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At least it was before I fucked errthang up

Least it was 'fo I fucked everything up

At least it was before I fugged everythin' up.

I like Majula more than Firelink

best hub

DaS2 best game


Dark Souls 2 has probably the comfiest dark world I've ever played through.

mas is dead brah

I came back to berry my moms.
All six of them.



There's something nostalgic about Majula compared to the other hubs

I never skipped.

Damn, I never realized how lazy the background artists were

>hurr lets just slap some colossuems in the background, le ancient!!

This game gets worse and worse the more you look at it.

Only hub that felt like a hub, and not a tomb or cliffside

i know this is a shitposting thread but damn i love majula. i wish it’s theme would play every time i walk into my home and lull me away to sleep.

All you had to do was receive the four great souls, Bearer.


To be alive...

Well that's easy to achieve.

I love DS2s graphics. They’re on par with DS3s.

Let's get this shit going:
Firelink Shrine (DSIII)>=Majula>=Firelink Shrine>=Hunter's Dream>=The Nexus

Maiden In Black>The Doll>Shanalotte>Fire Keeper
That's because Majula looks like, and is, a lived in place. Firelink Shrine from DaS evokes a similar feeling with the dried up pond that the bonfire sits in.

Nah, sotfs looks pretty good but there's a clear difference.


>looks open world
>but really it's just the same old cheap linear shit

When's From going to get some budget and make relevant game?

I wish Dark Souls 2 kept the surrealist look it had in Majula all the way through the game.

I don't like the hard lines and rugged textures of the bloodborne aesthetic, I think it fit for bloodborne but not ds3

>if it's open world it has to be good!

I didn't like that the DS3 shrine isn't connected to the world at all, it felt really off when I played it the first time.

they put so much effort into majula then just sort of gave up

Aktschually you can go to: The Forest Of Fallen Giants, Heide's Tower Of Flame, or the Grave Of Saints/The Gutter. Then you can go to Huntsman's Copse when you get that scam miracle lady.
I don't think surrealist is the world you're looking for. Perhaps resplendent?
I agree. I remember being in absolute awe at seeing the wall of Lothric from the Cemetery of Ash. I thought the giant ice lizard was guarding a path that would allow you to scale the wall. Not so. It disappointed me, too. But DSIII's Firelink Shrine is just the bee's knees for me.

yeah it's 2017, you should be able to traverse and go anywhere, whenever in a game.

I don't know. None of the houses even have a solid roof


The music. The fact that it was a comfy little village.

Reposting my thread topic here for more exposure:

Sup Sup Forums. I'm about to play Dark Souls 2: SotFS for the first time. I'm not new to Souls games, but I'm curious: what are your favorite builds or weapons? I'm thinking of going DEX this time because I never have. Are there fun DEX weapons outside katanas? I know FromSoft loves their glorious Nippon swords but I'm not too crazy about them.

DS3 firelink is supposed to be a disconnected safe heaven that probably belongs to a completely different timeline compared to all game events.
It feels like a bunker, one of the last bastions of sentient life.

What I mean is that the way color and landscape is used in Majula reminds me a lot of something like this.

DS2 dex is rather pathetic, actually. Awful scaling (and it's DS2 scaling we're talking about), and all best dex weapons are better infused with element and buffed on top of it.

What about 2018?
DSIII should've been a return to the DeS hub. You'd warp from Firelink Shrine across time and space to retrieve Lothric, Yhorm, the Abyss Watchers, etc.
>that probably belongs to a completely different timeline compared to all game events.
The High Wall is right about the Cemetery, man.

Or even some of the stuff that you'd find inside a "I Spy" book, it's hard to explain.


no, that actually makes for very shitty video games.

GO ANYWHERE is a meme and it ruins level design



Falchion is my favourite dex weapon. It's really fast but only has B scaling i believe. in sotfs there's the puzzle sword which has S scaling but I haven't tried it so I don't know if it's any good. Halberds are also fine weapons but require STR too. The thing about DS2 scaling is S and A are barely different, so when you infuse an S weapon it'll drop down to A without any real penalty

the cliffs and the ocean look nice, and the lighting actually doesn't look as garbage as the rest

>The High Wall is right about the Cemetery, man.
Geographically, yes. Timeline-wise, who knows. We can physically travel all the way to Cemetery from the High Wall yet we will end up inside Untended Graves instead.

