Will it be better than nothing?

will it be better than nothing?

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it'll be better than sonic forces at least

It'll be pretty good. I wonder if it will continue from the 2-styled 9 and 10, or will incorporate features from the later Classic games.

Well, the trailer already showed off sliding and charging, so I suspect the latter.

Megaman has his charge and slide so if they did include Proto Man he wouldn't have much going for him besides the shield. Bass Mode would be nice, maybe.

>Jet Adapter and Power Adapter never ever again

>Jet Adapter and Power Adapter never ever again
It hurts.

I wouldn't mind extra playable characters. What would be great is if they did what MMPU did where after you beat the game, you can play the entire game as any of the bosses.

That would require making all the Robot Masters be MM's size so that there's no issue with doorways. Not exactly a big problem, but I'm just saying.

>What would be great is if they did what MMPU did where after you beat the game, you can play the entire game as any of the bosses.
That'd be great but it'll never happen, because they aren't 8-bit/chibi the robot masters have way more varied sizes to them. If the title screen is anything to go by, one of them is legit Frost Man size.

Will it be physical or digital.

MM11 will have a physical reseal along with digital.


>MM11 will never get 2D animated cutscenes
>MM11 will never have funky j-pop to be its main theme

But yeah, it is better than nothing.

>MM11 will never get 2D animated cutscenes
I mean they could, but it's quite expensive if you want it to look good.

Reading the game informer column on it makes me feel like they're putting a lot of work to get it right.

From the footage we've seen I have hopes for it

>Bass Mode
Not wanting to play as Roll with her new super cute design. Of course we keep Bass Mode as well.

It already looks fairly solid in terms of core gameplay. Now we gotta hope the level design and music are up to the series standards or peaks, and from there we just hope they'll polish it to a mirror sheen, metaphorically speaking.

No. I rather nothing.

It would have been way better for a Megaman comeback a sequel to Battle & chase to taste the waters.

But no, have a jew collection of games with less that 10mb games cut in half because more jewness.... Also a mobile tier game you will call good because settling.

You’re not wrong but it’s either this or nothing.

>Battle & chase
>Not Power Battle

>Battle & chase
>Not Mega Man Soccer

>>MM11 will never have funky j-pop to be its main theme
More Japanese-developed games need this. It's essential.

>a racing game as the first mega man game in almost ten years
That'd be pretty dumb. A Mega Man 11 is the best option to try reviving the series.

If it was 8-bit, people would be disappointed since then it'd look like Capcom was just making another game like 9 or 10.

I concur. It's neat seeing how they're making stuff like the enemies' sounds, or reading about how they're developing stages in the vein of the old games. I didn't know that they would draw a landscape for each level in a 3D perspective to get a feel for the stage's theme.

Like I said I rather nothing, since you can't have CAPCOM treating its mascot properly.

With a party racer there's more potential than a niche game. See Mario Kart.

>Racing Spinoff would be a better series revival than an actual new game in a main series
You are the only person who thinks this and if they actually did that Mega Man fans would be pissed off to high heavens

mighty no 9 was decent and this game will also be decent

Mighty No. 9 was decent but it could have been great if Inafune didn't force the devs to use an engine they couldn't understand for the life of them

I feel nothing

Don't get me wrong, I'll stick with the party racer, but after that I'm down with Inazuma eleven: Megaman edition.

>A Mega Man 11 is the best option to try reviving the series.
if they actually did that Mega Man fans would be pissed off to high heavens
>Forgetting it already happened.
>New Megaman game!
>Megaman legacy collection.

>Can't tell the difference between actual new content and a port collection
Cave Johnson we're done here

You have brain cancer.

mighty no 9 was better than nothing
nothing is better than mega man 2
therefore mn9 is better than mega man 2

I hope it good enough to pave the way for a new Battle Network game.

Where would you insert it in the timeline

After 6.
I wanna see Lan's high school adventures.

That's what the marketing strategy everyone fell, dummy.

Nope, it still works good enough to tell the bad quality of that poor attempt of sprite.

I don't even know what you're trying to do. Proclaim you want a spinoff to revive the series? Ignore the actual MM11 and pretend it's just another legacy collection? What the fuck are you even doing?

>Nope, it still works good enough to tell the bad quality of that poor attempt of sprite.
This isn't fucking english. It's not even a sprite, it's a model. Are you high right now?

i think he wants a spinoff in hopes of how Metroid Prime does it everything a new mainline game is being built up

>RM weapons being designed with secondary uses in mind, like an air dash.

On one hand I want the Wily Castle levels to go absolutely crazy and use them to their fullest potential. On the other hand I'm afraid it could lead to a Boobeam Trap situation.

I can't, I just wanted a proper revive to the series. Which it seems to be impossible with Capcom.

So we got a killed series in a bad way, raping its corpse for years, teasing a comeback to end with a collection of games you find on internet since 20 years ago, but hey if this doesn't sell it won't be a new game for sure, then you have a tease.... that ends up being a show to announce fucking overpriced merch from all things.... and it wasn't the end.

Exactly, Capcom doesn't even know what they want to do with their own mascot. Is this a 2D game or a 3D?

>wouldn't have much going for him besides the shield.
They could differentiate him pretty easily. Maybe give him an extra charge level like X's buster parts. "Big Bang Buster" is one of protoman's canon moves anyways.

Most Mega Man games have forced weapon usage somewhere. It's usually not a problem. MM2 just stands out since you need most (often all) of your crash bombs to win the fight and restoring them usually necessitates a game over.

