Name ONE game for Xbox One
Name ONE game for Xbox One
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Jackie Chan
what's that one where you surf on the rails and shoot
you are like a gamer dude and you can customize him, you shoot zombies that drank orange red bull
sunrise orange soda or something
Sunset Overdrive, you didn't ask for quality right ? Is Halo's campaign only on Xbox or is it on PC too ?
Killer Instinct
that's the one i was trying to describe
Forza Horizon Motorsport 27: Apex
*also on PC
Reminder: This gen still doesn't have a Gran Turismo and the next best thing is Forza
>sunrise orange soda
Only the two BIGGEST FRANCHISES there are: Halo 5 and Gears of War 4!
Take that, sonyiggers, nintenbros and pcbros.
I laughed but fuck you, sunset was good for a mediocre game
I always used to ask xbots this at work and they'd either say multiplatform games or like fruit ninja.
Didn’t GT: Sport come out a few weeks ago?
It's complete shit and hardly even an actual racing game
It's complete fucking autism there's a system with good boy points and you can't even just press a button and go "i want to multiplayer"
>both series got taken over by new studios and released an installment on Xbone with the worst single player campaign in the series and ruined the multiplayer
I can't. I'm sure one day it'll get a game.
Gears 4 is probably better than Judgement though, right
Remember Judgement
I don't even count Judgment but at least that campaign had a plot of some kind. Gears 4 story was so bad I legitimately didn't realize I was on the last boss and had finished the game because the plot is so pointless.
Suck it, nintenkiddos.
>Xbox One hasn't reached PS3 no gaems meme level
You have failed me Sup Forums
>Good boy points
Do tell
*also on PC
But it isn't a meme this time
It can be reality and a meme at the same time
There's this whole thing about sportsmanship in this game
It's not just "don't ram into people", they are trying to be real racing to the point that if someone is trying to overtake you and you drive in front them to block them you get detracted good boy points because that's not sportsman like
We're dealing with greater powers this time
stop playing bumpercars faggot
that lucky's tail game. i cant believe its real and how out of touch they were to announce it. i was waiting the entire time for conker to show up and blast that thing to bits, maybe then it wouldve had a real game
Meme game
>Forza not Horizon
>Sea of Thieves
Modern Rare? kek
>Halo 5, Gears 4
Worst of their franchises
>Crackdown 3
Delayed delayed delayed
Can't even tell what most of the others are
>multiple GOTY contenders
>I-I'll just dismiss them with the "meme" magic word, m-maybe they won't notice
>The greatest line up
If that's considered good I hate to see how shit their 2018 will be.
Nice try Xboner, your meme game will be forgotten soon enough
That sounds kind of cool but stressful at the same time.
>Worst of their franchises
>not 4 and Judgment
PUBG is the new counter-strike and in 20 years people will still play its sequels.
4 didn't completely ruin the Halo story just yet, nor was the multiplayer ruined for eSports trash
Judgment was mediocre. Gears 4 was pure shit.
Maybe on PC
stop hiding behind the PC nigger it's pathetic and is admitting your console is shit
Are you retarded? You think I'm defending Xbone?
It's admitting the playstation is shit brainiac
That makes even less sense. Good job, dumb fuck.
I own an Xbox one and literally can't. Horizon 3 was mediocre, forza 7 got rid of the micro transaction bullshit but it's still ass. Halo has been dead since 3
>4 years after launch PS3 had MGS4, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet 1 and 2, Uncharted 1 and 2, Demon Souls, The Motorstorm games, Infamous 1 and 2, Siren Blood Curse, Resistance Fall Of Man, God Of War 3 and others
>4 years after launch Xbox One has Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2 and uhh....
its even worse
>the only way for the shartstation to match the beastbox is by also owning a $1000+ PC
lol they actually tried this shit again?
keep bringing comedy gold MS
Mario Breath of the Wind
nice meme vid
PUBG is native 4k on the Beastbox X
Be honest, how is it.
*Also on PC
Aggressively mediocre
But playable
Nice meme
>mfw this image will be 4 years old soon and some games still havnt released
>4k with settings turned to potato on a silky smooth buttery 13 fps
id rather play crysis on the 360 again
Rare Replay
Everything else I would name is probably on PC, whether it's through the Microsoft store or via Steam.
it's a kiddie platformer tech demo for oculus
I got it free, would never recommend buying it
What game is this?
>a mix medium and high
>exclusive matters
oh sweetie...
man looking for a worthwile game in that picture is like playing Wheres Waldo
name one console that won a generation with no exclusives
just one
Nothing worth playing. Just like the rest of them. At least Scalebound looked OK but they canceled it. Fucking lol.
Can't name one since they have all at least one exclusive.
Scalebound was garbage, i glad they cancelled it so Playground Games can work on these assets and make a great game with it.
isn't there only uironically like 3 real exclusives on xbox with one of them being a compilation game from rare
>Gigantic is a free-to-play strategic hero shooter...
Well that's fucking disappointing. Thanks anyway though.
Halo gears forza, sunset, recore, cuphead etc.
>destiny 2
More like spore 2.0
*also on chromecast
>*also on PC
You just posted a picture of your wall.
>PS3 had a terrible launch - people start saying "nogames" every time it's mentioned
>Xbox360 had problems with crap hardware - people start saying "RROD" every time it's mentioned
>Years later "nogames" is still mentioned, since Playstation consoles are still relevant. Nobody bothers to mention RROD or make up new shit about the xbone, since it's so fucking bland. It has nothing going for it, while you can still make fun of the PS4's exclusives and cutscene filled games.
Is it better to be remembered for your worst deeds or to fade into obscurity?
gears 4, recore, forza and cuphead are on pc
>Scalebound was garbage,
its quite amusing to see Xboners turn on the game the moment papa MS show their faces as the worst vidya publisher, you couldnt stop ranting about how this game was going to be Kamiya's masterpiece and spaming never ever and then it got cancelled and suddenly it was always shit
Platinum can get along with any publisher in the industry except Microsoft, a publisher known for focus group BS and generally sticking their jew noses into game projects
pure coincidence
Those games are dead on PC (outside Cuphead). At least Gears & Forza got saved for the 5-10 pc players that playing ever since they introduced the crossplay with Xbox console. sunset isn't on pc
How embarassing.
So one exclusive.
>that pic
how is only two games you posted out of those being actual exclusives an opinion
did we actually find an xbot
Platinum games failed their only AAA game they worked on. They can go back back making their other garbage for all i care.
Better to be remembered because at least people know about you vs being irrelevant and people not even paying attention.
I agree, leave them alone so can make more GOTY material.
Reminder that PUBG alone had sold over 1 million copies on Xbox already.
No as i said. It's 99% on Xbox one that is the player base. The 1% from PC still count as Xbox since you get also the Xbone version when buying digitally on PC, learn more here:
Not exclusive sweetheart.
Goty was BOTW
4 millions
Crimson Dragon
>It had grinding bullshit and bombed
>Panzer Dragoon Orta HD never
Both belongs to Microsoft. Your Windows 10 PC is Microsoft's & there is an Xbox App on it, isn't it? Also it shares the same store. You can see all Xbox games on the store :^)