I've never played a Dragon Quest game in my life. Where should I start?

I've never played a Dragon Quest game in my life. Where should I start?

id say 8

If you like old school rpgs, play 3 or 5
if not, ignore them

I started 2 weeks ago with 1 on my phone. Dropped it after I couldn't fight what I assume is the last golem before the final boss without grinding.

Want my advice, skip the first one, can't say anything about the rest.


Nah, 8 is the best one it's all downhill from there. Try 5 or 7 OP

4 5 or 8, depends really on what kinda graphics you want.

Final Fantasy is the series Square experiments with to make different every time to ah, varying degrees of success. DQ has pretty much been the same game with more side features added in that stick around to new iterations like casinos and monster raising. But at its core, it’s still DQ.


1. VII
2. II
3. X
4. IX
5. VI

Dragon Quest Monster Joker 3

I'd put II in the number one spot myself.

skip them and read the doujins

DQIV, the original NES version is fine but you can do the DS one even if it lacks the party chat from the japanese original.

DQ3 is the absolute best mechanically, it's tremendously replayable and satisfying.

DQ5 has the best story beats.

DQ8 is gorgeous and immersive.

1+2 are for the retro appeal mostly. 2 gets annoyingly hard in the last third. However, part of DQ3's appeal comes from playing 1 and 2 first. It's not NECESSARY, but...

DQ6 is beautiful for the SNES and it has a big cast of colorful characters. It also has a great first act and final act. Everything in between is messy, aimless, slow and not very interesting.

DQ7 is massive and it improves 6's class system quite a bit. It does take a bit too long to get anywhere clear.

why not? DQ series is pretty consistently good.


Start with 8 or 5.

Don't start with 7.

4 is the best one, but only if you have the capacity to appreciate true 8-but games.

Otherwise, try a remake of 5, or 8

Hey man, calm down on 6, it’s not that bad, I really like that game

Causal scum

You have shit taste what more can I say

No party chat in DQIV? guess I try the NES one then.

6 is okay.

You're in the wrong thread, Chen.

I like all Dragon Quest games. 6 has issues that are undeniable. As much as people hate 7's length is mostly because of its pacing, which it inherited from 6 where it's even worse. But people only played 6 later (legally, anyway) so they don't harp on it as much.

I'd also recommend doing it mostly because the DS remakes are part of the modern DQ adaptations.

Meaning... accents.

I started with IX when that first came out and thoroughly loved it.

>Use the faerie charm bro, it totally helps out against those cheeky golems, ya?
>Use charm
>Get smashed by gray golem with no ears

Flip the first DQ.

So he has to start with the worst ones and finish with 8?

I started with VII but it makes every other DQ look umderdone.