Why didn't you save her?

Why didn't you save her?

You can't save them

I was thinking it would have been great if there was a "Club president" file you could edit that would let you turn off the yandere/root access, so you could actually have a happy ending, but i guess that was too nice for them.

Fuck off stop spoiling the game for everyone you faggot.

>how new
just gone and pirated it by now, you should expect that you'll get spoilers here.

No way fag

You must be 18 years or older to post here.


You niggers don't even check the price or anything before doing your shit? No tact whatsoever?

oh damn

>Thinking something as small as that is a spoiler
You have no fucking idea, do you?
Get off this board until you finish it

am i the only one who started cutting for her

I honestly hope so

She was boring.

But I keep trying and nothing I do can save her

already have best waifu

Yeah after deleting Monika I actually thought that it would let you run through everyone's routes. But I guess that wasn't meta enough.

This, fucking cucks

>shit anime garbage ""game""

>best waifu
Not with those huge paws she isn't.

Because she is ugly and has a superiority comolex

This is how fucking retarded pirates are. They don't even check the prices of the games they are pirating and then try to justify their bullshit in some way like "they don't deserve my money". You should seriously kill yourself.

Take this shit to vg or trash

This game ruined my life.

The thought process was more "I don't want to spend money" more than anything else.

There is always one retard you per thread who has to announce he "pirated" a game that was already free.

Yuri thread?

>big fluffy paws to pin you down with and take your dick with her ass
yes she is

Why would you check the price of something if you`ll just pirate it anyway?

Fucking Monikammmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Because you can't and Natsuki is best girl anyway so i'd save her instead if given the choice.



Cause its free

All the meta hijinks aside, the dating scenes suck, japs are miles ahead

>game making fun of dating VNs

>"dating scenes sucked"

you dont fucking say?


Never date a girl who cuts herself, Sup Forums.

A girl who cuts herself is one step away from cutting you.

fucking niggers


Cutting yourself freaks me the fuck out. Good thing monika is the best girl.


>game breaks the 4th wall as part of the main plot

>heh.. i was only pretending. just as keikaku

I'm so torn between whether I like Act 1 Yuri or Act 2 Natsuki more



>I-I never fall for bait

>I-I was only p-pretending to be r-retarded!

>just gone and pirated it
>it's free


>I-I was m-merely pretending y-you guys, I-I'm not actually r-retarded

>it's been out for three months
>retarded pirate fags still haven't realized the game is free

I did

Why did you post a reaction image about yourself

>I-I'm not r-retarded



When does it make fun of them?

that's not the point of the story though. it's not a romance VN. it's a short science fiction novel about a fictional character who becomes self-aware and commits suicide, and the story is told through the medium of the visual novel that she happens to inhabit. once Monika directly addresses the player, the interesting part of the story is done with. following the logic of the story it couldn't have ended any other way. If you just want a game where you can see Natsuki or Yuri falling in love, then that's fine, but DDLC is not that story, and adding more of those elements would have detracted from its narrative.

i dont think you understand

Foxes a shit

t. Alice

desu i went in expecting ace attorney, and what i got was a oneshot.

idk man my weewee was hardened during the finger sucking scene

>game making fun of dating VNs
At what point?

someone link the dan salvato tweet please?

I was already dead inside

It never does, it's just so bad that people assume it's ironic. The creator went with this explanation after the fact to explain why the story is so dreadfully boring until the big spoopy spoop happens, then it's over in 2 seconds.

The creator said so

If it was really bait you wouldn't feel the need to call it bait. You'd do what any true master baiter does and kick back and watch the magic unfold.

because I get off on my wife suiciding

>once Monika directly addresses the player, the interesting part of the story is done with
there was no interesting part of the story. The only remotely interesting thing is the twist itself and once that happens it's over. The entire thing is like 5 minutes of buildup, some "glitchy screen so real" effects, then the twist itself, then the novel is over. It's like a play with only the 3rd act. I can't fathom why so many people lose their shit over this VN and think it's amazing. Even Katawa Shoujo was better because at least that actually had content.

i don't want to die today

someone give me a reason to live, yuri please!


