What games let you engineer?
What games let you engineer?
Why put the clutch on the driveshaft?
>tfw graduating mechanical engineering in a few months and I have no clue what OPs webm is
Good news for you, a lot of jobs that require an engineering degree don't actually require intelligence/thought
>he's never seen gears shifting
List of them here
Its a gearbox that that turns speed into torque and vice versa.
mia nigro
Recently graduated mechanical engineer here.
I work in sales now and only do MS office stuff all day. The pay is good though.
poly bridge
I know nothing about mechanical engineering and I figured out what it was before the webm was over.
Jesus user
I got my degree in mechanical engineering over 2 years ago and now all I do is copy stuff in Solidworks all day.
H-How did you get jobs after you graduated?
That's the secret, you just get a job before graduating and then just stay there
Intenships and agency work
kerbal space program
>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Opus Magnum
>Robot Arena
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>StarMaden b
Too late for that for me
Apply for jobs even if you don't meet the requirements. Job requirements are what an employer would ideally want, but sometimes they'll settle for anyone who's good enough.
Which one is OP from?
No, job requirements, especially in engineering, are usually so egregious in order to make H1B1 abuse easier.
>H1B1s can only be used if no americans want the job
>make it so no one qualifies for the jobs
>claim no one wants them
>import poojeets
This is fucking stupid