Bottom right is literally Skellige from Witcher 3


Just find something you like the moveset of. There are a lot of hybrid moveset weapons like the Helix Halberd, Yorgh's Spear, Santiers Spear. Just try out everything you find to see if you like it. A lot of the unique weapons will be found in the DLC so it's not like you're going to be able to build with them from the start.

wow that looks way worse
bottom left is not bad

My favorite build was this warlock who used hexes. As for DEX, I dunno. My first build was a dual-manslayer, dual-rapier, dual spotted whip wielding mother fucker. But I always mixed it up with a Heide Lance or something here and there.


It was a better hub. Shame that because the world was nowhere near as interconnected as in 1 and because of instant teleporting the only reason to actually visit Majula regularly was to level up. If you actually had to pass through it just to travel it would really be a GOAT hub


Shit taste
Nexus>Majula>Firelink(DS1)>power gap>Firelink(DS3)>Haven't played BB yet

I love that cat's voice.

I think SotFS is by far my favorite PvP experience on Souls. But holy fuck was release 2 bad
>could one shot people with Climax
>greater resonant soul in general
>instant poison fog
>crystal magic weapon on MLGS
>forbidden sun

There are many flaws with DS2 but the one thing that made it dislike it is how long it is.

Spears in ds2 are fun, the regular "spear" and winged spear are basic but with a good moveset. Liked to two hand them on my dex build with grass shield on my back and poke people.

Who knew Ciaran could sound so sexy.

I can't think of a better cat than Shalquoir in any vidya

Pre-Scholar wasn't too bad. Spawned one of the best PvP montages in video games.

My nigga, loved these books as a kid, this one especially
Any place where you can find scans online?


You can't be serious.

Looks more like an aquaduct.
What's wrong with it anyway? Fits in with the rest of the game design in my opinion.
What would you have done?




h i g h t e s t
t h i c k

She surprisingly has a lot of dialogue

nigga, just go Goku build
DS2 the fist weapon is deadly like other weapons


what weapons did your warlock use


Sorry I don't really know. I only read these in middle school. I wish I had copies of them.

Is Majula supposed to be a play on medulla oblongata

Me, Me Pickle Pee

>Sup Forums now likes dark souls 2



>want to level up
>every fucking time

Mix and match, but no shield ever: Heide Lance infused with lightning, Throne Watcher sword, Throne Defender sword, Silverback spear infused with dark, blacksmith's hammer, Abyss greatsword infused with dark. I had that dark substance to put on my hammer in PvP since infusing the smith's hammer with dark makes it do less damage as a whole. Hammer always went in the right hand, using either the watcher or defender sword in left. Spear always in right hand. Defender sword in left, Heide Lance in right.

Are you serious? Dark Souls 2 looks like washed out garbage.

I really wish I could go through the game again with the original enemy placement.

You don't own both DSII and Scholar?


Well, when compared to DS3 pretty much anything looks good. Even AIDS.

I'm convinced it has be to people that only played the final build of SOFTS. Anyone that played this during released knows what kind of turd it is and no amount of polishing could change it.

on release it was fun


DaS 3 was such a massive letdown it not only made DaS 2 relevant again, but it also made it great by comparison.

How could it go so wrong?

And everything in Dark Souls 3 looks like mud or clay.

God I hate Majula.
The lighting is so bad.
The colours are disgusting.
Everything is so open and defenseless.
I wish we had another clean, closed area like The Nexus again. The one in Dark Souls 3 looked similar but it was gross and dingy.

>dark souls 3
>dark souls 2
>being anything but the worst
So this is the true power of the Zelda effect™

>insecure DaS2fag goes straight for DaS3 even though its better in every way

this is great. what's the sword that shoots magic?

Dark Souls 2 was pretty good if you were into the multiplayer aspects of the game.

Co-op was pretty good and the weapon/magic balance in PvP was pretty great.

The single player part of the game was an abortion though.

>DaS3 even though its better in every way

It's better in a lot of ways but not all of them.

I had the original on ps3, but I lost that among other things in a fire. I had gotten Scholar on xbo because at the time it was 10 bucks