Fallout 2 > Fallout New Vegas > Fallout 1 > Fallout Tactics > Fallout Brotherhood of Steel > Fallout Shelter > Literal...

Fallout 2 > Fallout New Vegas > Fallout 1 > Fallout Tactics > Fallout Brotherhood of Steel > Fallout Shelter > Literal Dogshit > Fallout 3 > Fallout 4

You know it's true.



>fo2 better than fo1


Move fallout shelter behind fallout 3 and I agree

Daily reminder that FO4 is the only good entry in the series since it doesn't have the dogshit combat of the first two and the pleb tier story of 3 and NV

wait what the fuck is Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel

a shitty diablo clone for the xbox

Literal Dogshit it's my favorite fallout game

youre fucking right


Fallout 4 is ok.

A man of taste.

>Fallout 4 is ok.



Swap FO1 and NV's places and you're golden.

>Fallout 4 is ok

Eh. Swap literal dogshit with Fallout Shealter, then swap it again with Fallout 3.

replace 2 with 1, put 3 behind shelter and BOS behind 3 and It's perfect.

fallout shelter is not a game.

New Vegas > Fallout2 > Fallout1 > Tactics > absolute horseshit > Fallout3 > BoS > Fallout Shelter > Fallout4

>Fallout 4 is ok.

Yeah, pretty much. I would just move NV to the first spot.
I know some people preferred the more focused 1 but I really liked how much content 2 had.

who the fuck animated that, and why did todd allow it

Your Piper is disgusting, you should feel very embarrassed for posting this picture.

ah, i need the (you)s


Brotherhood of Steel was literal dogshit.

Swap 2 and 1 and I'll agree with you

>Fallout 4 is ok.

>Fallout 4 is ok

Back to /fog/ with you faggot.

Shelter isn't a Fallout game.
Neither is 4.

When will the New Vegas meme end?

fallout 4 is good. give me (You)s.

Bethesda...Bethesda never changes.

Swap 1 and 2 and we are okay

>Fallout 4 is ok.

Am I a bad person if I like 3?

how does it feels to play with actual dog shit?

>My favorite part of the job!

what is the point of this pic?

are the old fallout games a good start for somebody who has never played one of those top down rpg games?
i wasnt allowed to play video games growing up so got into them really late. I tried playing PoE and found it really awkward but idk if that was the game or just top downs in general

i really liked New Vegas because i liked how much you could roleplay and felt like choices mattered more than in 3

absolute brainlet

maybe he is just a faggot

Are you the same person from this thread?
If so, I agree with you on both counts.
I prefer fallout 1 to fallout 2 when it comes to tone, but fallout 2 is more fun to replay because of all the extra content.
Basically these.
bad bait
Imo it is the worst game in the series, but it's hard to really compare it to the other games...it's basically the "baldur's gate dark alliance"of the fallout series.
Also OP I really suggest you try Fallout 1.5 Ressurection, one of the best mods / total conversions I've ever played in my entire LIFE.
Also there are usually comfy fallout 1 and 2 threads on /vr/ - you will get better discussion than here on Sup Forums.

Boys. How's this as a setup for an energy weapons build in FNV?

S 3 (6 + implant and OWB spine)
P 5
E 6
C 1
I 9
A 7
L 9

Traits: Built to Destroy, Skilled

Tagged: Energy Weapons, Medicine, Science

Any tweaks, adjustments or concerns?

any tweaks from this point would be personal preference, no point in going into detail

Does Fallout 1 have cars?

Obviously Tactics is the best game

I'm running with
S 4 (7 w/ implant and Reinforced Spine)
P 5 (7 w/ implant and 1st Recon Beret)
E 8
C 1
I 9 (10 w/ implant)
A* 5 (7 w/ implant and LR SPECIAL point)
L 8 (10 w/ implant and Lucky Shades)

Traits: Good Natured & Skilled until AFTER completing all the skill checks necessary for Ghost Town Gunfight, then switch to Built to Destroy & Fast Shot

Tags*: EW, Lockpick, Speech

*Agility is a special case: I start with INT 8 and AGI 6 with Repair tagged so I can get Light Touch at lvl 2; then when I rebuild right after doing all the skill checks, I take Rapid Reload for my lvl 2 perk AND get to keep Light Touch due to some fuckery with the way DM's perks are affected at the beginning of the game, so I end up with an extra perk

This works with both Guns and EW; I have not tried Melee/Unarmed due to having low STR, plus I'd rather not get my shit stomped in HC/Very Hard while wearing light armor. I tried a Cowboy/Shotgun build, but I was unhappy with how long the LA-shotgun took to reload