I've started my Dark Souls playthrough today and got the lord vessel in 6 hours. You know, I'm too lazy to continue because I just don't like the rest of the game. Only the final fight is cool. Also, sen's fortress is boring and always puts me off playing Dark Souls 1.Am I the only one with that problem?
every souls game I've played has tedious parts
interestingly enough, Das2 suffered least from this in my experience. The early game is kind of lame but it improved steadily the longer I played. Can't say that for the others, with a disclaimer that I haven't played BB.
Bloodborne is perfect
>forbidden woods
>Dark Souls 1
>Too shit to Duke's Skip
>Whole Prison section is arse
I hear a lot of people complain about Izalith but I think the fear of dragon butts makes it more fun.
Also bonus points for having worst areas skippable (Lower Undead Burg, Depths & Blight Town)
>Dark Souls 2
>Most areas interesting
>Worst area is just a blight town tomb of giants combo
>Dark Souls 3
>Cathedral, Irithyll Dungeon and Profaned Capital all boring as hell
>Not Skippable
I wish Dark Souls 3 was Dark Souls 2: 2 but instead it's Bloodborne in Lothric.
Dark Souls 2 is shit. The only cool area in this game is Dragon Aerie and that's it. Well, outside of Drangleic Castle is cool too
For me it's the entirety of the Nightmare of Mensis. I FUCKING hate that place. Such a slog every time.
But these are the WOODS. What did you expect?
Sens fortress is okay but for some reason I hate anor londo. I think its because the other areas have that dark gritty atmosphere while anor londo doesn't really match with the rest of the game.
Anor Londo is like a breath of fresh air. Plus it is very well designed. Probably the best area in the game after Ash Lake
How is ash lake the best area in the game? You have to run forever past a hydra just to get to the covenant. Besides the dragon god theres no other point to ash lake.
Dark Souls is the worst IP From Soft has spawned.
It's just so fucking beautiful. I play Souls games because of the world design.
Tempted to get DS3 while it's on sale but I'm not sure. I liked one and two, didn't care so much for BB. Will I like this?
>liked 2
>didn't like BB
Punch yourself in the face for me please.
No you won't. You seem to be allergic to actually good gameplay, and if you didn't care for BB all that much, you're definitely going to hate DaS3 because it has the best gameplay in the series.
Dark Souls fans are weird
I like the astetic of areas like undead burg and blightown better than anor londo or ash lake. Its beautiful eventhough its gritty if that makes sense.
Just a head's up, people discovered beta content chalice dungeons in Bloodborne lately where you can fight a beta version of the Moon Presence and the Great One Beast. They're playable too.
I don't like it at all
why the hell is ds3 so fucking graybrown bros
Why the fuck is DS2 so fucking browny orange? This is ridiculous
because everything is dying and crumbling down?
it makes sense themematically
pre patch shrine of amana here to tell you that's a retarded opinion
>sen's fortress is boring
>one of the most amusing places to low level dickwraith in the entire game is "boring"
kill yourself for having such irredeemably shit taste
DaS2 definitely has the better gameplay over BB.
For all the posturing about weapon variety, you choice of equipment matters far less in BB than any other game. The difference between building around having a bandit's knife with bleeding that lets you get in and out slowly chips away at your opponent, and having a two-handed weapon that will stun or pancake just about anything, at the cost of fewer defensive options, or basing yourself around having miracles and pyromancy, etc, are massively more different than any weapon choices in BB.
DaS2 is the only game where greatshields have distinct disadvantages compared to mid shields, and those compared to bucklers.
I'm so sorry for laughing at this pic. Made me remember all these brainlet wojak memes