Element: Poison

>Element: Poison

Other urls found in this thread:


>Earth and Stone are separate elements

>Element: Dark

Beware of edges if you're weak to dark

rocks are rocks and dirt is worm poop

>game uses fire, water, earth, wood, and metal

>There's toxic and poison

ur worm poop

>durr ice should be the same element as water because i'm retarded and don't realize ice is the cold element
>durr electricity should be the same element as fire

>game uses fire, water, earth, air, darkness, light, life and death as elements

>Game has fire and lava elements.


>void element

>No games have the Apeiron element

>poison, charm, paralysis, stun, death, mute, bomb, bat

>Element: none

rocks are dense compacted minerals while earth is pulverized rocks and animal and plant matter
theres getting aids and then there's getting food poisoning
lava is a solid. fire isnt

>Type: Normal

>5 main elements (water, fire, wind, earth and lightning) plus two (dark and light)

>Elements: Sword, Shot, Strike, Throw, Attack

>metal and rock are seperate elements
>there's no specific element for each metal

>Element: Astral

>poison: damage over time
>fire: damage over time
>bleeding: damage over time

>element: plant

>Ground and Rock are separate elements

Try to chop the ground.


mixing these with trolls or wose is muey bueno

>every status effect does DoTs
>they can all stack
based grim dawn

>type: ???

type: Science

Element: Ghost
>has 75-100% resistance to neutral

>pick poison elemet
>is is worthless cause it does not work on boss enemies

>type: null

>there is an element called "non-elemental"

>lava is a solid
No it fucking isn't

it's a viscous solid yes
i dont think ive ever seen someone pour it in a bucket and i dont think you can shovel glops of water

>almighty, nuclear and non-elemental are 3 separate things

>there's a type of damage simply called Magic that is completely unrelated to the other elements

>every boss has elemental resistance
>coders forgot to give bosses non-elemental resistance

i'll keep that in mind thank you

>radiation element
>blood element
>muscle element
>flesh element
>bone element


>oppai element
>pettan element

>game has void and darkness element

This always means that all your interesting, spacial elemental abilities are useless against the highest level enemies, against which you always rely on your most powerful 'basic' attacks. Because that's how you design combat systems, apparently.

>Physical Element
I hate video games

>game uses classical elements
>forgets to include aether

>Wind and Lightning are the same element
>Same setting puts lightning in the fire element department but renames it "energy"

>poison and burns are basically the same thing
Name the rpg

>Game uses classical elements
>Doesn't include wire

Honest question: do you guys get pissy if water and ice are separate. I always kinda view water as "liquids" and ice as "cooling" if that makes a difference.

Try to chop a bunch of fucking rock

>element: [ERROR]

I'm fine with them being separate. They would have completely different uses usually.


>only ONE thing was used for every element
>water is liquid
>ice is a hard solid but also cold
>Vapor is air
>Steam is hot
>explosions can be made by rapidly sublimating ice into vapor or steam

By definition, solids cannot be viscous you brainlet. If they have viscosity they are fluids and therefore not solids

Although, I wish they stuck with the original plan of having poison status lower Special Attack and burn status lower Physical Attack.
Only burn has the additional effect.

>snow is powdery solid

>Element: Fighting

>game doesn't have heart element

>Using any element other than Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire, and Water


>element: Myth


Sounds chinese, any examples?

poison dot increases every turn and recently became just a more damaging burn since the burn dot was reduced to i think 1/16 a bar per turn

>Have all sorts of cool ailments and status effect
>Normal enemies die too fast for the effects to be noticeable
>Bosses are immune to the effects

What's the weirdest element you've encountered Sup Forums?


i thought poison was water based element

>element: poop

Would have been okay if fucking FFXII made more water spells than the basic one when everything else has the standard 3 levels of strenght, what is even the point of this rock-paper-scissor system if one of them just stays behind

>Type: Ground
>Type: Rock
>Type: Ground/Rock

>game actually has unique elemental status effects that are just DoT
>game has elemental damage that basically only recolors your attack, nothing else

>Enemy is strong to all magic types, and immune to non elemental/almighty

and dont forget that holy is as bad as chaos

>amount of time it takes status effects to kill enemies makes them practically useless on easily dispatched enemies
>all bosses are immune to status effects
fuck every game that does this


>All attacks have elemental effects (Including bludgeoning/slashing/etc.)
>Creatures have resistances and vulnerability to said elements
>Getting hit with said elements causes build-up, getting full build-up causes an additional status ailment



What is Elements the Card Game?

hey glad you picked up on that

There's actually 2 types of poison, strong and weak
weak poison works the same as burn minus the attack debuff

With Dark sharing an affinity for Water and Earth Ice, and Light sharing an affinity for Fire Wind and Lightning

>Element: Explosive

>Bosses have immunity to "Death"
>But not the myriad of other fundamentally identical instant kill spells of different elements


>anything not on the periodic table
Should just call them attributes or traits or something

>hp: ????
>mp: ????
>type: ????
>status: ????

>Status: Phenomenal

sauce on the gif?

Find a flaw. Protip: you can't


>Best Tier
Lightning, Fire, Ice
>Sci-Fi Tier
Electricity, Heat, Radiation, Cold, Sonic, Acid, Energy
>Fantasy Tier
Lightning, Fire, Earth, Water, Ice, Dark, Light, Poison, Nature, Magic, Normal

>Find a flaw
GW did it first.

>metal opposed to death
>life opposed to fire
>heavens opposed to beasts

nigga whut? suck my moon dick, bungie.

>Game uses a tumblr gender chart for elements.

What, like gaywater?

Prolly Perfect World. I remember Clerics having Metal element it was just lightning tho.

>Shovel glops of water

Genderfluid female expressive is supereffective against third-spirit non-conforming demiboy

>poison: weakest DoT that reduces enemy healing
>fire: strongest DoT
>bleeding: DoT that ignores armor

>fire magic doesn't burn
>ice magic doesn't freeze
>lightning magic doesn't stun
>the strongest spell is some non elemental light explosion