One of those classic filename threads

one of those classic filename threads
all "needs a name posters" will be bullied



Is there a service to make audio-less webms from youtube videos? Tried gfycat but it gave me an mp4. Converted it to webm using another online service and the 1.5MB file bloated to 4.2 MB



>use youtube-dl to get video in mp4 format
>use webm for baka's to convert to webm







that is so stupid, oh my god.

At least put some chicken wire to block that gap. The fence does nothing, anybody could just crawl through there.



nobody admits to liking LoL on Sup Forums friend





why do these threads keep getting pruned?

Do the janitors just hate people having fun?

I think most people don't post anything which makes the thread die
Sup Forums is too fast



>I think most people don't post anything which makes the thread die
user, filename threads are always lively, do you know what 404 means?

they 404 though, threads that die naturally are archived



>all "needs a name posters" will be bullied

Bring it, faggot.
Anyway, needs a name.

webm for retards dude, upload to gfycat then download the webm from gfycat and downscale it with webm for retards

so is this an official filename thread or what?

>needs name
if the joke is complete without the filename it doesn't belong in a filename thread retard, no wonder you're getting bullied

Horde is gay too. The only non-Homosexual thing to do is not play WoW.








Jesus christ, I remember these. It was like a cheap mp3 player but worse. You could only pick from popular pop songs of the day, the audio quality was ass, only mono, and it wasn't even the full song, more like a 60 sec audio clip.

How can a modern day human not understand how fucking TONGS work?



Sweet, I never knew about this, it's pretty easy to use.


>modern day human
That's probably Jack.

probably didn't want his nu-male hands burnt

Feels good not being a Yurocuck.

>walk in
>buy item
>get charged the extra 7%
>accuse the cashier of assuming your gender
>claim you're a transgender woman
>walk out with the item tax-free



That's in the US

>implying you can just grab a piece of salmon that big and keep it in one piece


>grab one side with tongs
>use flipper on other side to balance


t. never cooked a salmon


Okay, you got me there. But Jack's still a retard.

I don't know about US, but where I live, this would be clearly and without a doubt against the law (even just the statement, the store would not have to even enforce the rule) and customer protection services would immediately slap that with a serious fine and possible further lawsuit.
What the fuck, US?

I'm not saying he's not a retard, but there's literally nothing wrong with the way he's flipping it. Except when he dropped it


I recognize those big meaty hands anywhere


>mfw it goes out of business by the end of the week
God bless Capitalism.

Where do you even get salmon that thick?
Maybe I just haven't experienced it, because I live in a shitty landlocked area, but that shit looks delicious, too bad Jack is ruining it as usual


That's Ja/ck/ isn't it?



Oh shit I drive past that sign everyday for work. That's in Calgary Alberta, on Deerfoot trail just before 32nd Ave.






I don't get it.

>another alberta fag

I still can't believe Overgrowth was actually released.

It IS against the law. Doesn't mean dumbasses aren't going to try it.

I love the "do your best!" at the end. Never fails to make me chuckle



wtf I'm not that guy and I live in Alberta too

Clever one



BCfag here, your province is pretty okay I guess. Winters over there can kiss my white ass though. Stay warm, ya oil stains.







Walls in Ark

Can I get a source?

Cat Shit One



that's because it's not video game related in any way