Post your favorite video game protagonist

Post your favorite video game protagonist

Post your darkest fetish and your darkest secret

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/SS/ and since I've already shared my darkest secret of feeding someone a jizz brownie.. let me think.. I don't have anything as good as that but perhaps that I forced myself to be in love with someone as a teen because I didn't want to be alone, the more I think about it I never did have feelings for that one "crush" I had from 6th grade to 10th


/ss/ which isn't the darkest fetish, but definitely the most patrician

I went through a phase where I thought I was gay, so I went on craigslist and picked up another dude. I realized once I was staring at a dick face to face that I wasn't gay, but didn't want to let the guy down, so I sucked it anyway

>I went through a phase where I thought I was gay, so I went on craigslist and picked up another dude. I realized once I was staring at a dick face to face that I wasn't gay, but didn't want to let the guy down, so I sucked it anyway

>talk about your craaaziest taboo le sexy time antics

how about no

Shota on MILF

I used to make fun of furries with my friends for years because I was scared I'd find out that I was one.I'm the worst, I know

>didn't want to let the guy down

Hyper cocks and balls and growth

I used to always masturbate in the school bathrooms all the time and shoot loads all over the stalls on purpose because i found it hot

Your not that bad

I did the same thing, but I actually kinda am one, love the porn and characters really, and I really try to hide it from everyone


Weight gain/Expansion but only if they're not happy with the changes

I don't really have any dark secrets. Maybe a troubled child hood that I don't want to bring up to my friends ever.

>but only if they're not happy with the changes

>tumblr image
>tumblr post

You heard me.

xenophillia including furshit

I don't really have any dark secrets so sue me

Vore, gfur, chubby gfur, and almost anything Yowesephth draws.
I can't feel sexual attraction to humans any more, fictional or not. I'd give up my dick and legs for a big, loving monster husband. I've also been ERPing for an exceedingly long amount of time.

hey what's up harrison

bbw and body inflation, and nothing else does it for me
I didn't ask for this :(

you're a hero, user



Ayo you know any good sites for those fetishes?

Nice try, I live on the International Space Station
They can’t touch this

I have a strong rape fetish. The dominating power rush you get is intoxicating.

My darkest secret is that I stole $80 of Yu-Gi-Oh cards from some kid who bullied me in middle school and sold them to buy Twilight Princess. He never found out who stole them and was emotionally crushed.

>forced growth

my nig, fat isn’t my thing but that’s the best

a class in a multiplayer game is not a protagonist

Solid Snake

Femdom. I went to a dominatrix a few weeks ago and I plan on going again soon.
I write cheesy high school romance stories and shipping fanfiction
I have a three inch erection and I’m circumcised.
When I was younger, my dad used to shave me, cut my nails, trim my pubes, pop pimples on my face and back, would smell my penis to make sure it smelled nice, would do the same for my armpits, and would sometimes shower with me. This went on until I was around 16 and he would also beat me if I ever denied him.
Every weekend for the past four years, I’ve gone to the movies or taken a nap in my car and told my mom I was out with friends. I’ve also told her I’m dating a Korean girl who was in one of my university classes.
When I was younger, girls at school used to hug me and random and would also tell me they loved me. Eventually I found out they would dare each other to hug guys they found especially creepy/ugly and I was a prime target. One of them also started a rumor I was stalking her because we lived on adjacent streets, after which most of my friends stopped associating with me.
I like the band Echosmith.
The Last of Us, Half-Life 2, and Ocarina of Time are my top 3

>gets dommed by a dude in childhood
>gets dommed by a chick in adulthood


I like creampies

I am responsible for the death of a four year old girl due to my incompetence and I blame myself daily

Jesus christ m8


>Sol Badguy
>ryona, or generally anything involving scared, helpless women, MILFs, straight shota
>I lost my virginity when I was 13 to my friend's 37 year old mother, I still have feelings for her to this very day

story plz

>got to experience it firsthand

I don't really have a fetish, or interest in sex whatsoever. My darkest secret is that I'm trans.

