The memes have gone too far, they're affecting reality
The memes have gone too far, they're affecting reality
I warned you idiots about memeing it up too hard
Seriously, just look at what happened with baneposting.
Soy based Nintendo products. Oh, I'm laffin.'
>Nintendo Soytch
I'm more concerned about OP not having adblock enabled look at that shit
This is the power of meme magic
I'm not sure it works that way.
fuck me Jung was right about everything
>goyim escaping the petroleum jew
oy vey
I know this is new for Sonýggers but you're not supposed to fellate your console or controllers.
Stop posting this unfunny forced meme.
Damn, the soy is just entering through the hands as they play their garbage anime trash.
The memes have gone too far.
Any side effects to this? I mean will they fall apart easily later in life or something like that.
No if anything they should feel pretty sturdy after they feminize your hands over time.
the soy gets sucked through the pores of your skin
It's neither forced nor unfunny
I don't even understand the whole soy thing. The idea that it helps produce estrogen isn't even true.
RIP Nintendium
You people put way too much emphasis on this shit. According to you faggots, if you ate one ounce of tofu ever, you'd turn into a flaming faggot immediately.
They do that with g*rmans cars and the wires get eat by rats and every not made out of metal slowly turn into thin air.
I still can't believe Sup Forums crashed a plane with no survivors
>eating tofu
Too late, you're already a faggot
Nintendium died 10 years ago
I agree
You usually need special bacteria, the decomposition only happens in special decomposition plants and takes 3-6 months compared to the several hundred years petroleum plastic needs to decompose.
I think it's possible to just throw biodegradable plastics "into the wild" and they will also decompose dependent on the soil's composition of bacteria.
And made a porno
Sup Forums doesn't know that most farm animals in the world are eating soy 24/7.
Nintenbros, everyone.
This is the world you chose
yeah it is
Plant based plastics have been around longer than Sup Forums's stupid memes.
It's about damn time they start becoming used more.
Isn't this a good thing?
>"""nintendium""" was just soy all along
This can't be real.
>No one notices the real title on the right and that OP just made an obvious shop
Id be concerned about its longevity.
so funny we really got those fucking numales
fuck blacks!!
The well went dry after the release of the 3DS.
>even had it highlighted
Calm down, gynosaur.
>Hating the free market
Spotted the leftist soyboy cuckunist.
Except it is.
And of course it's a phoneposter.
There is one gaming company that is literally called soy, but with an extra letter thrown in. Meme magic can retroactively change the realm we live in.
sh-shut up
Too bad this entire board agreed that nintendo is the soy console of choice. Maybe next time tendie.
settle down soyface
>these types
>average to above average appearance
>well dressed
>groomed facial hair
>pleasant house and Christmas decorations
>expensive lenses and frames
>is happy
>can afford what he wants
No wonder robots hate Nintendo so much. Fucking aspies and their waifu weeb rpgs.
>gaming company
>sonigers are still upset that Nintendo made the first good console since the PS2
>Fucking aspies and their waifu weeb rpgs.
>trying to combat the status quo
Good luck soyboys
What a faggot. Is there a single adult today that doesn't act like an eight year old?
Sup Forums is literally brown skinned 17 year olds getting triggered that white nu-males get laid more than them.
they'll find any excuse to try and ridicule these beta males but at the end of the day it's the nu-males that have the money and pussy while they have nothing.
Are you SURE about that user. Or perhaps the timeline of history is being altered by the meme's themselves.
t. soylent
>Nintendo is for Soyboys
>PS4 is for niggers and spics
What a tough choice.
Well yeah, the meme magic retroactively altered reality to turn a multinational tech giant into a gaming company all because their name was literally soy.
>being so mad you had to dig up a 4 year old picture
go home faggots
Considering half of the 'soy' posters in this thread, no.
>brown skinned
I can very much assure you that they're mosrly white boys that let society grab them by the balls. Maybe they should stop whining and start doing something.
>feminize hands
im ok with this my hands are anything but smooth. I want herking off to feel better
All male adults act like eight year old when with friends or not in the work place. Your shut-in super serious lifestyle isn't the norm
It's literally the second picture of google when searching "PS4 owner"
Soyny soystation. Has a good ring to it.
>fuck blacks
what does that have to do with anything? neofag spotted
>Sup Forums
holy fuck you're so fucking new
most of them are literal niggers and mutts
Reminder that its not just the switch, its nintendo as a whole
More like Soy-Right
Nice proyection
Most of them are mixed mutts, that's why the Amerimutt meme is clicking so well. Somebody should mix the Amerimutt meme with the Sonïgger meme.
you dont get these gains by eating soy
soynyggers btfo
That is some horrible font rendering
Soyboy is a completely normie term. I heard a host use it on a podcast, and they know nothing of Sup Forums. Their producer regularly visits reddit though. They joke about him wasting time on reddit while at work. And they're all in with the soyboy and cuck shtick.
I love when someone makes fun of amerimutts and the Sup Forumstards get fucking pissed. You can always tell it's a Sup Forumstard because he'll immediately start crying about Europe.
Hell I'm an American and I think the meme is funny as shit.
Why do they make console bio degradable? They did the same to discs too.
But seriously, why are they all limp wristed wide mouthed fags?
Im not surprised that nin-toddlers are literal soyboys.
And you aren't?
Get the fuck out soyboy
So, the sources didn't lie, their nintendium supplies ran out with WiiU.
Lol yeah real Chad right there with the balding and playing with toys
>literally admitting PS4 is an old outdatred console
>and still outselling nintendos brand new flagship console
That must hurt
it is
but ironically it's far more powerful than the nintendo soytch
Because they'll always be the ones posting this shit on their social media. It's the same with iPhones, everyone and their grandma bought that shitty phone but only women and hipsters will broadcast this information thinking they're unique or hip for doing the exact same thing everyone is doing. Right now the Switch is the new hip thing to have.
They recognize how pathetic their appearance is so they try to make a stupid face to try making people laugh or being accepted by others.