Name a better rpg series than this. I'll give you guys a hint you can't...

Name a better rpg series than this. I'll give you guys a hint you can't.. Also if you can I will play it and tell you you're a dingus for beign wrong.

Dragon Quest.
Suikoden 3 and 4 sucked. Tactics and the PSP one were also bad.

Suikoden was my favorite RPG series. But only the first three games. The creator left after Suikoden III and it is really noticeable. The following games were only Suikoden in name and having runes. But they lacked the solid writing, characters and inter-connected story the previous games had. Suikoden IV and V are meaningless self-contained prequels and the DS/PSP games are abominations.

So given this, I can say Dragon Quest is a better series. Since its main creator is still working on it after 30 years and it has maintained its quality. But Suikoden I-III are still my favorite JRPGs.

Also, fuck Konami.

4 is actually my favorite Suikoden. I also really enjoy Fire Emblem. I beat that one DQ with that fat australian retard. I think it was like DQ25 or some shit. It wasn't that great of a game. Any other tips?

Breath of Fire

Bro, you remember in Suikoden 4 when those faggots were rolling up on your Islaand and you just blast the mother fuckers with your death rune? I remember doing this shit when I was like 15 and thought it was bitching. It's honestly one of my biggest gaming memories. I have no idea why I enjoyed it so much.

3 was alright, but lack of budget really shows. Fact you have to retread the same locations three times really hammered the point home. It didn't help that, well, entire game was basically irrelevant and just a small border skirmish.

>4 is actually my favorite Suikoden

I don't know how anyone can like S4. Series regular high encounter rate is pushed to the extreme AND you're stuck with a goddamn ship instead of regular overworld.

>Liked the in game art for Suikoden 1-2
>Always wanted to get into the game
>Just couldn't fucking do it

By the time you can recruit characters you like, the ones you've been using since the start are so massively over leveled that it doesn't even matter.

100 something recruitable characters, or whatever? You'll use like 5 in every game. It's sad.

Suikoden 3 really should've been a traditional story structure instead of the whole "multiple POVs that converge". I guess they really did expect to have a bigger production at some point before it was downscaled.

>dat feel when story about the original Flame Champion and Fire Bringers basically reads like a missing Suikoden game

I think it's because it was my first one. But I really enjoyed it.

It's a decent game, but that FUCKING prologue. Jesus Christ. It makes the game unreplayable for me.

I played it like a year ago again and the prologue was bad. To top it off towards the end of it my pc crashed and I hadn't saved in an hour and a half. I didn't pick it back up again but I've been thinking about it lately.

nigga, you can level up characters in like 2-3 fights at the end. grinding for experience is not a problem in suikoden and never was. it's really money if you don't want to do mini games but want to keep EVERYONE equipped up to date.

>really want to play through suikoden V
>still cant get over all those fucking load times

even playing through emulation doesnt help.

>I beat that one DQ with that fat australian retard.
SquareEnix has really fucked up the series with their localizations.

The multiple characters is fine. Suikoden III should have just stayed 2D, using the excellent engine from Suikoden II. Then they could have spent the majority of game development on polishing the story. Instead, Konami forced them to make a 3D game on the budget of a 2D Castlevania game. Then tried to make Suikoden compete with Tales and Final Fantasy. It's little wonder why the series creator left.

All the characters in Suikoden level scale to your hero. You recruit a Level 10 character and your hero is level 40? Go out into the field, fight 10 random battles and suddenly that level 10 character is level 38.

Dragon Quest is awful. Fuck, I'd take Final Fantasy over Dragon Quest any day.

saga frontier always felt so mysterious.
saga frontier 2 has half best boy (gustave xiii) and half kinda trash with wil's story.

I'd take Digimon World games over Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Those games are both dog shit.

If we can't get Suiko back, at least have a JRPG with HQ upgrading concept and a big cast with a small group of main characters. The other members of the cast can be built upon sidequests or dialogues/lores. I'm begging for moooore.

Cool opinion bro.

It took me too long to realize Futch in S3 assumes Humphrey's stance.

Suikoden is never coming back. Konami would rather see it die than drop their pride and make money from it. What really should happen is they just sell the rights to the series to an anime studio and let them make an anime out of it. The game already was basically watching an anime with some random fights in between. The original creator could then come back and finish the Harmonia story like he planned. As well as having a more detailed retelling of Suikoden I-III in anime form.

Bad prologue and bad late game. Basically the only interesting part is in the middle when you're recruiting characters and visiting towns. The minute you get to the beavers and the mary sue strategist, it falls apart again.

Radiata Stories has the "recruiting character" angle nailed down.

Have you ever played Suikoden Tierkreis?I just found out about it today but it's on ds. Any good if you have played it?

It's....okay I guess? Pretty average JRPG. But since it has the Suikoden name attached, it has much higher expectations. And it doesn't meet them. So basically the same as Suikoden IV and V.

Grandia, Suikoden, and Tactics Ogre are my top JRPG series. It'd be hard for me to really rank any one series better than the others, because they do different things. SaGa has looked interesting as well, but I've honestly not played enough to call it out as one of the best.

Although if we're talking about RPGs in general, then the later Wizardry titles and Ultima 4-7 are arguably better. Wizardry in general was great at giving you a lot of options and leaving it up to you to figure out what you are doing, while Ultima had a great running story and world through those titles.

>No more Nash and Sierra adventures

best family
