Soul Calibur VI thread

Soul Calibur VI thread

What are your hopes and expectations?


>lol guise i le posted le shadman pls give me (You)s lol

i like shadman



>Draws girl with the penis super good man

me too


>el hombre de shad


did you really dig though two years worth of trash in the Shadman archives till you found something to shitpost with on Sup Forums?

Ivy with the lewdest costume to date


me too

What needs to happen to one person to start to sexually desire their family? I dont get it.


i love shadman memes

>Man of Shad

where did you find this. is there more to the scene?


I like some ideas he has but the way he colours his art is just gross to me.

I don't sexually desire my family, I just find it hot when it's other people doing it

no one actually hates shadman


A good number of people do, I just hate the fact he focuses on fucking futa and asseating 24/7. His art is fine to me, but I can see how it'd be shat on endlessly. Preference thing. He's easy to hate.

The more I stare at it the more I find it acceptable

Hahaha, nice one shad, go back to fapping to your mom.



i'm not attracted to her though?




Dude it's the same shit from the trailer, just reversed.

When I was younger I once got a 16yr old to go slide his dick in his passed out moms ass and cum all over her back.


me too user

Do the girls fuck each other or is it a one off
Is that supposed to the the incredibles

I like incest too, but I still cant get my head around how someone can suddenly another person they shared their lives with in a sexual way.
Quads check out, everyone should love Shadman.


I also fap to his stuff from time to time.

we all do



Namefag please end your pathetic life.

Yeah, they are from the Incredibles. Im ashamed to know Shadman has a full comic of Vy and her mother having sex in the car( its futa tho, so thats a no no)

>Is that supposed to the the incredibles
Yes, the Man of Shad has extented his cancer to the Incredibles due being an easy target for his preferences: Incest, Ass Licking and Futa; Elastic Girl / Ms. Incredible is a magnet for that.