being 2 and 3

Kinda "meh"

>There's no way you'd complain about a Ratchet&Clank game.
But they just did
Having a name of a series you like, doesn't mean it's always good

Even worse.

You just gonna say that without backing that up? Nice try, Terry.

Wait, what does the right say?

something something we've got some work to do or whatever

Any news on the animated show?

Why does Sony hate their best series?

back what up?

13 games on 4 platforms is pretty good isn't it?

which series you're talking about?

>pic unrelated

They wouldn't remake sly when thieves in time ended on a cliffhanger would they?

I won't be surprised if they did.

If the story wasn't rewritten for no reason and planets weren't cut then I'd agree.

>hurr de durr, i sure am fucking stupid
It was meant to tie into the shitty (probably) movie.

Worth a playthrough but I wouldn't buy it unless it was dirt cheap.

Name another remake that completely obliterates the original outside this Ratchet and Clank and Ocarina of Time 3D


REmake is the obvious Sup Forums pick for good reason.

REmake is the only good full on remake ever, even then you can find good things in the original DS Port That REmake doesn't have.

he was talking about ratchet obviously.

When is the best R&C game being released the ps4?

Fucking no. Fuck off. Only a baby that can't let go of strafing would think that.

Ratchet & Clank

Social commentary? Is there some social justice bullshit shoved in there?



>it's good with friends: the game