How come for the staggering amount of shit XB2 gets away with, XBX was censored like no tomorrow and ruined?
How come for the staggering amount of shit XB2 gets away with, XBX was censored like no tomorrow and ruined?
cause their tits weren't big enough, fag
NoE vs NoA
small tits means you are underage for muricucks
they really are that dumb
because outside of japan majority of people prefer their women look older than 10 years old.
Pedos BTFO
>censored like no tomorrow and ruined
It's just a breast slider and differents outfits for that disgusting potato face, I wouldn't say it's "ruined".
Yes it sucks but it's way less of a problem than others games like Project Zero or Tokyo Mirage Session.
Not underage, but small tits in a bikini seems kind of pointless
all they did was remove breast sliders and change a bikini for a 13 years old girl.
if you want to see real censorship then check out fire emblem, they redid cutscenes and removed actual gameplay features.
Switch is aiming for a older audience, not just family and kids.
You take that back you motherfucker.
this. white women look 30 at 16.
Fire Emblem has worse problems than this, doesn't it? Something about a shitty writer in the dev teamk that doesn't give a shit about FE outside of fanfic tier shipping, IIRC.
>censored like no tomorrow and ruined?
Wrong Wii U game you're thinking of.
>XBX was censored like no tomorrow and ruined?
But it wasn't?
t. XCX owner
>b-but 10 years old
breast slider, fundanshi and other outfits
they had a different demographic in mind back then. thankfully we are past that phase.
>breast slider removed
I still don't understand the reason for removing that. Even if you altered your character with xcxgecko the max breast size wasn't even that big, so it seems like a waste of time on their part.
NOA's localization team is full of butthurt feminists.
I really do hope they're scared of losing their jobs after XC2's stellar reception.
All the girls in the game including Linlee use the same base model, so this isn't a valid argument.
is she an alien?
nah, switch is region free so when a game gets launched it has to be the same for all regions. during 3ds/wii u games were region locked so each region decides which is best.
Is she supposed to look like an ayy? I can never tell with Xenoblade
Yes. In Mira humans could also be considered as aliens.
Boobies are icky.
No one cares because everyone can play XCX uncensored with undub on their wii u.
Both were pretty heavily localized. You'd think you were playing a different game when you read XC2 subs vs hearing the voice acting.
If a game doesn't have 13 year olds in bikinis I don't buy it, simple as that.
But Lin WAS underage. Did you even play the game?
Just to piss people off I guess. Also the damn bunny outfits were pointlessly an endgame grind and you could only even craft 1 or 2 pieces at time because 99 item cap.
Is there also a way for fix the vocals in the soundtrack or is that just fucked regardless?
again, treehouse is fucking garbage.
technically you can replace the music files in the game but it's a huge headache
So there's a chance. Has anyone tried it?
not that I know of, but you're more than welcome to be the first person to do so. game files are all on wii u usb helper
It was so you couldn't make a character that looked exactly like Lin. They weren't worried about them being too big.
Might be worth checking out in the future yeah.
Breast fags genocide when
Tall girls with flat chests are the cutest
Imagine being ashamed of your penis
>the game was ruined because I couldn't see a little girl in a bikini
Okay Shad, go back to degenerate hole.
Wasn´t XC2 localized by NOE and not NOA?
It also removed outfits
Anybody tried this game on cemu yet? Downloaded all the files for it yesterday but only got to the main menu screen before going to sleep.
>tfw I did just this but for cemu last night
Shouldn't be too hard for wii u with loadiine, I believe.
That's not the issue though. It's not about what a character is wearing but rather it's about corporations deciding what certain part of the world is allowed to see while another part isn't.
It's perfectly normal to stand up to censorship even for retarded reason like a low resolution, badly rendered, ugly waifu.
Why do people think this is an argument?
teach me how, sempai. I want glorious half-nude Lin on my tv.
Sakura girl makes my wiener twitch
Sakuradog die
Oh no you didn't
>he doesn't have a twitter account anymore
So either he lost his job or Nintendo's ninjas have silenced him.
Oomuro genocide, the best day of my life
are you gay?
>It's just a breast slider
>It's just Lyn
>It's just ____
Yo, shut the fuck up already. Do some fucking research and stop parroting the same shit that morons say in every thread.
I hope you enjoyed grinding for some white boxer shorts. If you even played the game.
>wanting everyone to be a dfcfag
That would just make the world boring.
Mobygames tells me he's been in Breath of the Wild's, Hey! Pikmin's and Mario Party The Top 100's credits this year so no, he's still at Nintendo, they evidently just gave him a kick in the nuts.
It was censored for the good of all you Puritans out there in the new world
>XBX was censored like no tomorrow
You fucking hyperbolic faggot.
