How good are you at Fighting Games

How good are you at Fighting Games

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Not very.

not very good
but enjoy playing them and learning characters

Terrible. Want to learn, just don't have motivation.

garbage, I always choose the hardest characters and I'm playing on keyboard


Alright, top 16'd a major once.


I suck at ones with multiple characters like MvC because instead of playing like I was 3 guys at once I play like I have 3 lives.

Better than 90% of people.
Worse than 75% of FGC.

can someone post a link to a mugen

Im Platinum on SFV

I've gotten diamond in sfv and had 3,600 pp in ssf4 using guile. I've also won a smash bros tournament. I'm decent at the other fighters I've played.

Not sure, I've played a lot of fighting games with a group of friends over the years but as far as I know, none of us plays online, we pretty much only plays FGs when we are doing a LAN party. I remember that my first fighting game was Killer Instinct SNES and Fulgore was my fav char. Right now I'm planing to buy DBFZ and try to get good at it, can't wait to get bodied during online

Pretty bad. Love them to death though.


I still mash sometimes.

Reminder that Salty Bet is a paraniod bitch, DJ Hannibal Royce is a tool, SJW and a nigger

I'm probably the worst of anyone that considers themselves FGC if I'm being honest.

I know what's happening when I watch high level play, I understand footsies and basic setups, and I can learn, perform, and even build combos.

Super hype for DBFZ guys.

i used to be decent but now i suck ass.


I can do King combos in tekken 7 I use keyboard send help

Is this SaltyBet?

I would be decent at Smash 4 if picking Random was the norm, I always get bored trying to pick up a main

Not very good I guess but don't know where to start. I'm 26 now and wonder if my reflexes are too slow to be good at fighting games.

The only fighting game I ever got really good at was Skullgirls.

But now the friend I used to play it with doesn't want to play it anymore because it frustrates him, and I'm not good enough for randoms

I can understand them, but I can't play them that well. If I put time into the game, I can usually get somewhat good at it. I have less and less time for them as time goes on.

man, this is worse than that one time I entered a fighting tournament against Fat Albert

no otherwise you see anything associated with Sprite CLub censored also mods ban you for saying nigger

Fuck, me too. Mostly.

I feel you. Skulkgirls is really fun at an intermediate level and when it’s just you pissing about with a friend but “experts” are fucking crazy. Me and a friend play it together mostly and have to take breaks or it gets too real.



i honestly have more fun with fighters at intermediary level.
it is the sweet spot between being able to have fun without having to commit yourself to much to the genre.

Every game i try that is not Street Fighter is filled with people who have played the game since forever, sop finding players at mid level is hard as fuck even on discords, even when i am able to find some they don't play that much.

I can't play anything that isn't tekken, soul calibur 2, or smash without a keyboard. So pretty shit.

I'm competent beginner at best. I can pull off specials and doing basic combos, but that's about it and I'm fine with that. I prefer watching Salty Bet desu.

I honestly think that's a decent chunk of the reason behind SF's staying power. A much wider audience fills that gap in the playerbase that other slightly more niche series have.

Not at all.

Better than 99% of players, but absolutely terrible against the 1%.
I can shit on everyone else, but it's super demoralizing when I know I can barely touch major top8 players.


Hey Beter

Good enough that my friends don't have fun playing with me when I try, bad enough to still get frustrated and destroyed against most people online.

>SF's staying power.
Not only that but SF character move animations and sound are designed to be instantly recognizable, if some one is playing SF for the first time he can recognize very quickly normals, command moves and the difference between light, medium and strong of said moves. Also the pacing is really good to asses situations most of the time so you know what the fuck is happening on the screen.

This is the worst thing about fighting games for me.

I don't want to fight against masters who play the game daily, nor do I want to invest the time they have.
I don't want to sweep the floor with friends who'll just get frustrated and stop playing, or even randoms that are too easy.

I just want intermediate matches against people who know what they're doing, but don't have full tekken combo lists or 50 string combos down to muscle memory. Is that so bad?

Not bad, i've a decent winrate with Jam in GG

My fundamental understanding is good enough to get into the "upper" ranks in any game quickly.

But at that point id have to actually learn matchups and gain deeper knowledge.

