Why the fuck are most female characters in this game such gigantic mary sues? They even feel out of place

Why the fuck are most female characters in this game such gigantic mary sues? They even feel out of place.

Male characters all look like badass elite operators while female characters look like tumblr fantic mary sues. To be fair Ash looks fine and fits in but the rest is fucking stupid.

Yeah the dev team wen't full female and the game is kinda sucking. Hopefully someone at Ubi sees and stops it before its into the trash

>le epic dyed hair overpowered poland stronk womyn
>le ultra high iq hacker that looks like some cosplayer whore

This needs to stop now

Most of the original female operators are fine, the newer ones are cheesy anime mary sues and now there is a huge power creep. This isn’t about hating female characters.

Waifu bait for the Overwatch demographic.
R6S had much different models before Overwatch released.
Now they're adding a subtle cartoony-ness to the game in attempt to gain that market, as well as adding the mentioned waifu bait like Ela and Dokkabei.

R6S isn't the only mainstream FPS doing so either.
I've noticed Counter Strike doing it with their newer models added to the game. Just look at the new dust2 Terrorist models and how cartoony they are.

What did they do to twitch, they turned her into a fuckdoll, she looked like a grizzled soldier before now she looks like she was produced in china



Ela and Dokkaebi are CUTE

Zofia is bullshit and ugly

>concept art vs ingame, last pic low res and aliased as fuck

wow u sure showed us

Rainbow Six had female operators since the first game in 1998, even though real special forces don't let women in, so this series has been sjw from beginning

ding dong you're wrong

Why the fuck are they adding Morocco? If they’re adding obscure special forces groups they should add some competent counter-terrorist force like the Portuguese GOE.

Why are the frogs so hell bent on sucking Moroccan cock?

U dont mention the new uniform for like Blackbeard having a huge top hat and mute with his little hat and shit. Obviously they are trying to reach some kind of people.

>cutest OPs are """"""garbage"""""""

fuck off castlemain

They don’t even fit in the art style of the game.

also le Comrade communism pack

It’s optional for you to pay lots of money to ubishaft to look like a dickhole ingame.

Twitch is cute.

Quick rundown of korean mary sue:

>le high iq hacckerrgurl
>Is a slim woman but somehow has no recoil while firing a fucking battlerifle
>lmao hacks all cameras
>lmao hacks all phones

Yeah, it's clear they want that "quirky gamer" demographic.

>mary sue
>could beat your ass into submission and fuck it

Stay mad Castle main

>those tats

Wow such a stronk womyn

Couldn’t they make female characters look like they aren’t trying so hard?

You can buy them with ingame money you retarded dicksucker

have you read her bio?

Grace, named for the incomparable actress Grace Kelly, always broke expectations, even when it meant she stuck out somehow. She scavenged or bought spare components to build her own computers. She played soccer with the neighborhood boys and got into fights with them, but it was her sharp tongue that landed her in trouble with her teachers. She looked and acted like a troublemaker, so they tried to force her to conform to expectations. To survive, Grace learned to soften her image, to better play with and manipulate preconceptions; she bought fake glasses and adopted the geek girl persona.

Grace's skills earned a National Scholarship at KAIST (Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), but after graduating decided to join the Army. Her athleticism and daring paid off, and she was assigned to the ROK Army Special Warfare Command before earning a spot in the 9th Special Forces Brigade known as the Ghosts. Despite her unorthodox behavior within the highly disciplined ROK army, she gained notice for her exemplary tech skills and for being highly adaptable to situations. After Grace participated in joint training with Detachment K Green Berets, the American instructors encouraged her to try out with the 707th Special Mission Battalion: White Tigers.

The White Tigers were a better fit for her skills, but Grace inadvertently butted heads with Major General Kuh, an old guard soldier with political ties all the way up to the Blue House, who followed orders to the letter and expected unflinching loyalty from his subordinates. Kuh made life difficult for Grace, preventing her from exploiting her full potential.

Grace heard about Rainbow during training exercises with the S.A.S., and it sounded like the opportunity she had been seeking... the chance to contribute through her strengths. She knew that Major General Kuh would never put her on the list, so she did what she always did and thought outside of the box.


