Is thiss game good?

Is thiss game good?

Fuck no.

Contrary to what the gaming press believes, it's GOTY.

I wan to fuck 2b

Do you like Platinum style hack n slash combat?

Do you like Yoko Taro WHATS IS LIFE story telling?

Do you like genre changes?

Answer those and then decide if you want to play the game

I do like all of those things.

You forget amazing music.

Can you fight massive monsters in this game though?

I've been playing it for about 3 hours now and just got through the desert

when does it get good?

Yep, on the ground and in the air too.

It gets decent after the 3rd playthrough.

I'm sold.


Yes, very.


t. not a taro or platinum fan

It's a fucking masterpiece. Easily my GOTY in a stacked year.

It's getting popular though so it's building a hatebase around here


Not even mad, a fucking Yoko Taro game sold 2mil. Automata haters absolutely btfo.

Say what you want about the game but the music deserves awards outside of the video game industry and to be recognized as culturally significant.

No it's boting trash don't play it you will be dissapointed as me that i listen Sup Forums

Yeah, but it's not as exciting as you think.

It's okay if disappointing. You have Platinum and Taro working on Nier and it feels like a game comprised of their weaknesses instead of the strengths. So from three very good things you get something kind of mediocre and watered down.

Pretty much this
It's not totally shit
But it's not even great