It's over bros. Our dream is dead, just like Iwata

It's over bros. Our dream is dead, just like Iwata.



>not playing in handheld mode
He was asking for it.

>Using a Wii U Controller

>implying the Switch doesnt have a future that is even brighter than its sunny past

It already surpassed the Wii U and managed to have the best line up for a console launch and it didnt even end yet

Whatever little thing your crying about now is a minority Sony Jabrony


Again this thread?

Mommy comics thread?

>two 97's
>Metroid and Bayonetta coming
Nah bro it's just beginning. It's over for Sonyfags though, all they have is Shitsona 5.

Nintenbros will never come back from this one.

This entire joke from the beginning where it started up until now shamelessly gave me an anal vore fetish

Holy shit Sup Forums


I can deal with a lot of things, but watching this site die in front of my own eyes has been one of the most painful things. 2011 wasn't even good or anything but it is still Sup Forums.

>implying that it was ever anything but total shit

Dude sounds like he came from reddit himself, just a couple years earlier

>making /lit/ sound good

Lol no, they were always horse shit

...why? Mario+Zelda+Xenoblade has been a killer combo this year, and next year with Bayonetta+Fire Emblem+Metroid will be good as well. Maybe that's not quite enough to be constantly playing your Switch, but that's an impressive line of top quality exclusives.

maybe if you're soyboy, manchild, weeb

>Visit /lit/ for some book discussion
>No girlfriend threads
>Politics and religion threads
>Usual circlejerk of the "top" books

Don't kid yourself user, the PS4 continues to be the weeb machine

What happened? I'm lost

But the real question is have you read Women and Men?

>Don't kid yourself user, the PS4 continues to be the weeb machine
>implying true weebs don't have a sony and a nintendo console....

I read "jimmy the frog" and that was the begging of my vore fetish user, it just happens.

Stop... no more.... enough

Fuck, I thought we finally had a chance, but I guess it really is over for us...

Christ my sides