What went oh so right?
What went oh so right?
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no ps4 release
I'm open to an open world zelda, I just think it can be done better than this.
Any style of Zelda is open to improvements, but I hope they keep the game play style from BoTW for future games. The ability to have an impeccable range of transportation is what really made the game fun, even with a mostly empty world.
It took all of Monolith's talent, so none was left for XBC2. If this hadn't happened XBC2 would be the game everyone praises. Fucking THIEVES.
>What went oh so right?
It anally ravaged Sup Forums without so much as a courtesy lick.
Skyrim had more content, fact.
Also a plus they both run better on PC.
>Skyrim had more content, fact.
Wow. It must be better based on that metric.
this was the icing on the cake
See, this user gets it.
Zelda breath of the contentless was bland, boring and empty that the pile of shit skyrim is was better since it at least had content.
game would be purrfect if weapons did not break. who the hell had the idea that pausing the game midfight to choose a new weapon would be a good idea?
S-shut up user breaking weapons is a feature! you fucking tasteless sony pony!
The game was obviously designed to use the Wii U to access weapons without pausing. When the order from senior management came to make the game on Switch too, that feature was dropped but the game was probably too far along in development to fundamentally change the mechanic.
who cant forget all fun while pausing midfight to take a break and think about which weapon could be used next...
i played it on wiiu you fuckwit... still had to pause
Im surprised by how many people on here defend weapon breaking. It makes all weapons meaningless to you because theyll just be gone soon enough. Id rather have the ability to carry like only 2 or 3 weapons and get to keep and upgrade them, then half the loot you get from the game wouldnt be worthless and finding new weapons would be as exciting as armor
technically nothing since Morrowind and Gothic did Zelda better than zelda in 2002
You're the fuckwit, as he likely meant the gamepad screen was originally supposed to harbor touch menu features, like the map was.
keep the climbing and paraglider, maybe add more ways of traversal, but get rid of stamina, I understand why it is in BotW but it is just an unfun feature, same with weapon degradation
>defend weapon breaking
I don't defend it, it is a crappy mechanic but I understand why it was in this game and why it is nedded for the game.
if we had permanant weapons, we would never have an incentive to explore to find new weapons.
A better way imo would have had the equal amount of weapons, wbut no degrading, then specific loot that you need to upgrade the weapons with doted around the world, that way you get the weapons, and can throw them away/pick new ones up, but the ones you want to keep you have to explore and find a way to improve them.
Side quests for master weaponsmiths would have been good too.
>tfw people also want pokemon switch to be open world and drop to its current battle system.
gameplay is good
the camera is good
the inventory is good
lots to do, lots to see
charismatic and not sensational
altogether great experience for all ages
you morally degraded fuckhole it is still not in the wii u version so whatever was "meant" to be it is of no importance as one of the main mechanics of the game is to pause the action and choose the next weapon.
certainly not the "dungeons"....
Nothing, its an open world game designed by people that never made one and refused to look at what the competition did.
BOTW is basically baby's first open world, the amount of mis-steps and dumb shit it does is stuff most open world devs stopped doing ages ago. If this had been just some random open world game without the zelda name attached it would have been torn to shreds.
Leaving your shitty bait asides.
I think there's some aspects that could have been greatly explored, but alas were left half assed.
For example: The temperature system, i wish that it was dynamic according to actual weather conditions vs clothing.
It's just pants on retarded to be wearing the climbing set in the middle of a downpour in a swampy region and not have Link's body heat drop, but then I walk into a mountain area and the temp just drops. Also wearing the full rito set doesn't make you suffocate in the desert or the volcano.
Whats even worse, weather itself is meaningless as soon as you get the armor for it, and even the armor is meaningless because just 2 pieces of the set are enough to withstand the highest/lowest extreme temps in the game
It's not a masterpiece by any means, but most of its flaws are fixable. It gives me a spark of hope for the franchise after over a decade of mediocre schlock.
Hopefully they make the right choices in the sequel, rather than doubling down on everything awful and fixing nothing until they run into an evolutionary dead end, like they did last time.
>name fag
>4chen gold pass
>"It's all around a good game for ALL AGES!"