>Exactly, Capcom doesn't even know what they want to do with their own mascot. Is this a 2D game or a 3D?
It's a 2.5D game like Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X, escaping the NES presentation pigeon hole they stuck themselves in years ago by stepping up their presentation for the first true HD game in the series. Also mechanics like Charge and Slide return.

>Is this a 2D game or a 3D?
Have you literally never seen a 2D platformer with 3D graphics in your life.

Metroid just did this. Yoshi just did this. Mario was doing this for 2 console generations. Hell this goes back to goddamn Yoshi's story on the Nintendo 64 or earlier.


Yoshi's Story isn't 2.5D. It's literally a Donkey Kong Country type deal with pre-rendered models being turned into 2D graphics.

Zelda did this too and people praised gamespot for announcing ALBW as GotY

To be fair, it depends on how old-school or new-school they're going with 11. Starting with the PS1 era, you'd have all your weapon energy refilled on levels and death, so if 11 encourages more excess/creative weapon usage, returning that rule would help.

Hold up. I thought 8 was the only Classic game to refill weapon energy after death. At least I'm pretty sure that was the case.

That's the trouble, by multiplating it will be gimped, not being a graphicsfaga, it will look like shit. And to add, the 3D effect seems to make these kind of games slower.

For being their biggest name, one would think they'd treat Megaman mejor instead of Bringing it "back" with a game that gives the impression they have limited budget.

If you want a good 3D game like megaman you should have call Aksys, it is perfect.

Well I meant Wily levels, not just level-levels, but yeah. It was mainly 8, though 8 and X4-6 also had level transitions for loading reasons that refilled all your stuff.

Nowadays stream loading is easy peasy, so transition loading screens are unnecessary for a Classic game. Now we just have to wait and see if death refills weapon energy, though in hindsight probably not.

The only footage for 11 right now is at 30fps, so it'll inherently seem slower. But I really don't want to break into yet another argument about 3D with this game - and art style beats shoving in "next-gen" particles and shit everywhere. The Mega Man franchise has never been a looker off of raw graphical horse power, but instead great art design and backgrounds.

I agree, yet this game seems to be mobile tier. Aksys would have nailed the visuals with their engine.


Probably because Mega Man has never been a very good seller and that would literally be wasting money

You can't just have your favorite game studio pretty up every game you think is too ugly. There's an actual business side to this shit, and as long as the gameplay is good, the graphics come second.

Arcsys uses Unreal Engine and handcrafts their animation to an excessive degree that is probably some of the most expensive animation for fighting games ever. Even more expensive than just doing 3D models to trace over for pixel art, which they do for Blazblue, Persona 4 Arena and the upcoming Cross Tag.

11 is probably a drop in the ocean in terms of budget compared to those projects. This is a revival game but it's not getting the full triple-A treatment by far.

That's what it means in an NES game or one following an NES game's tilesets. Most Robot Masters are around Mega Man's size anyway. Have we seen any bits of the levels that seem like they don't accommodate characters a little larger than Mega Man?

It might not be great but it's practically impossible to fuck up Megaman with how tight the formula is. Even if it's remembered as one of the worst titles it'll be a game worth playing through once.

You seem to misunderstand; Aksys is high tier, not really "my" favorite. They are proven most capable.

That's whole problem; Capcom is not treating their main mascot as it should. They're treating megaman as if it were not their biggest mascot. And we end with this; better than nothing?

>nothing is better than mega man 2
Half the Megaman classic games are, but nice try.

It looks like the RM weapons will function like the later X games, where you can fire your buster with one button while hitting triangle or Y to use the weapon, at the cost of a charge shot. Seems pretty good to me.

It won't be the worst, because the footage we've seen means it doesn't have the issues with screensize and movement being wrong like in 7 and to a lesser extent 8. It'd need to be kind of busted to be worse than 1 too.

Being a mascot =/= sells well

Mega Man 2, the best selling Mega Man game, only sold about 1.51 million units. Every other Mega Man game sold less.

In comparison, Super Mario Odyssey has already broken 5 million sales and it's only been out a couple months. Capcom is nowhere near Nintendo size, just because Nintendo's mascot sells well doesn't mean Capcom's does too.

And if a game most likely isn't going to sell well, a company isn't going to funnel all of their money into it.

Mega man isn't their biggest mascot anymore, that goes to Ryu.

Megaman is more Capcom than Ryu's. Ryu just to happen is the biggest whore.

Resident Evil sells way more than Street Fighter


Morrigan is be most whorish in terms of relevance to number appearances and merchandise. Ryu at least the main character of a well-selling series

if we're going by sales fucking rathalos is the mascot

Monster Hunter doesn't sell well outside of Japan

fine by me

>Jet Adapter and Power Adapter never ever again

Good, they basically disintegrated the level design.

>tfw you actually wanted a 2.5D entry

Keep crying bitch niggas

I am amazed that is a thing.
That is awesome.

So what are you playing while you wait for mega man 11?

this is very good on the switch i really want to buy the legacy collection and the x collection when they come out

This, it was about time, maybe people wouldn't be as butthurt if it looked like powered up

I feel like if they actually made a new mainline game in the powered up style instead of just remaking old games and keeping the regular style for new ones some people would be pretty pissy about it

People would be butthurt no matter what, but especially if it looked like Powered Up. There's a fair number of genuine fans that were turned away by the art style, especially since it clashed hard with even the Classic series, and stuff like Cut Man's theme being overly cutesy didn't help it.

I get what they were going for, but Capcom should've tried to standardize the styles of the later games rather than go chibi, since it wasn't even very authentic to the original games.