>Better then anything

This to be honest.

I stopped giving a fuck about any of the girls once I got to the second part of the game

>never played a VN before
>play DDLC because epic memes xD
>omg the twist is so amazing never seen in a VN before although this is my first one
Just ignore OEL"""VN"""" fags

It actually is. DDLC is the equivalent of a short story, it doesn't even qualify as a novel. Except unlike a good short story, it sets itself up as character-focused, meaning halfway through (i.e. 15 minutes in) when the twist happens, you stop giving a fuck about any of the characters, and subsequently about the entire thing. The only way your interest could be held at that point is if you've never played a VN before or if you're a literal underage who thinks putting a BSOD screen as a background in Ren'Py while playing corrupted music is some amazing feat of immersion. It's more like a cringeworthy "creepypasta" than anything.

spoil this shit for me, why is considered so good? I'm never gonna play it. Do the girls break the 4th wall and/or kill themselves?

To add to this, the only remotely interesting thing as I said is the twist, but other games and VNs have done that sort of thing better anyway. There is absolutely nothing of note or worth about this VN except perhaps that it's free and doesn't waste that much of your time. But honestly when I was finished with it, I actually felt as if I got nothing whatsoever out of having "read" it, so on some level it's still a waste of time.

overrated game

because she's not important. Only Monika is. Just Monika.

the girls are dimorphic

best wife

All I'm saying is that It would actually be a much better game if it was a straight VN all the way.
Instead of this pseudo horror shit

>Sayori's name
>ambiguously Japanese setting ("I think we're supposed to be in Japan? I'm not sure")
>lost in translation "Mon-ika" pun

off the top of my head

Stop talking shit about (((Dan's))) Game

The game is about some kids in a book club. All the girls except one have some kind of mental illness or whatever. The character that doesn't is actually self-aware and knows she's in a game. She starts making the other characters' mental problems worse and then deletes them from the game, then deletes the whole game until the entire game just becomes this screen.

The concept of having a VN where one of the girls is self-aware is interesting but it doesn't actually explore that, really. It's in total less than two hours long and you never start giving a shit about any of the characters, meaning the "reveals" don't really have any impact unless you've never read a visual novel with tragic elements or a twist before.

There is of course a large fanbase for this game, which mostly consists of people who fit in that category. The game is free which means even underage without a credit card can acquire it, and people who think paying for a visual novel is beneath them can get it for free. This means it attracts flocks of newfags who have never experienced anything like it before, who praise it even though it's a below average title.

TL;DR it's babby's first VN: Extra Babby edition.

>Wonder if this game has replaced Katawa Shoujo
>Go over to >/vg/
>Katawa Shoujo General General #3395

That’s not counting the multiple times they’ve lost count of their generals and started over.

Too bad she doesn't cut herself because of depression

>4th wall breaking
>girl reveals her depression to you and hangs herself
>graphical/acoustic glitches
>girl goes crazy and stabs herself
>self aware character
>story progression requires you to go into the game files and delete something
Most people never experienced anything like that in a game. Combine it with how many youtubers/twitch streamers played it and it's no wonder why it got this much attention.

i cant tho

What the fuck is up with these people?

>there's an antiquity period of Katawa Shoujo generals
Oh man.

The entire game?
>japanese names and characters but clearly Western poetry styles
>generic no-face no-name no-personality MC that everyone falls for for literally no reason
>choice of routes don't include one main character for no reason
>generic "pick who you want to hang out with" options every day
>heroines personalities boil down to childhood friend, introvert, extrovert
>forced to replay game to attempt other routes
Like, it's too generic to be unintentional. I'm pretty sure Monika even has lines commenting on some of these.


But the art style is shit compared to DDLC

how does a general function after 3000+ threads, especially about a game with no gameplay

music's 100x better