Was it really THAT bad?

was it really THAT bad?

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wii u. Maybe if it released on xbox it wouldve done great

Localization was bullshit, game itself was alright

persona 5 ripoff

proof sex doesn't sell.

it was surprisingly good

kinda hard for sex to sell when you remove all of it overseas

No, Mamori's game is actually quite good.

Counter argument: Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Literally who?

No, people only got buttblasted because they fell for NoA's SMT x FE crossover meme trailer

I could list several other examples. It's just funny how people casually brush off something when it doesn't suit their narrative. nu-tomb raider and gravity rush, and bayo 2 being others.

Mamori Minamoto, the best girl, best tank and best healer in TMS #FE

Wii U games that don't offer offscreen option are terrible by default.

No? It is generally considered to be a very good game, but it was on the WiiU so it was doomed from the start.

No, it was really good. The localization was the part that was trash

is the #fe like social media? I always thought it was like for music. pretty disgusting.

An uncensored port to the Switch would sell a lot. Also, marketing it as a Persona like game wouldn't hurt.

It is for music, only the niggers that have no idea what the game is about call it hashtag

Nice excuse.

No, but it was censored and on a dead system so it was destined to flop. Nintendo seems to be porting anything of value to the Switch so maybe it'll get a port or extended edition.

Naw, man. WiiU was shit.

but it's a fire emblem game.

The story could of been better other then that I thought it was pretty good.

splatoon did alright. mario makers did okay.

Don't forget It's a crossover. This game puts more attention in gods instead of the usual drama between kingdoms


Her breasts were too big.

So that's a pathetic excuse.
that sound more interesting.

didn't stop xenoboob chronicles from selling

>nu-tomb raider

funny how this looks better than that piece of shit, despite having a smaller budget. atlus > monolithsoft

>what is sado-masochism

Nope, it was actually great.

No. It is good and fun. It just isn't for everyone.

But it isn't like Persona. 0 visual novel garbage.

Here to say Black Rain is the best song.

>An uncensored port to the Switch
I really doubt they would do this, just for the simple reason that Nintendo of America is way too arrogant to admit they fucked up.

How the hell did Gravity Rush sell itself with sex or anything? It's the most wholesome series out there.

Raindrop Memories is the best.

it was an average JRPG that had three things going against it:
1. WiiU Exclusive
2. Not the SMTxFE crossover that Nintendo banded it as (youtube.com/watch?v=0fS24IxelBA)
3. Unnecessary Censorship

I want a sequel without chains getting tedious and if it lets me skip skill animations

It was actually way better than the average JRPG

WiiU was the shit*

I'm an idort and it's easily my favorite platform of the generation

It was such a piece of garbage that not even japan bothered drawing r34 of it.

You mean Tsubasa as a party member?

The Japanese direct had the same trailer you dishonest nigger
>way better
>can't skip the retarded animations
>dungeons worse than both SJ, a game made by the same team, and SMT4A, which came out around the same timeframe
>customization worse than mainline SMT and modern FE
>shit tier story and characters which bog down the already mediocre experience
#FE being good is a meme on the same level as Neptunia being good, even the lackluster Xenoblade X was a better game.

Better than Persona 5.

Now this is shitposting

is there a better download unsensor version or you still gotta do the decrypt,recrypt,patch,decrypt cause the guy who fixed the american version are faggots that go muh piracy

>>dungeons worse than both SJ
>and SMT4A
>>customization worse than mainline SMT
>and modern FE
Ahah no.
You sound like an huge faggot anyway. Why even bully a defenseless game like this that very few like?

Yeah, totally not a falseflagger

Tsubasa for Smash!

Because it didn't sell a lot.

If you want to someone to take you seriously you better make actual comparisons instead of writing this joke of a post. Even a single image could have worked

The game is actually preetty fucking fun and the best Wii U game, but censorship ruined it. I hacked my Wii U because of this game and played it uncensored.

>an huge

>nu-tomb raider and gravity rush, and bayo 2 being others.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>when you remove all of it
That's not true. They made such a half-assed job that people started to suspect NoA only did it to inflate the budget.
They hate localizing anything that isn't Mario or Zelda anyways.

Seriously, she's the worst party member by a considerable margin.

it's also a musical

Kiria was too good for Nintendo.

>it's also a musical


Exactly what I said. Can't really make it any clearer, m8. Perhaps get some reading comprehension.

Didn't super saiyan marth predate super saiyan blue?

That part is an Opera, try playing the game next time

so this doesn't have a dub?

Toriyama is a fucking hack

Mamori steal her job as heal.

Take it back.

>so this doesn't have a dub?

nope. No dub.

but do you really want English Voice Actors to try and sing?

>That part is an Opera, try playing the game next time
it's still a fucking musical

This game needs actual acting and singing skills, there is not a single reused american VA that can pull it off

No wonder it flopped. americans don't like reading.

Operas never stop singing this is a straight musical

Bayonetta uses the whole sex-thing as a joke, Bayo2 doesn't but at that point Bayonetta was well known for being a good action game.
Not sure how nu-Tomb Raider uses sex. I guess you say it because Lara Croft is attractive.
No idea how gravity rush uses sex at all, there is nothing sexy about hobos

>titcow can't even do her job as good as the loli
What did they mean by this?

But you can't call it a musical when the last section of the dungeon made clear that with both acting and singing skills you could perform the Opera of Light, I know the localization is trash but that isn't that hard to understand


wanted to buy it, but i wasn't going to buy a game where localizers rewrote an entire dungeon because they were uncomfortable with swimsuit modeling.

Cristina Vee, Christine Marie Cabanos, even Rena Strober and Bonnie Gordon can.

to be fair I watched a LP of this mess because I was not going to shell out for a WiiU and this "crossover"

yeah it was obvious enough, don't worry

You can call the entire game a musical if you want but the part to get to the Shadow Dragon is an Opera

It's not bad, but it's the type of game that is indicative of how much of a failure the Wii U really was, and Nintendo of America as a whole.

She still has the swimsuit though.

What was his endgame?

What was her name again? Legit forgot.

Mamori and tiki will never call you onii-Chan.



and I know this because of shitposters

So what is the best version to play this game and how do I go about getting this version?

Nobody in Japan gave a shit about it either.


Wii u with the uncensor patch.

It wasn't awful, but it did feel like a cheap and cheesy JRPG without any of the depth that makes FE or Persona games interesting.

Mamori and Tiki will never give you naizuri while teasing you for being into young girls.

What depth?

American here. I have had several friends throughout the years tell me that they hate reading. Funny thing is I think they spend most of their free time on forms.

>no dojins
Yes very

Could this get announced in the next direct for switch?

who drew this?