What the fuck is wrong with Germans?
What the fuck is wrong with Germans?
Is there anything they don't like to simulate?
There history
God damn.
>whats wrong with nazi land
>american game store
>shelves filled with games where people get shot
> meanwhile on Deutsche/v/
Keine Ahnung
I just got Euro Truck Simulator and can't stop playing, the memes about us are real
To be fair a lot of those are just addons, and a ton more are horrid shovelware by a few particular companies making money that way.
>visiting family in germany over the holidays
>go to mediamarkt to look around
>get to the pc games section
>they made a "top 10 bestsellers" list on the wall
>3 is FIFA, 2 is AC Origins, 1 is LANDWIRTSCHAFTSSIMULATOR or some shit with a tractor on the cover
Nice taste there Klaus
Does Eurotruck Simulator include the jihadi and concrete barrier expansion?
I think this is the most loved one considering everyone but me plays it.
thats sounds like fun.
Are you retarded? Are you braindead? A small dumb child?
>Nazy land
If only
Invading Russia
Most countries aren't better though
>What the fuck is wrong with Germans?
...games are only ok if they are non-violent and teaches values...
...every killer-game must be banished...
does that answer your question?