>I like the band Echosmith
Jesus Christ

Tell us how please

titfucking i suppose, wish my gf had bigger bazoongas

nothing particularly bad i suppose,
but ill let out some steam

this last year has been one of huge growth for me, i moved out of the crumbling disgrace of my country and landed on another one,
i have accomplished most of the things i set myself to to, i found a programming job,
i finally got a gf, lost my virgo, rented my first apartment and overall im buildng a life here,
im probably happier than ive ever been in my entire life, and yet i have this overwhelming fear that it all might come crashing down, specially since i have folks back home counting on me, god i just hope i can get this to a stable position so i can plan my next move

bump for interest

Gyaru femdom and cheating. Not cuckshit NTR cheating though.

Really hard to think of one, since I never really do anything. But something I wouldn't want anyone in my real life to know is I've given up on actively looking for a girlfriend since my desires for human contact and sexual gratification are both attained through erotic roleplay on places like F-list.

>Be me, 15 years old
>Ride bike everyday after school for exercise and because I found it relaxing
>Two blocks away from my house lived a young girl with fuzzy red hair
>This girl was always outside and I would usually wave to her when I rode past
>She was a very shy girl and for the longest time she never worked up the courage to come talk to me
>One day she actually calls me over, realizing that this has never happened before I stop my bike and see what she needs
>She asks me for some water because she's thirsty
>I don't have any water so I ask her why she can't just go inside and get some water from her house
>She informs me that her dad kicks her out of the house early in the morning and doesn't let her back in until the sun has set
>This girl is outside for about 12 hours unattended with no food or water
>I'm just a dumb kid but even I realize that this is wrong, I knocked on her dads door to try and see if he would let his daughter in to get some water
>Large bald man covered in tattoos answers the door
>I explain the situation and the dude gets defensive and aggressive, he pushes me a few times and threatens to break my bike.
>When I still don't back down he threatens to call the police on me and accuse me of being a pedophile, this freaks me the fuck out and I bolt. I was sure something was up but I didn't have a phone to call the police and my parents were in no position to help this girl either
>I made a conscious choice to do nothing, I didn't alert my parents or a neighbor, I did nothing.
>Keep riding my bike daily, now when I ride past her house I just wave and I don't talk to the young girl anymore
>About a month and a half later I ride past her house to find it surrounded by police tape


>Get the story from other neighbors and form the police
>Girl's mom and dad started fighting and the Dad brought out his gun
>The girls mom realizing the danger took her two daughters (the red haired girl included) and locked themselves in the bedroom
>The mother tries to get the two girls to escape through the window and her older sister makes it but before she can go through her dad bursts through the door and opens fire
>Hits the mom in the face and the girl gets hit in the stomach
>turned himself in to the police after his initial story that the wife committed suicide didn't fly

If I had done something or told somebody about the little's girls abuse she probably still would be alive today

are you a qt?

>post your darkest fetishes
>uhh...titfucking and femdom :)
why is Sup Forums so fucking casual

No, that's why I'm taking that secret with me to the grave.

lucky son of a bitch

/ss/, parental incest, watersports, traps and feet.

When I was 17 I nearly hooked up with a middle aged man on craigslist to be his sex slave

Dude, don't blame yourself for it.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you believe otherwise, you just don't have an impact. Odds are, if you have called, the father would have made sure everyone lost and still have done the same thing. l have had it happen before to my grandmother who tried to save her sister.

Her time on Earth may have been short and miserable, but at least you showed her a light in her seemingly endless darkness.

2B from Nier: Automata


I impregnated my aunt

I draw diaper fetish porn.

Excuse me, what?

You’re in no way responsible, you could’ve done something yeah, but not doing something doesn’t mean you did the wrong thing. Millions of good people wouldn’t have told authorities.
The person responsible for the girls death was the father, you were an unfortunate bystander, let yourself feel free user.

Go on.

