Risk of Rain, HOST WHEN Edition
Risk of Rain
Who's the most fun class and why is it loader?
You guys ever go back and play ror with no artifacts? I'm tryin it right now, it feels so odd, but it's still kinda fun
Get in here lads
I see ror threads often. What kind of game is this? I wonder if I should buy it?
Bought the game recently. How do I git gud?
Objective: Survive
But is it fun?!?
it's fun enough to have threads almost every day for years, if that's any sign.
it's very fun, aside from when you die and have to watch a slow carry
We got gup'd to death
Open again
I played in the past and it seemed very boring and clunky to me, even with a couple of buddies that all reached the same conclusion I did. Is there a secret sauce we missed?
Did you have artifacts?
the right artifacts speeds the game up quite a bit, and makes it so killing enemies directly rewards you instead of having to waffle around the map for chests.
Yes, you gave up before the fun started. Also secret sauce: artifacts
>Did you have artifacts?
No? Yes? How do I tell? What the fuck are they?
Artifacts are in level, findable items that allow for generally fundamental changes to how the game plays. they look like purple outlined, dark colored objects. sometimes you can see them in a level. you usually have to do something special to unlock them. Or just download a 100% save file, which might be better if you find the game bland at it's vanilla state.
it might not make the game more fun for you, but if you want to give the game another go, it's worth trying. reccomended artifacts are glass (you have lower hp but do more damage), sacrifice (enemies drop items directly), and spite (enemies drop FUNBALLS when they die) the others are up to you. spirit is buggy as shit in multiplayer so don't use it.
Artifacts are special unlocks that spawn in predetermined locations on certain maps (check the wiki). Once gathered, you will be able to enable them before the start of the game (at character select). The artifacts all modify gameplay to be more fun/challenging.
The one you want is called Glass: it makes you do 500% damage, but have 90% less health. Glass makes games faster, makes your abilities feel more impactful, and makes enemies more threatening. I would also recommend Honor and Spite, which turns enemies into elite versions who explode on death, respectively. These two add to the challenge of the game, and are Sup Forums standards.
Lastly, you'll want Command and Sacrifice. Command allows you to pick what items you want rather than getting random drops, and Sacrifice makes enemies occasionally drop items so you don't have to buy them from chests. The game's fun comes from building up your item build and becoming a godlike killing machine, so these two are important.
I recommend getting Command and Glass first; this will take you a while so you can familiarize yourself with the gameplay. Or if you don't want to wait, just edit the save file like I did - you can look on the wiki for how to do that
probably soon
>walk into a level
>7 wurms
There's a lot to be said for not using command, especially if you're new to the game. It's fun to discover new items and their effects naturally. I'd recommend just glass for a new player, and then glass and spite once they're comfortable with the game but still figuring it out.
That is true, actually. It's sad that about 80% of the items in the game stop seeing use once you have Command.
Anything open?
the general formula is
if you are doing honor (with glass/sac/spite), then you should use command.
otherwise, keep command off.
What does "cc?" even mean?
clover count
I wish there was a version of the cover art without the title and developer names, it looks cool as shit
coobie ghost pls
Alright and what's the goal in this case? Everyone having the same number of clover?
>guy who quit was on a rope
combined total of 8
How do you get 2.5 zoom? I recall reading something about that in the last thread.
Alright thanks.
8 frist green should always be clover because each give 8% more chance for an elite to drop a chest. so more clover = more items faster
4% my b
Find RoR's files on your computer. There should be a "Prefs.ini". You can open it up in a text editor. Scroll down to [Video Options], and set "scale=2.5".
Shouldn't 2.5 be too close to the screen?
Yeah its too small for my taste. I prefer 1x for the maximum gameplay advantage, but I can see why some people want to appreciate the aesthetics. 1.5x is also a possibility.
Damn, nice
I certainly feel the sting of the clock much more in vanilla...
And drones are honestly the way to go with most chars
My pleasure, and thanks for the (you) my dude
The only must have artifact for me is glass
Thats not Commando
>bulwark of the weak
>when he couldnt defend shit
risk of crash when returning to lobby
I'm sure on this week none has touched Providence.
Open, feel free to join
I one shot provy a few days ago tho
open when
nigga plz
Two hosts at the same time?
We're breaking records here, lads
Which one do I join?
well one have 8 people in game and the other idk, your pick
nobody has joined mine D; atleast try to join to see if it works
It's not letting me join bro
>4 people crash in the lobby all at once
oh because nobody joined i ended up joining the popular server sorry if you want i can open it again just tell me
I havent even done anything yet
Very nice. Is there a guide about the best items to prioritize on 40 min runs?
>implying every run isn't at least 40 minutes if you don't wipe
Thanks, user.
Open noobs welcome since i dont have so much artifacts D;
Did you close it again?
Do i gotta forward ports to join anons
Is it open?
Reminder that if you play with command, you are a filthy casual.
Sniper and handy-j.
Fite me.
Idol, go to sleep
As tough as it is, play like a little bitch and pray you get health and crit items. Drones are a must have as well.
No just to host
Host never.
were doing 1 last wurm map then we are going to provy
final now
>he's not in his final form anymore.
Thanks for hostan
all me until final
dumb 2hu poster
Dumb baka poster
dumb metnid
last open
well crash on return to lobby again. anyway good night my nigs, ggs
thanks for hosting
Is there a lobby still running?