I don’t main niggers.

While I agree that the tread is right about the whole stronk womyn in muh games, I think the difference in look is attributed to retards. Think about it, most people with a brain can figure out who is who. Now when you have a game that attracts a ton of people, they go out of their way to make each character stand out so that way you can easily recognize who they are. I mean, bruh, they have some asian nigga running around in cargo shorts and some dumb ass spic with jizz protector goggles on his head.

>strong women
>trying to hard
>make them look like they aren't trying hard
>have people like op
just face it you guys don't like women in your manly vidya games, we get it.


Now Dokkaebi is a member of Rainbow much to the surprise of Major General Kuh, who is not happy about it. He wants her drummed out of the White Tigers, but Dokkaebi could not be happier. She is among men and women who reward asymmetrical thinking even though she knows she now has a target on her back. More so, she is sure the other ROK operator, Chul Kyung Hwa, is spying on her. She needs to work twice as hard, but Grace feels twice as motivated now.

Psychological Profile
Grace plays with expectation because she wants people to underestimate her, but it is different with Rainbow. Before she knew how to control the situation and was never afraid of failure until the stakes became this critical. Rainbow Six was her most daring stunt and she knows she's alienated herself from the Korean military; any slip up and this point will see her drummed out of the military entirely, and this has added pressure to perform, improve, and succeed.


Who wrote this shit

female characters in special forces or serious terrorist groups are an absurd concept. you only accept the older instances of this shit because you were a kid then. it was always out of place. you just realized that SJWs were already a thing in the 90s and you can never unknow it.

They want every demographic, and like most people who work hard to actually create things, they don't care if the minority of spitefully self-aware low-iq men don't like it. You guys buy and play the shit anyway, usually keeping your opinions to yourself.

Siege's Bios, and anyone who actually takes the time to read them, are fucking retarded.

Already in the game. You would know if you played the game

They want the demographics with low self esteem that will buy these low effort cosmetics in order to stand out in attempt to be unique.

Everyone who plays video games unprofessionally has low self-esteem.

recruit is the most powersdge opretaror

>frostfags want to fuck this

Is this worth getting on ps4?

The thing is with Siege, the original Operator roster's women weren't in the team because of their raw tacticool ability, but rather their technical skills like Twitch's drone, IQ's detection device etc etc. On top of that they belonged to Police/Gendarmerie CTUs which are at least most likely to have women in the ranks due to how things work in the Civillian sector (searching women etc etc).
As that image shows, originally Twitch looked like a man due to the uniform and armour she has on which is very nice if you think about it. Only IQ would look feminine since the GSG9 are wearing plain clothes while the GIGN are properly kitted out for a mission. Then one day they fucked up her Balaclava texture in the third picture and instead of simply fixing it, they completely redid her model (resulting in all the GIGN needing the same work done to have it matching) giving her lipstick and painted nails and a more feminine appearance, just to promote the "waifuism" as others are calling it to sucker in more players.

The funny part is, it works. At a push Valkyrie was an Olympic hopeful before going into the Navy and has a plausible backstory of getting in Navy Seals. Her specialty being intelligence gathering (as per her being an Intelligence Officer) makes it a pretty good character. She wasn't even very good looking as well. Then when the Polish GROM came out that kind of philosophy of making female character came to an end. They instead became the best of the best rather than bringing a unique skill to the team of which they were recruited for.

If Rainbow just wanted outright killers they have an endless pool from the SAS, Spetsnaz etc etc. And on average a woman won't preform to that standard which is why I like how the majority of the women (some fail the mark however) have a really cool little gadget or some technical skill that helps.

I don't mind, the porn of the game is getting good.

It's pretty much the same as ps4 but everybody has bad aim.
So sure

I only like best girl (male)

If it's your only option, yes

>Not smoke

Yes, the vanilla ops are still good so don't worry about grinding for dlc ops, it runs well even on old desktops though.

>same as ps4
I meant pc

who jamming their meridian here

Don't a fuck ton of the weapons and gadgets in this game violate well established ethical warfare treaties?