>I impregnated my aunt

he knocked up his own aunt user, what's so hard to understand about that

also, Dante from Devil May Cry


my bully from school cuckolded me. it was mutually agreed upon

Well, atleast it wasn't the other hole

Hucows and the breeding thereof

these ones, or the 6-titted ones?

eww the last of us what a nerd.


I like it -too- much. You could say it's consumed my life.

It's pure ecstasy but I still want release.

These ones.


Suck my anus

Wanna roleplay user? drop your discord

>drop my discord
>on Sup Forums
Fuck no. I'm a preyfag, anyways. Post your f-list/aryion account and I'll get to you.

>The Last of Us

femdom on female, collar, bondage, torture, soft guro, tights

emotionally broken girls/
I abused a chick and made her cry often, and sexually assaulted a chick to the point of it almost being rape once.

>almost being rape
Please define "almost rape"

So long as the art is good furry porn aint that bad sometimes. Then again i am a sucker for different skin colors

I have spent a total 1700 dollars on mobile games in just the past year alone

Character is pic related

Farts But only if the girl is embarrassed about how bad her gas smells or if she's being farted on and is disgusted by it. Body odor will also work.

I write erotica for money because I'm not good enough at art to draw my porn.

Dont be shy user, post your work!

I've written for threads before, here and Sup Forums you can usually catch me in the blatant fetish threads But this is neither the time nor the place so shoo


Around July 16th/17th/18th of 2001, My Aunt lost her daughter on the beach, she was only about 7 and she was pretty short, around 4pm we all split up to search for her, around 30 minutes later I found her under the bridge, she wasn't moving and her body was mangled in such a fashion it seems like she was thrusted into the rocks under the bridge. I walked back and told them she wasn't there.


wtf was you thinking?!

alien girls, not just humans but blue,
i'm talking about the full xenomorph experience
something about them being exotic and shit.

i once got so drunk i ended fucking my gay friend's ass, good thing he was drunk too and didn't remembered shit
i'm not gay though

Fuck you. All my How are you? spoiler threads were saged to oblivion. You can't get away with this!

>luckily he "didn't remember anything"
>I'm not gay though

I thought that if I told her that I saw her dead body she would freak the fuck out, so I just acted like I didn't see anything.

I still think about it every now and then and I can tell my Aunt while moved on, hasn't forgotten.

what the fuck, man.

that's certainly not as bad as I was expecting, you really shouldn't blame yourself for some shithead's actions

Wario is pretty cool
Main fetish is breast expansion, but I'm also into masks/armor/xenostuff, basically most things without human faces like pic related
I had to kill a baby rabbit by stomping on it when I was like 7 because I put it on my dog's head and he fucked it up

why didn't you just throw it as far as you could? No need to mess up your shoes

[Spoiler] Furshit, and ponies [/spoiler]

[Spoiler] I hookup with guys on chat channels ERPing as a panda milf and Im always super worried my friends will somehow find out [/spoiler]

I threw it in the woods and didn't tell anyone about it after the fact, when my brother asked where the baby rabbit went (he had caught it and gave it to me) I said it got away and ran off.

what is with the tards in this thread who can't into spoiling

Traps or black girls

[Spoiler] seriously, it's so easy a fucking child could do it[/spoiler]

why not both

user what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

You need to go back and tell her, user.
You can't keep something like that secret forever.

probably just a scared kid

Ryona on Tomboys
I unloaded a M240B on a family in Afghanistan because they were speeding toward our checkpoint in a car. A mother, father, two sons and a daughter

>made their loved one suffer for almost 2 decades because he was too much of a pussy to provide her closure
>she still has a small flicker of hope, and telling her would snuff it out completely
You've fucked yourself twice over on this one user

you did what you had to do user. Anyone in your position would've done the same thing. Don't beat yourself up over it too much. Hope you're in a better place now

oh shit

She is around 87, I can't imagine what would happen if I was just to pop around to the home she is in and said 'Oh yeah I saw your daughter fucking dead under the bridge when I was a kid back when we went on that beach trip' I dont think i'd be able to handle the utter heart break she'd go through.