Should I get this game if I’m not into weebshit and don’t watch japcartoons?

Should I get this game if I’m not into weebshit and don’t watch japcartoons?
Basically, is it fun if you’re a normal, well-adjusted Westerner?

Bumping because I would also like to know as a new Switch owner

It's pretty anime.

Its an RPG. If you like RPG's you'll like it. If your library consists primarily of games like dark souls, battlefield, etc. you wont.

what games have you guys enjoyed on the switch?

The gameplay is great and there is plenty of quests to do but the story and writing contains a lot of anime tropes. If you are not at least okay with anime related themes, you probably will not like it enough.

>normal, well-adjusted
>on Sup Forums
I don't think so, kiddo.

>Should I get this game if I’m not into weebshit and don’t watch japcartoons?
No? It's as shounen anime as you can get. All of their games are, including Xenoblade Chronicles. This comes from a huge anime fan.

it’s cool but it’s very very anime, and it feels like a jrpg
if you’re open to that sure otherwise don’t bother

I’m married, own my own house, have a career and an actual social life. I just love video games and you idiots make me laugh sometimes and aren’t jerking yourselves off about what a great community you are like some websites, so I’m here

it's one of those games where you should never play in public unless you want otherwise to make fun of you behind your back.

>Dark Souls
>Not weeb shit

>I’m married
Cuck spotted. Get the fuck out, degenerate.

Very Sup Forums, I love it!!

She is my favorite anime trope

>still caring what other people think of you
could you be more beta

Well since you're normal and well-adjusted (AKA boring), I don't think you'll be able to get the full value out of it. It's worth a try but you'll probably be out of your comfort zone, which normies don't like being out of.

Sure, just don't take it too seriously

i have my switch sitting right next to me during downtime at my work with this game popped in but here i am instead of playing it. This place is a fucking curse.

Well I've never even heard of this "Otherwise" person, so I'm not afraid of his gossip.

everyone cares what people think of themselves, retard. you pretend tough guys are the worst.

I’m not really into anime. I haven’t watched one in a few years, and while I do watch japanese films from time to time, they’re live action dramas.

I really liked Xenoblade 2, because the menu grinding and optimizing and battle system were all really fun for me.

I’m not bothered by anime, and it doesn’t make me uncomfortable in the slightest. I also liked the character designs. If those things bother you, then you might want to pass. Also, it doesn’t have the best resolution or textures.

Honestly I’d say if you’re on the fence maybe don’t get it. I really really liked it, but it’s not for everyone.

Honestly no.
The character designs and audio mixing are terrible.
I still LOVED the game because I was able to look past its issues, but you'll have to have a high tolerance for stupid shit to enjoy this.

>normal and well-adjusted (AKA boring)
Man, nerds are so bitter.

I'm normally not one to be this way because I think english dubs for the most part are fine in a lot of japanese things, but holy fuck if you want to actually try and enjoy this game you have to play it in japanese. One major key to voice acting is watching the scene you are dubbing over to get a understanding of what emotion you should be giving off. Apparently not though, because there are countless times when crazy ass anime battles are happening and it sounds like the characters are talking about how nice the weather is with their grandma. The tone is not there at all. There is ONE dude who's voice acting is spot fucking on, and I think everyone knows which Australian man I'm talking about. It's a train wreck. Who ever was the voice director for this game was for the dub needs to be fired asap

>everyone cares what people think of themselves
yeah if you're in high school or an ugly chick

>What are the seven different audio sliders for?

>beep boop muh 401k muh backyard BBQ

I don't speak normie, sorry.

Possibly, its probably best enjoyed if you haven't burned yourself out on jrps. It's a gorgeous game and lots of fun, it doesn't have random encounters and the pacing of the game is really well done so you never feel like you're grinding fo experience all that much.

Watch a couple vids of gameplay and see its the kind of thing which might appeal to you.

Normalfags need to fuck off.

If this isn't bait, I don't know why you think liking anime and being personally successful are mutually exclusive.

I'm sure you met adults who feel the same way about any videogames.

It's something you could give to normies and they won't immediately think it's Japanese

I tried it but it just isn't for me
If you aren't into JRPGS or the cliche anime tropes, this one won't win you over either

Nothing wrong with either of those, man.

Despite what people say, a lot of the more egregious anime cliches are played for gags that are there and gone fairly quickly.

Otherwise, the writing is pretty decent. It doesn't insult the player's intelligence and it doesn't get up its own ass about its world's mechanics because they're pretty straightforward.

As long as you understand that it's a light-hearted JRPG with an optimistic tone with bright colors and are okay with that, you'll have a good time.

Just be aware that the overworld/combat voice acting gets repetitive. I don't mind it and find it kind of amusing because I grew up with JRPG's, but with others I can see "THINK YOU CAN TAKE ME?" getting kind of grating.

I recommend you watch a few gameplay videos (without commentary if possible) before you make your decision.

I never said they were, it was someone else that implied well adjusted people weren’t on Sup Forums

It is really fun but the Xeno games are all basically ANIME the JRPG

That would be Tales. If Xeno was full blown anime it would have a a bigger following in Japan.

The Pyra figure is still preordering very well. It'll get the following it deserves one day.

Yeah, fun as fuck.

Only anime I've watched are miyazaki movies and death note.

Great game.

Xenoblade is always very self-aware when it's being ANIME, stuff like Tales is genuinely anime. Compare XC1's deliberately overdesigned final boss to this guy.

It's a very good RPG

m8s does combat get any faster? Im only like 12 hours in and fucking hell do some enemies take a long time

Yeah you get tons of tools to nuke enemies into the ground

Early on you should be cancelling auto attacks by moving as you hit, so that you charge your driver arts faster.

>"Flora heals an aching soul!"

And god have mercy if you play Tora and collect items. "Meh memeh memeh.
Mememememememememememememememeh. Memeh.


Dark Souls is normie -tier.


You're on Sup Forums, you're not a well-adjusted anything you sad faggot.