The state of ninten yearolds
shut the fuck up and stick spoon in your bussy
>BOTW is basically baby's first open world
I love it when desperate salty retrards post this nonsense.
BotW actually treats players with more respect and intelligence than most of its peers and is ultimately far more sophisticated in its design than any other open world game. It makes similar titles look simplistic and infantile by comparison. No amount denial tantrums and crying will make this any less true.
>I hope they keep the game play style from BoTW for future games
>simpler combat than OoT
I really wish they had a combat school like in Minish cap/TP
There are literally a total of 7 melee normal attacks in the game, 10 if you count the jump attacks
I dunno, I'll find out tomorrow.
Weapon durability encourages the player to develop new strategies for defeating enemies instead of relying on the same ones throughout the game. Unless the weapon variety is very low, I don't see why this is a bad thing.
I feel like all the other comparisons with open world games are weird. This game may as well be a different genre from, say, GTA. People act as if BotW is far superior to every other open world, but its not like I would want GTA to be more like BotW.
I tried playing this on master mode and the start was just absolutely terrible. Why make mobs regen health when your fucking weapon breaks after 1 hit? This is legit impossible. I can only fucking run from shit.
its boring!
If that's boring, then what do you think is better?
That is some top tier b8
Good luck trying to argue against it.
I know better than to argue with retards.
>about the same amount of dungeons as previous Zelda games, but these will be vastly bigger in scope and will be totally different from each other. Some dungeons are so big they’re broken up in 3 parts and will literally take hours to complete
>I hope they keep the game play style from BoTW for future games
>simpler combat than OoT
How much of a deluded faggot do you have to be to believe BOTW was "simpler" combat than OoT?
>BOTW is basically baby's first open world
Wow what an absolute bed wetter...
that was kakkoii as shit
Nothing, I've been playing for hours and it's fucking nothing
It redefined expectations for 3D open world games.
On the plus side, Sup Forums will be eternally assblasted about it. 10 months of denial and rage which has been simply joyful to watch. Here's to another year of salt.
>Not a single guardian ally in the whole game
Makes me mad, and also sad.
Copying Ubishit and adding some interactivity ;^)
It hardly did anything right other than the environment design. Characters, soundtrack, gameplay, weapons, and objectives were all mediocre. I've never been so disappointed in a nintendo game until now.
Why is it that every time a screenshot of this game is posted it's always an empty grassy field with the exact same 1 or 2 enemy types?
There's more to this right?
The starting area in the great plateau is literally 90% of the game's content only copy pasted to an entire map.
No such screenshot has ever been posted. Pretty weak attempt at a shitpost to tell you the truth.
Thats some desperate bullshit. You must be really mad about this game, right?
>What went oh so right?
Nintendo schooled the industry on how to do open world games right.
>schooled the industry on how to do open world games right.
>so you basically do the same thing and add many collectibles lmao and then THEN you're actually add some interactivity and physics. Woah, right!? Just woah
They gave you a set of physics-based tools at the beginning of the game and then set you loose in the world to do as you please. You're genuinely free to explore as you wish and can do the game in almost any order and the physics based tools make traveling and solving puzzles enjoyable, especially when you use creative solutions like surfing tree trunks that you used stasis on.
T-thanks n-nintendo
Subtle hint that collectathons are shit.
Literally a meta joke you fucking brainlet
but for some reason nintendo keeps adding them to their games.
>average nintenbaby
>heres your plate of shit sir
>please take my wallet
There it fucking was, thank you user. Although it's not confirmed source from the developers, it's still a shitty sad state of affairs.
>so you basically do the same thing and add many collectibles lmao and then THEN you're actually add some interactivity and physics. Woah, right!? Just woah
No you do things like making a game where the player is left to adventure in a world completely without the arbitrary and archiac restrictions and funneling normally associated with the genre.
Then you make you make actual exploring of the world fun and engaging.
Then you have intricately connected systems of environment, climate and weather - giving the world an unprecedented tangibility in the genre which encourages the player to feed off this information and adapt how they navigate the world as the play.
Then you hive the player an insane amount of agency to let them fashion their own solutions and let them play how THEY want to play on their terms. Nothing feels binary.
>o-other games did all that too!
You cannot name a single one. Cry yourself to sleep.
Have you tried getting gud?