Post your MBTI and your favorite game

Post your MBTI and your favorite game

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fuck off with this rk9 tier shit

Might as well post your horoscope you underage faggot.

I don't think this is how personality tests work user

INTP too
Sont really have a fav but if I had to choose, MGS2

Nothing apparently because I feel like aspects from every column apply to me and can't just choose one.

Deus Ex

reminder that myer briggs was invented by a literal bored housewife and her daughter after they read some jung


Distance/Nitronic Rush

This, Myers-Briggs is the most corporate-hyped nonsense I've seen in my life.

There's no personality test if YOU'RE the one defining yourself, and even if it were reliable, all it means is that you ALREADY understand yourself and your personality enough to accurately define yourself, making the test pointless.

Persona 4

Talos Principle

Try this on for size:

See pic for my results.

Horoscopes for nerds. Fuck off if you think some letters decide how much of a faggot you are

ISTJ, Umineko is you think VNs are video games, Ys III: OiF if you don't.



Why do people like this shit?

They are young and want to feel speshul.

also, for reference I'll mention that I hate myself and want to die not painfully though, I'm too much of a ginormous pussy for that



I don't really have a favourite game. I just don't between whatever.

These questions are really negative

MBTI is literally the retarded scientologist's horoscope.

It's so cringy and shameful it's just unreal.

It's literally less embarrassing to say you are a Capricorn with an Aries ascendant than to say that you are some INTP faggot.

How stupid must one be to actually take it seriously?




Not Sup Forums

congratulations you're a normal human being

I don't have an actual favorite, but Xenograft Chronicles X keeps wanting to make me play and I have already 600+ hours combining all my different accounts.
I am even still playing it, even if this time it was just testing it on Cemu from start to finish for some people who asked me to.

Phoneposting is magical.

Are you me?


This test fails to explain what happens when you fall just between two letters.
Like, is it really possible to say that all of humanity can be categorized into only 16 types? And that they all lean perfectly towards one set of traits instead of the other?

This shit is fucking retarded.


Monster Hunter or Warframe, either or really.

I already knew I had dependency issues but Jesus fuck

I'm not sure if I like most of the questions though, I feel like I would go half yes and half no for most of them.


Humanity isn't just made into 16 types, and that is why the test has percentages.

Where can I do this test, I've never bothered but I'm bored.

Should I be concerned about this?
Also What's the difference between Schizoid and Schitzotypal?

huh. Guess I'm a depressed and anti-social loser. Just kidding. I already knew that.

I flip flop a lot too. Sex ranges from wanting to slap, hit, and pull her hair while calling her a whore to immediately wanting to hold her afterwards. My favorite game is The dark souls franchise.

Well fuck


Virgin INFP with no friends
I can't pick a single game so I'm gonna list the best ones.
Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Fallout 2, Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast, Starcraft (Brood War for campaign, 2 for 1v1 ladder), Empire Earth 1, Commandos, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Half-Life, Opposing Force, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Cry of Fear, Silent Hill, modded Minecraft. Probably missed a couple.
I like classic games a lot, though some newer ones are alright. Still got quite a backlog of old games too.

>Hotline miami, and mario kart 8

Favorite game: ss13

Who else here /compulsive/?

Boy that sure is something.


Schizoid = a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary or sheltered lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, detachment, and apathy
Schizotypical = severe social anxiety, disorganized/unpatterned thought or speech, creation of paranoid thoughts, the sense of disconnect with reality, personality shifts and often unconventional beliefs

This is basically pasted from Wikipedia but I replaced the big words with more digestible ones 4u

What did they mean by this?
Favorite Game: Ace Combat Zero

If you have over 50% in this many categories it's almost certainly because you didn't read the thing at the start which says "only select agree if it has been a consistent theme in your life, always disagree if unsure or borderline"

So one is Social Apathy and the other is Social Anxiety, then?

Alright, Thanks user.

>only select if it's been a consistent theme
>most questions are generalized

What did they mean by this?

or Stalker SoC
or M&B Warband

Get on my level.

That's what I'm thinking. I'm the last dude you (You)'d. Getting a 100 percent in depressive is kind of shocking when I'm more of a schizoid-type. My issue is that the questions are binary (yes or no) when I wish it was a "Strongly Agree - Strongly Disagree" system.

