How big is Frank's package, Sup Forums?
How big is Frank's package, Sup Forums?
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Why was 4 so bad? Everyone just says it's shit but never why and the heroes pack looks tempting as fuck.
>never why
Selective memory at it's worst.
>First two minutes are showcasing walking into furniture
I fail to see the logic here.
something that was implemented in 2006 as mildly impressive should be standard practice for any game like this now. This is why vidya is so shit now.
Did an intern design this sleeve? The cover is fucking horrendous.
Above all else has far less care and attention to detail than the original DR (seen here ) which is mindbogglingly shit.
Psychopaths are replaced with randomly generated wacky encounters.
Survivors just vanish when saved.
It also removes the time limit and blunders a lot of mechanics in general.
Does a lot of retreading of old stuff just so the game devs can insist that they are going back to their roots.
Ruins Frank by I think changing his face and voice and personality.
Why don't you play it and find out?
Zombies can't grab you anymore? Wow lol. Was that also removed prior in 3? never played it.
The game feels like a parody of Dead Rising rather than an actual Dead Rising game. They removed all the things that made the first 2 games unique, the time limit is gone, inventory management is gone and almost all side missions are reduced to random encounters that don't really mean anything. The game also feels unpolished and under developed. The enemy ai is wonky (some human enemies just stand around while you beat their friends to death). The game removes the ability to hard save instead relying on seemingly random checkpoints and autosaves to record progress which gives the game a weird schizophrenic feel where you never know where your going to spawn after death or when you turn the game back on. There are less weapons in general and the game relies to much on zany combo weapons instead of random shit you find in the environment. Also removing the timer and most side missions gives the player no real reason to poke around the environment, there are collectables and costumes but that's about it. The game just feels like another zombie sand box instead of a structured Dead Rising game, there are things I like about the game like making combo weapons anywhere and the zombies being much more aggressive and hitting harder than in the previous games but that being said the bad outweighs the good. In terms of zombie sandboxes you could do much worse and if you enjoyed 3 or have no real connection to the series you would probably enjoy it on some levels, but overall the series deserves better.
Man I forgot how kino the first DR was.
is dead rising 3 even worth the 8 bucks on sale right now?
Dead Rising 3 was fun. The overpowered stuff can be grinded pretty consistently but I really enjoyed it. Especially for 8 bucks.
alright, its been one of those games I have had on the back of my mind for awhile now so since I just got demoted to NEET for awhile I was looking for something to fill in the wageslave void until the next one comes up. thanks user
Enjoy. Mowing down hordes of zombies is fun.
Can you take survivors out of the safe rooms to help you?
the entire game screams "intern" to me
It certainly wasn't big enought to please the DR fanbase!
I still want to run Joe Nichols over with my car...
haha! like his peanus weanus! his weanus peanus!
did you know that in the pre-release versions of dead rising whenever otis called you, you didn't have to old the walkie talkie
what the fuck was capcom thinking with removing that
The coop in 2 makes it better than 1. You DO have friends, right user?
3 only dropped the ball in a few areas. Otherwise those three are all about even. So are the spinoffs. 4 is just fuckcum.