It's like Game Freak stopped caring with Gen 6

It's like Game Freak stopped caring with Gen 6

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back to your containment board


>It's like
Not only is it like, they did. The transition to the 3DS for this game series was awful.

5th gen was the worst in the series by far.


>It's like Game Freak stopped caring with Gen 6
They stopped caring with Gen 2.

I agree. In before a wave of Black defenders.

I'm genuinely curious, what was it about 5th gen you didn't like? The fact it was only new pokemon before the elite four? To me it felt like a novelty. It was like playing red version again; everything was new. On the competitive side almost ever evolutionary line in 5th gen is at least decent, and several are still great today (the genies). Fifth gen was also the last gen to give us a robust post game that included plenty of new areas to explore. I guess I just don't understand what was it about 5th gen that so many people don't like, and how it makes these same people thing a bare bones game like XY was an improvement.

Dumb Kalosperm.

Well that explains why I thought MMX seemed stretchy in Pokken, it actually was. Feels like it's only used for like two animations though.

This is the truth. You can see even on /vp/ that hoennbabies have matured and realized gen 3 was bad. But now we've got people who grew up on gen 5 shit just getting old enough to reach the keyboard now spewing their garbage love for the absolute worst gen.



Nah, that's bullshit. After the disappointment that was XY I went back and played BW/ and B2/W2 for the first time. They were better in just about every single way.

Don't play a meme format. VGC had weather, but it wasn't so over the top dominating that you had to run weather or lose to it.

It's like Game Freak stopped caring with Gen 3


Thats kind of the point with Mega Mewtwo X

They literally built him as a Dhalsim

Are you really unironically using the "it's supposed to be shit" argument?

This. In doubles or battle spot singles you dont encounter this nearly as often. Only in smogon where everyone follows the same cookie cutter sets and live by a stale meta do you see this boring shit happening.

The only intelligent ban in all of gen 5 from smogon was baton pass, and even that's debatable.


>All these dumb genwunners who didn't even play anything past Gen2 and think they're allowed to have an opinion on it

>he doesn't like dhalsim

ft5 me right now

obviously a one piece reference

5th gen was the closest to 1st, seeing as there were nothing but new Pokemon.

>The people with the good sense to stop playing the exact same game over and over again are less qualified to have opinions about video games than the autismos who swallow the stuff Gamefreak has been shoveling year after year.

Yes actually.


his animation in pokémon stadium stretched his limbs when he used megapunch and megakick


what's so bad about this?

Maybe it's time you stop playing toddlers games

People who didn't play the game have literally no right to form an opinion on it. Even worse, I bet these fuckers haven't actually seen anything past these games except the trailers.
>hurr durr same shit
It's a good concept, no reason to change it. By your logic over 90% of vidya is "the same shit". Why even play shooters when it's all the same? Why play MOBA's? Why play MMORPG's? All the same shit lmao


>Yes, the mentally ill are more qualified to tell normal people what is and isn't appealing to normal people.
That's like saying I should listen to the film recommendations of someone who's watched children's TV for decades.


>tfw I really liked 5th gen
>no more robot shenanigans like 4th gen
>new designs seem interesting and original like gen one and two but they have their own consistent throughline flavor, like gen 3
>gen 6 was pretty good too but I liked exploring New York a little more
>gen 7 has a mix of good designs but the islands and story layout kind of bug me, some designs are straight up digimon

>Implying anyone here is normal
>Implying how much a game appeals to normies is an indicator of quality


gen 1-6 is shit, gen 7 is where its at. they made best girl lunala in that one and i want her to impregnate me

is this the train of thought of an actual retard


>plays a game
>hates it
>makes a thread on Sup Forums shitposting about how much he hates it instead of just stop playing
Are you a woman by any chance?
A lot of woman play Pokémon

For those weird enough to still be watching the show, is Ash still surprised when x is weak against y?

>Playing gen 5 OU
UU was the most fun tier to play
It also had alot of my fav pokemon like Nidoking, Heracross and Darmanitan.

5th was actually the peak

user, you don't understand. It's using its psychic powers to dislocate its shoulder and punch further while numbing the pain.

