Doom is better than Quake and Duke 3d

Doom is better than Quake and Duke 3d.

>three brainlet games

>implying you can't like simplistic ultraviolence, while also having an appreciation for more cerebral games

Broaden your horizon of games, faggot

Well duh.

SS2 is outright bad gameplay-wise, but I still appreciate it for the story and setting.

quake is better

The only reason why people thought it was better back in the day is because it was one of if not the first FPS to incorporate fully 3d graphics. When you take that away, it's a painfully average FPS with gameplay that pales in comparison to Doom.

I disagree.

But I must admit, the atmosphere for Quake 1 was fucking awesome. It leaned more towards horror than Doom did, but I like both settings.

And Blood is way better than all three.

Well I'll give you this, your image is much nicer than mine. And I never said that Quake was a bad game, I just prefer Doom. Quake 2's atmosphere was pretty generic desu.

Quake's gameplay is inherently better than Doom's just by virtue of the added player abilities (instant weapon switch, fucking jumping) and the maps being designed around interconnectivity instead of goddamn key hunting mazes padded with mindless walking targets for you to mow down with your shotgun.

Q2's atmosphere is definitely kind of lame. All the grey and brown of Q1's idbase with a dash of "The Borg are really cool, let's make those!"

Doom is the Greatest Ever Made.


I'm not fully disagreeing with your take on Doom's gameplay, but Quake's fully 3d visuals haven't aged quite as well as Doom's visuals.

Completely a matter of taste. Some people like billboard sprites that get crunchier the higher your resolution, and some people like the early 3D aesthetic where models and environments scale infinitely with your resolution but the textures themselves stay low res.

>le key hunting maze meme
opinion discarded

More funny DOOM images pls.

does this count


I really just can't get into Duke or Quake like I can with Doom.

It's arguably one of the best games ever made.

At least I think so.

Aren't the Icon of Sin's limbs supposed to be miles long?

He's a big guy.

for you

Duke isn't nearly as gory as Doom, and I can't find any good gore mods for it. It takes a lot of the satisfaction out of the combat, can you imagine Doom without blood?

Doom is great, but Duke 3D is king.

Duke has lots of gore. You can blow corpses into meaty, eyeball filled chunks and leave entrails dripping from doorways when closing them on enemies.

The basic death animations don't have as many limbs popping off as, say, the average Doom 2 death animation. But that doesn't mean it's tame by any means.


all of them are good but quake is GOODER

Dark Forces is better than Doom

Comparing System Shock to games like Quake and Doom is just stupid.

Blood > Douk 3D > Quake > Doom > Shadow Warrior > Wolf 3d

>most enemies are hitscan
No thanks.

Because it's star wars? The gameplay is pretty standard for FPS games of it's time. It's not bad, just nothing special.

Doom is an overrated maze simulator. Marathon series has comparable gameplay and an actual plot.

>stopping the demonic invasion of earth isn't a plot
Stories don't need to be super complex to be compelling

It's not enough to make me power through maze after maze after maze.

that .gif is fucking with my eyes.

wrong opinion

So what you're saying is that you like linearity? You like shooting things while going from A to B, and that's it?


>I need a pointless thrown together story to enjoy vidya

>duke 3d

It's true, Duke's enemies and level design aren't as good as Doom's.

He probably plays Call of Duty, the campaigns these days are about ninety percent shitty plot, ten percent boring gameplay.

>better than Quake
Duke for sure but fuck you for even implying Quake isn't better than Doom.

Quake had annoying fucking enemies spawning into thin air right behind you as you passed an invisible trigger, the same shit that Doom 3 pulled. At least the tech in DOOM 1 and 2 restricted them to monster closets, meaning you could predict and plan for the door to open.

Doom is better single player because sprites were much easier to pump out in large masses. Quake had fewer enemies on screen at all times ( with somewhat improved AI, but nonetheless)

Quake was better for multiplayer by leaps,


DOOM is also a blatant rip off of Aliens, while Quake is more unique. If you look at the Romero designed games - DOOM, Quake 1, Daikatana, they all have the same theme, teleporters to other dimensions cause an attack on humanity. Daikatana was kind of backwards, humanity creates teleporters to attack itself

They both have great aesthetics and the story is not important at all.

DOOM 1 never had the mass of enemies onscreen that people seem to remember. That was DOOM 2

You're confusing story with setting. Quake's setting is more unique, and the advancing technology allowed the design team to more fully realize the teleported and alternate dimensions concept.

It had more than Quake. Also, I played about 12309842304 WADs so it all just melted into a singularity of DOOMness in my brain.

As best I can remember, monsters spawning in Quake were still somewhat logical. Stepping on some kind of rune tile or some kind of map justification. It's been a while but I don't think they pulled a lot of complete horseshit in that regard.

Doom > Turok 2 > Quake

>At least the tech in DOOM 1 and 2 restricted them
lmao nigga did you even play? They had fucking teleports for monster cages somewhere off-map.

If a game is supposed to hold its own on gameplay alone, then it should deliver on it, not break it for twenty minutes at a time while I'm looking for the one switch or keycard that lets me progress.

Wow, what a surpise.
What's next, Doom is better than Quake and Duke 3D?