2 filters are also better than one

>women in special forces
not even real life sweden is that retarded
why are you playing dumb sjw shit?

gotta fight terror with terror

>ethical warfare
Nice meme

2 smg's are better than 1

You're right. Model recognition is a thing and Ubisoft has to factor that in when creating these different operators.
That said, they can make models that differ from each team without resorting to making the operators look like a Seattle dwelling hipster bitch who's a barista when not on duty.

It's not a violation if no one gets to tell about it.

I like Mutes bio though, he's just a really fucking smart dude that doesn't like to talk and prefers fucking around with tech.

Damn too bad about this game. It seemed like it was fucking cool, guess not anymore?

>bullies vigil
rude af desu

koreans have extremely sociopathic tendencies. Dokkaebi uses a fake personality to better get her way, read her bio

It's still a good game, in fact, the cosmetic for blackbeard actually makes him a bigger target since the hat sticks out over cover whereas no other headgear for him does that.

The other headgears look fine and the Jager "lifeguard" uniform just makes him easier to spot and kill.

It's obvious that they made their autistic intern write the bios of the three new characters.
What is puzzling is how nobody checked his work afterwards and just tossed it into the game.

Can you please take IQ out of that bin? I think she has been misplaced.

>Thratcher was born in 1961
I'm surprised he doesn't pull a hip or something every time he crouches


Makes sense that he's old as fuck and hates technology.


Unfortunately war laws don't apply to police

It's just a couple of dumb cosmetics you'll hardly ever see in game anyway because they're fucking ugly. The ops generally look great and there are a lot of good cosmetics..

Is it really legal for Canadian special forces to use beartraps on people they perceive as terrorists?

Why is Jagers helmet reflecting a parking lot and a field when they're on the inside of a plane? Immersion immediately ruined.

Because there's basically no real life reference for female operators. The designs that are in the game are inspired by other media portrayals and not real life, hence the over-exaggeration and cartoony nature of their personalities and backstories.

I like how simple the old Bio's were. Like they told you what you needed to know in as few words as possible. Like Rook is obsessive about trust and is impulsive, IQ is talented but is easily obsessed, and Ash has a giant ego but for good reason.

Thermite ran a professional drywalling company.

Even smoke still makes sense because the defenders are technically roleplaying as terrorists.

They're on a platform jutting out of the plane and looking down on a runway that's reflected in the visor, it makes perfect sense.

>They are adding morocco before they actually add the proven best team in the entire nato for some reason
What kind of bulshittery is this?

They've made a lot of terrible changes to the game recently but out of all of them, this stupid fucking design is the reason I don't even play anymore.

Bulletproof shorts are a real thing.

I don't hate his design but I do think that the guy handling poison needles probably shouldn't be wearing shorts.

Well since in reality there are no female operators, they had to make shit up as they went.


Bulletproof anything is a real thing, what's your point?

>hating on the broest op's realistic outfit
Autistic people find the weirdest things to sperg about.

You probably won't kill him if you shoot at his tactical shorts.

>green haired anime shit

What the fuck is this

These dudes are neither SDU, or actually assaulting anything. Fun fact, Lesion's design is actually based off a TOY that has nothing to do with actual SDU operators.

If it makes you feel better she's easy to headshot

>easy to headshot
>when people complain she has a similar hitbox to Ash

You know the Defenders are basically larping as terrorists right? Its why the have so many gadgets like that which are fucked up traps.

>Jewbisoft CEO relaxing in his mansion, iddly flipping shekels into the pool
>Sees his fat son play R6S
>Wait, don't we own this?
>OY VEY what's with all the white characters??!?
>Call up R6S lead designer
>But sir, they don't really have any proven specia..

Speaking of which, I haven't played in a while because I honestly can't stand the game after the last couple updates, but did they ever fix headshots not registering at certain angles?

Lesion doesn't assault anything either. Even 'RL operators' can wear shorts, stop being an autist about leg clothing.

Are these two lovers outside of the battlefield?

user,neither the portuguese or the roaches are white.

>showing 2 filters in public

>could beat your ass into submission and fuck it

They're in the desert. In a FOB. Literally what are you even trying to prove?