>b-but they even changed religious symbolism!!!
Yeah, and they changed Titan names from 7 sins to random names
Funny how badly the Old World triggered them afterwards.
>Yeah, and they changed Titan names from 7 sins to random names
They're names referring to the seven deadly sins in various languages, but yeah.
Elma > Lin anyway.
what a ponce.
>breast slider
I normally dont care about censorship but this is absolutely retarded
Why remove that?
It makes zero sense
Not even feminists would care about it
a game censored in any capacity is ruined. to imply otherwise is to make a severe understatement. direct yourself to the nearest noose.
2 got away with it because they changed the localization process and NoJ has more say now since all versions are made to be the same. Also people need to stop pretending that NoE is any better than NoA because they are not. Did you forget that ridiculous amount of pointless name changing and the removal of religious references in 2? These were the same fucks that also censored a M rated game, Fatal Frame 5.
Go masturbate somewhere else
This. Thank fuck NoE got the series back. No censorship and a dual audio option. Not too big on the name changes, but I'll take it. Imagining what NoA would've done with rare blades and the hotspring scene makes my skin crawl.
Does the game works properly on cemu? I thought only botw really worked for now
Because Nintendo learned their lesson from fucking up X.
Drink cow milk
framerate seems fine now, but from what I heard the audio is fucked at times and there's random texture flickering.
>people think Nintendo of America localized X
It was done by 8-4. who also did FE: Awakening and FE Echoes: Shadows over Valentia. Notice how FE Fates isn't one of the games they did.
>hotspring scene
I need more info, that's my fetish
I might give it a try, since i sold my wii u and want to play this game undub
Thank god those hacks are losing more and more customers by the week.
I don't know what to notice. Both Awakening and Fates got censored
Treehouse didn't localize XB2. Thank the lord...
Nintendo still supervises them, they don't have carte blanche on what to censor and what to leave in. Remember how Tharja's swimsuit CG in FE Awakening was censored in the US but not in Europe?
They may partner with localization houses, but NoA still has a hand in all of it. We know this because of that one tweet by that one prostitute who worked for Treehouse talking about how she was against removing the boob slider.
alison crapp had a job in PR. she just worked on trailers and shit.
americans are the biggest cucks in the world. pajeet is literally taking away muh internet freedoms
>playing a game where the hub is called "New Los Angeles" with Japanese voices
for what purpose
Also I thought 8-4 did work on Fates which is part of why it's so butchered.
Who did TMS?
Europe got the dialogue about Tharja's "boingy bits" censored instead, which is far stupider.
>american voice """"""""""""""""""""actors"""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>not wanting to hear a qt jap voice trying to say "new ros angerus"
I don't like the American voice actors and Elma's Japanese voice gives me a boner.
>weeb """""""""arguments"""""""""
The actual reason is that after the XBX debacle Nintendo of Japan was like "okay NoA, you can still localize our games, but you are going to be working with us now so we can keep an eye on you and make sure you arent changing shit anymore."
>no mention of Fates or #TMS
Both Fates and TMS were in-house by Nintendo. Or TMS might've been Atlus, I'm pretty sure both companies passed the buck off to the other at least once in interviews.
>Sup Forums_Meme_Wojak_kys1
You have to go back.
No, Fates was Treehouse. TMS was Atlus under Treehouse's iron fist, and Treehouse even had the gall to throw them under the bus by saying it was localized according to Atlus' usual modus operandi.
>the only two languages in the world are english or japanese
Oh. Fuck Treehouse then.
Yeah dude I bet you played Heavy Rain in French and it was supper immersive and cool.
Kill yourself.
No dual audio and SKELLS = ruined
>specifically talking about a game featuring Americans made by the Japanese
>b-b-but what about these other irrelevant languages?
Nintendo shifted directions after Iwata kicked the bucket.
Back then it was "WEST FIRST". Needless to say that meant pushing everything through the strainer that is NoA who have a long history of combing through content to make everything babby friendly for westerners.
Their sheer arrogance was also pretty clear in their localizations when they shat on people who didn't like them.
Managerial shifts and less dependency on NoA has pretty much turned them back into nothing more than a PR firm. Only ever getting to dabble on projects sparingly.
People going so far as to get treehouse members fired probably didn't really help either. They sullied their names pretty damn quickly.
What about Matthew from Nintendo treehouse? he's pretty cool.
I don't know the guy so I've got nothing against him personally. But I really hate the way Treehouse approaches localization. It's so bizarre, dated, and it tends to remove things I like.
I'm really hoping they're starting to turn a new leaf. They totally fucked up Pearl and Marina in Splatoon 2, but they did patch their own localization job after.
I'd love to hear about why that happened.
>i-it's the setting that matters, not what language it was actually made in