They had silent teleports but it was reserved for monsters like those flying worms that were supposed to be stealthy anyway, to avoid them aggroing early or wandering off.
Most of the time yeah, they'd time it so there was a distinct beat before spawning monsters, like a monster kill count to produce wave like spawns.

Yeah, monster teleports in Quake are generally triggered by one of two things- either you pushed a button or you grabbed a pickup, usually the silver/gold key(card).

This too, Doom and Quake use the same damn monster teleport system except Doom relies on the enemy walking into it randomly and getting teleported while Quake lets the mapmaker overlap the trigger_teleport with the monster itself so it can be teleported instantly and also not immediately be aggressive.

There's no truly silent teleports in Quake, every enemy and player makes the same PsheewwwWWWWOIOIOI noise when teleporting in. Sometimes the particle effect doesn't fully show due to engine limitations, but the sound is always there, as long as you're within range- use your ears.

Quake Grisly Grotto, when you enter the level as soon as you step forward on the seemingly empty platform, two flying assholes spawn above and behind you, and two bloody nights in front. This actually happens all over the place, empty rooms start spawning enemies behind you as soon as you cross an invisible threshold.

>not gitting gud and learning how to deal with them
You guys saying Doom had it too aren't considering that it isn't a problem in either game if you're good.

Hot take

Daikatana is better than all three of them when you play without companions

This is fair. Both games are fun for the other. I enjoy joining random Zandronum servers when I can find one.

I'm not saying it's hard, I'm saying it's annoying. I prefer fixed enemy placements

That was DOOM 2, and as another user noted, the monsters had to walk into the teleporter, they didn't immediately ambush you.

I'm not saying it's a huge issue, I'm saying it's a piece of bad design in an otherwise great game, but DOOM is better for not having these random ambushes. Doom 3 fell in love with the concept of monster ambushes, to the point that they became almost predictable, but it's still not good design.

No there definitely is silent teleports, the only way you might be right is there might just be no instance of it in the Id levels. The most distinct memories I have of it was in a limit-removing vertical tower map (medium sized room X and Z, but Y coord was unlimited in size) and one elevator ride down had those floaters spawn silently above me to surprise me. Just looked up to wait for them.

Also side note, I wish limit removing maps didn't fuck with netcode so I could co-op them with my friend. And while we're at it, make the Quaddicted Injector work properly and have a way to list/load specific maps in-game for RCON purposes. Then we'd only have to deal with the odd map having a start cutscene that would telefrag us or spawn us wrong.

Monsters don't have to walk onto the pad, you could just have a moving wall push them onto a pad couldn't you?

You couldn't have moving walls in Doom.

>No there definitely is silent teleports,
There literally is not. The only time you won't hear the zing is if you're far enough away that you can't hear it, same for any other sound effect. I'm staring at the QuakeC right now and there is no way- in vanilla id1 at least- to mute the teleport sound, the 'Silent' spawnflag only hides the whooshing sound of the teleport trigger itself.

>have a way to list/load specific maps in-game for RCON purposes.
"map x" to load a specific map and "maps" to list all maps in the current game's \maps directory are already a thing though

Quaddicted likes to put a lot of maps into their own mods unless they have ANY dependencies. At least if so much as one texture is tampered with.

so don't use the injector?

>being this much of a contrarian

I'm not contrarian, I'm serious. I fuckin loved Daikatana.

>key hunting mazes
what do people mean with this
one focus of the games in question is exploration, wide open spaces and obvious layouts which do not test your navigational skills at all would counteract that
moreover Quake levels are the same as Doom at their core, but there's more verticality, the playing fields are reduced in size, and there's more unique traps and shit to swim in

I also wouldn't understand why having less enemies in Quake is inherently a bad thing, Quake simply isn't as spacious as Doom so there's not enough room to put them in and enemies in Quake take on average more hits to kill than in Doom, though their bulletsponginess is made up by the fact that dodging enemies in Quake is more engaging and movement-intensive (compare bouncing grenades/knight spreads/vore homing shots/leaping melee attacks/ogre lightning vs. zombiemen hitscan and Imp fireballs)

the difficulty in Doom never arose solely from the amount of enemies, but also their placement relational to the player, it's not like Doom is built around huge enemy numbers being a challenge like in Serious Sam

'comparable' is rather questionable given the absurd amount of shit puzzles and pseudo-platforming in M1 (THE FUCKING STAIR BRIDGE PUZZLE) which could have been fixed with a normal fucking jump button
they did away with that shit in M2, but then introduced levels where you only need to traverse 30% of the level to complete it while the remaining 70% is optional to explore for some reason, which is prone to getting players lost

also the shit implementation of underwater swimming which Duke and Quake did fine by letting you move and shoot freely underwater, while in Marathon you never fight anything underwater aside from with your fists, and melee here sucks ass

the core gameplay and enemy design is pretty good, but the level design ranges from very questionable to pretty gud, whereas id and the Build games have been more consistent in that regard

t.john romero

Romero didn't even do the maps for Daikatana, he had a team do it with his input. I know this because I asked him about it

Quake is better.
Daikatana SP with 1.3 patch is good but not better than Quake.