Like i got to gold in SF5 by just playing fundamentals and constantly anti-airing the jump happy bronze and silver trash.
I dont have nearly enough matchup and framedata knowledge to get further though.

I dont know where that conception that everyone online is a god come from.

Majority of players online are in fact pretty bad.
Look at SF5, 44% of the playerbase is in the bronze bracket, and bronze players are absolutely terrible and nowhere near even "intermediate".

Id say that skill distribution is similar for most fighting games, except if you are playing a game that barely has any players left.

>Oh no why are these people running this service trying to keep a non toxic environment why can't I be an edgy faggot everywhere waahhhh
You don't act like this irl right user?

i know how you feel.i even tried top make alittle group of begginers only in GG but the begginers would never play much and the room would soon be filled with guys who had at least 5k matches.

i don't think i ever took a single round out of those guys besides that one time some guy playing awnser let me win on purpose just so on the next match he would perfectme on the first round and almost perfect me on the second.

>I dont know where that conception that everyone online is a god come from.

because it is really not that much of a misconception. They are not Gods but they sure are much better than the average Joe.

As you said 44% of SF5 are bronze,which is a huge ass number but it doesn't mean these guys play everyday, also SF5 is the most played fighting game, especially with that cross platform stuff, but most fighting games are pretty much fucking dead.even shit like mortal kombat X is filled with people that played thousands of matches and find people at your level, as state in previous post, is kinda hard, especially if we take how shitty it is to play against people from other regions,which makes a possible player base even smaller.

would you like some sausage

if you are talking about the source of the image just search cerebella on gelbooru


Most people just don't play for long. Beginners hit a cap, have enough, then dip. Just playing a lot you will naturally develop instincts that make you seem "better." It's not exactly something you can half ass unless you are hilariously bad.

Golden Girl, a Sup Forums and /aco/ creation. Check the Sup Forums booru.

More or less though.

i have been playing GG xrd since it launched but i can only play on weekends. one guy i added plays the game every fucking day, so does most people who i usually play GG, there's no fucking way i can beat those guys, i can't even see any progression learning matchups against them because the matches are always one sided as fuck. i might have gotten better but there's no way too see improvement.

So is it filled with political activism like everything else to come out of this site post 2013?

nigga, it is fucking porn.
check the /aco/ thread or simply go to Sup Forumsbooru,the later is not even on Sup Forums

>>nigga, it is fucking porn.
That means literally nothing. Shoving politics in porn has become the new hot meme these days and probably what makes me the most furious about the hyper politics of the world right now. I only asked because shoving your political feelings in your porn has become envouge.


just type Sup Forumsbooru golden girl, see some big tities and forget about politics.
there's no politics.

No, Sup Forums is the horniest board next to Sup Forums and spends time having drawfags draw things they want to fuck. An issue of some Batman comic had an odd panel of the female "red" Robin character but her proportions were done in such a way that her tits were larger than her head.

This inspired the creation of a side kick "girl wonder" who developed cow tits post puberty that interfere with her life style as an acrobatic crime fighter.

About THIS good

Not very. I can barely keep my mind straight playing smash and I'm not good at blocking in traditional fighting games, much less inputs
>tfw still bought KOF '98, Garou and Fatal Fury Special on the Switch[/spoiler

aaand he's neeeever going to answer

If you're not good enough for randoms then you aren't "Really good" though.

By really good I meant competent. I know my combos/assists/resets well enough, but I don't know the meta

here's my waifu :)

I'm good at betting on saltybet, does that count?

I can't for the life of me do any sort of combo in a real match. At best I sometimes manage to confirm 1 hit into a super or another move. Even outside of matches though, I can't do any non-braindead combos.


then don't

you didn't get the reference, i was watching freddy got fingered and impulsively made a reference to the scene with the sausages while reading this thread.

>freddy got fingered
well i never watched freddy got fingered and its not known in my region.
ill add to my backlog though.

Been playing since i was 3 yrs old but never entered any tournament because i live in a shitty place with zero tournament scene. I used to be top 300 in SFV when the second month dropped after the game's release, but never played since then because i disliked the game. I was platinum back in March 2016 if i recall correctly.

Got to Juggernaut in Tekken 7 with Lili but i haven't been finding new players to play which is a big turn down.

Don't like GG, BlazBlue, or Spic Hop.

Looking forward to zfag just because i like Android 18.