This. Unovabortions are infinitely worse than Hoennbabbies ever were especially since they don't get called out anywhere near as often.

No matter how much the word autistic is thrown around on this board, you surely don't believe most of us are mentally ill in a clinical sense. Learn to read, mate.

It's actually the best by far


I think Gen 7 is completely garbage but there is nothing wrong with that pic

>user accuses someone who literally just said he doesn't play Pokemon of being a woman, using the fact that women play Pokemon as proof.
At least call me a faggot or something.

>It's like nintendo stopped caring with gen 6
Fixed. It prints money for them.
Do me a favor. Visit every weeb thread and redirect them to Sup Forums.

Why try when you don't have to? Pokemon sells because it's Pokemon. They have literally zero relevant competition.

You don't have to be mentally ill to be not normal user.

Nice try roastie, you will never be a faggot, go menstruate somewhere else.

Have you noticed that nobody ITT has actually described what their problem is with Mewtwo having stretchy limbs?

Every Gen since 5 has been a bad attempt at a soft reboot.

*gen 5

>expecting any less out of retards who think all pokemon discussion is banned from Sup Forums

The only thing I disliked about 5th gen was the starters.

This, worst starter pool. Gen 6 is a close second, but at least it has Greninja


I respect you shit opinion

I think Chesnaught's pretty cool


I think the same, X &Y were decent games but very cautious with what they where doing since they were the first 3d games and they were marketed for a much wider audience.
The 3d enviroment was decent but the characters, animations and models were terrible, what's worse is that they didn't improve over the years, i'm sure they planned the models to be rehashed from here on onwards.

>ANYTHING worse than Hoennbabs
Look Gen 5 is middling tier over all and Unovafags are currently the hot new annoying pieces of shit I agree, but let's not say anything we're going to regret later on down the road.

zoom punch

Imagine being that retarded. Gen 4 and 3 have literally straight up better remakes of 1 and 2 and are therefore automatically better than them. Atleast you're somewhat right with the rest.

the 3DS literally runs like shit because it can't handle how detailed the Pokemon models are

Fuck you.

t. Hoennbabby

Hoenbabbs are so terrible because they are Gamecube babbs too.

Worst Nintendo fanbase (for the worst console).

Nah fuck you.
t. Sinnohfetus

while I am a unovafag i know i will never convince everyone to agree Gen 5 was the best but no amount of genwunners and hoenbabbies will make me change my mind about Gen 5

>First Mega Evolutions (super forms)
>Then Z-Moves
>Now the anime cast are a Sentai team employed by Lusamine to capture Ultra Beasts

Chesnaught would be cooler if its shiny colours were the default ones, and if it wasn't hot garbage in battle. Although the latter impression may have been influenced by me picking a half-Fighting starter in the games that introduced Fairy type.

Ash has never done this.

>caring about mcdonalds toys children game tier after gen 1

this shit is getting stupid

Some models were dumbed down to make them easier to render, but then there was shit like moltres and archeops were in double battles the 3ds shitted itself.
In S/M got a little better by making the enviroment bigger and made the characters not a bootleg version of funkos, but also シ


would Sup Forums like if this was a pokemon

Bulletproof Chesnaught is actually decent, it just can't keep up with Greninja due to Protean

Ohnoman would make a better Pokemon.


>just a headless guy with scythes
>better than a spider with a man's head as the abdomen

Mega Mewtwo X, Mewtwo mega evolves into a form that vastly increases the physical aptitude of his body making him psychic/fighting type.
This is different from Mega Mewtwo Y where the body is made weaker to accelerate psychic power.

Basic Japanese transformation shit desu senpai.

>stopped caring in gen 6
>yet gen 6 has the best pokemon design yet


>Watching the anime

>Lillie will never put her arm around you as she falls asleep on top on you

Ash is a lucky guy

>putting in this much effort to hunt down some somewhat stronger than normal animals
>having a ride Garchomp, Flygon, Metang, and Dragonair when the game gives you Charizard only for flying

Gen 3 and 5 were the best by far dude

Shit, is the SuMo anime actually worth watching?

Wait Garchomp can fly now?

Was the EcWh anime worth watching?

>Don't play a meme format.
>suggest VirGC