Nope, that's just how it is for me.

witcher 3

No, Mine () is accurate.
It's actually the 20-40%'s I think are inaccurate. Everything else is spot on. Might even be too low % on some of them.

Couldn't exactly classify myself as extroverted or introverted, but went with ESTP as my friends say I'm talkative.
My favorite game is Super Mario World or Spyro 2.
This test made me feel way more histrionic than I actually think I am. I don't think it's denial, but I won't consider it until I go to a psychologist or something to make me proper tests. AFAIK I used to be a very anxious person, but that has changed (for the better) this last few years.

>71% compulsive
Who says I get no pleasure from it tho.

Funny because I am

LOL. I no rite? So tru!!! It's not backed by scientific inquiry or n e thing. Not liek my horoscope is!!! These ppl r totally Leos.

Mount and Blade and CK2 tie

I think I'm pretty much okay. Nothing really leaps out at me as extraordinary. My most extreme ones only rise as high as 43%.

>Forgot image
I really need to fucking go to sleep.

I feel like this test makes people look way more fucked up than they actually are, everyone who has replied so far looks like they should be locked up in a mental institute, including me apparently. The test might suffer having only agree and disagree.

Crusader Kings 2.

This. It came out with depressive for me even though I'm pretty much the definition of schizoid.

I like jet set radio a lot.

Dragon Age Origins

I don't know shit, but some of these words really have close meanings.

>Antisocial = Avoidant = Schizoid
Aren't they all about the same exact thing?

I'm almost 50% antisocial (psychotic) just because I rebel against people telling me what to do and was arrested once (for petty theft when I was 16). Okay.

Online tests aren't an accurate assessment. Also, the assessments aren't very useful to know.


Halo: Combat Evolved

I don't know what to make of these results, as for favorite game I can't decide between Muramasa, Dragons Dogma and Super Metroid.

Persona 3

Antisocial means you are psycho. Dexter-style.
Avoidant means you avoid social situations out of fear.
Dunno what schizoid is but I highly doubt it's like the others.


Jesus, this is a little too on the nose.

INTF the darkness

I don't really know because I played many,but some of my favorites are
>Persona 5
>Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles
>G darius and Einhänder

Metroid Prime

I'm almost certain this has me on some sort of watch list now.

Meant INTJ the darkness

Not surprised

INTP, probably Sims 2 though I haven't played it in months because my new fancy computer can't run it correctly. The screen size is all off. Feels bad man.

These are just stepping stones, man

>an upstanding paragon of health and psychic well-being

I'm a chad so that's true

I feel like the narcissism is justified desu, I come from quite a poor working-class background and somehow made it into Cambridge for both my undergrad and postgrad courses then went straight into a ~£60k starting job. I thought people back home would be happy for me but it just seems to make a lot of people angry, now I don't tell anyone back home what I've done or do, even if they keep asking me.

I have a problem with this test--it automatically assumes you're lying and that it's "All in your head". I.e. the statement of "I know that others talk about me when they see me. They think I'm strange.". I DO know people talk about me because I have fucking heard and seen them do it with my own eyes and ears, multiple times. It's not in my fucking head. I know they were talking about me because they said my name and said "look at the way she walks, it's so weird isn't it?"

Same issue. I know people do think that way about me legitimately.

Mass Effect.


I'm not even sure why I'm still taking it because it assumes I'm a paranoid, lying sack of shit, even though I don't believe these things without solid evidence. I have had a handful of people tell me straight to my face (especially when I was younger) that I am a fucking weirdo/loser/they think I'm strange. And in other questions, there is no "I don't know, I'm not a goddamn mind reader" option, i.e. "my friends secretly wish to put me down". How the fuck would I know? It's not like they'd tell me under normal circumstances.

pic related
is this good or bad?
my favorite games are ace combat zero,Sonic 3 & knuckles and bloodborne


Splatoon 2


>100% avoidant
I'm becoming that, yeah. At least in real life because I'm surrounded by SJWs who are too fucking retarded to be allowed to live.
>71% schizo
Literally how the fuck. Again this test is horse shit because it assumes I'm wrong about my assessments of others and their perceptions of me, which I'm not. I didn't answer yes to hearing voices or anything. I don't hear voices, I don't have hallucinations or whatever the fuck else schizos have. Jesus christ.


I don't really have a favorite game, whatever I'm playing at the time. Main game I'm playing right now is FF7.