PS3 Thread

PS3 Thread

What games yah playing? Currently playing tales of vesperia. Is there missable in this game?

There's a secret weapon near the beginning. Outside that one town or whatever the fuck. It disappears soon after.

I'm at the part where you leave the first town and they shop teaches bout weapon skills. Did I pass it?


there's tons of missables, I'd recommend googling a guide or something for it. one I know off the top of my head is yuri's dark enforcer outfit and tiger blade arte.

The 3 FFXIII games.

Thanks for reminding me this. I wanted to play the third one and now I can get all the DLC for free.

Did I really miss it? I'm reading a guide and i don't see no sword.

Playing Nier, just finished for today actually.
Trying to grow Pink Moonflowers for the lady in Facade.

nothing to say other then the PS3 controller is the biggest piece of shit ever

I'm playing it on my ps4 controller. I can't go back to that small thing.

Shit, is the DLC free? I better get on that

Currently replaying Assassin's Creed: Rouge, which is the BEST Assassin's Creed game.

Its free for us pirates.

piracy user

playing through the Metal Gear games again with the hd collection. I'm installing 4 now.

The PS3 is mostly only good for ports of older games.

I just hacked my PS3. Any recommendations on JP only shit? Part of the reason I took this thing out of the closet is because I'm learning moonrunes.

So far I have both IM@S2 and One for All, Galgun, Dream C Club Gogo, To Heart 2 DX, Natsuiro High School, Shining Resonance and Vesperia.

What am I missing? Anything someone can recommend?

>What games yah playing?

Nothing really. I think I'm having more fun hunting for and downloading everything I could possibly want.
I also just noticed a bunch of games include nifty desktop wallpapers hidden in their files, so I need to spend a bunch of time digging those all out to use them on my PC

Oh I'm not a filthy pirate, I would never disrespect my beautiful Lightning by pirating her downloadable content.

Hope you are doing secret missions OP.

Finished Drakengard 3 last night.
Objectively the worst game I've ever enjoyed.

Im playing FF8. First time playing a final fantasy game

What an ugly, poorly playing game. Everything else was good though.

Following a guide. Heard this is bad as abyss with secrets.

This game is amazing.

Should i start ni no kuni, persona 5,yakuza 5 or the uncharted series???

It's the favourite of many fans
After yakuza 3 and 5 i replaying for the 3rd time

uncharted. Its short

uncharted is trash-tier. yakuza is legendary.

Play whatever fits your mood now, this is how I play games atleast. Even if my backlog raises ;^(

>For years collect for the ps3
>have about all the games i care about (120+), except for about 30 that are a bit old and hard to get
>install cfw two days ago with new method
>can now play all those games i never got
>dont want to do it because i prefer to wait until i have them physically


Ok should i play ni no kuni, persona 5 or yakuza 5



You know what
Maybe i just playing something else

Play Uncharted.


This was my least favorite of the first four. Totally uninteresting story, and I hated the cop's fighting style.

Seriously, play Persona 5.
If you've hacked your PS3, it's the hardest one to install, once you get that working, you can do anything.

>Ni No Kuni
Deceivingly good looking but shit JRPG
>Persona 5
Dedinitely not for me but if you like them yeah
>Yakuza 5
The worst in the series so far, definitely don't start here
Really mediocre, bog standard cinematic shooters. I just don't understand the hype at all

What the fuck are you talking about? Yakuza 6 and 1 (aside from the story) are far worse.

Playing GTA IV for the first time. it's not that great. The story so far is not that interesting and the cover, fight system either.
Anyway the physics are no meme, they're really great, and the map when it rains it gets so comfy.
I have to say that i haven't played gta v. Only III, VC and SA.

Overrated game. Its about the story pretty much.

Try the Ballad of Gay Tony expansion after the main game.
Avoid The Lost and Damned though, it's dreary shit.

Any shmups worth playing, aside from your pic?

I miss these memes.

Hopefully the new one is good. Got tired of rehashing the same combat and maps.

>learning moonrunes
>posting on Sup Forums instead of learning said moonrunes
ya dun goof'd

bought one the other day and hacked it. Noticed my CPU temp was getting to 85 degrees without even playing a game so now I'm waiting for my thermal compound to come in the mail so I can fix it before this shit dies.

Already downloaded subbed Nier replicant, will play that then probably Asura's Wrath.

play okami or tales of vesperia. Killzone 2 is a good shooter, each level is kinda built around a different weapon or vehicle and I appreciate that in a game

king of the hill is amazing, I dare anyone to prove me wrong

check the fan, count the blades, upgrade to 19 blade if you have a 15 blade. check the psu, swap for an APS-231 (one that came on earlier revisions, runs cooler)

Dragon's Dogma but I've mainly been using it as a PS1 and PS2 emulator machine after the softmod. Have been playing Harmful Park and Forbidden Siren.

iv runs like ass on the ps3, play 5

>all these ps3 games on this thread

Man the ps4 doesn't have much niche games like the ps3 did. It sucks the ps4 is for more casual players.

I wish killzone 2s multiplayer was still up that was some of the best mp I've played

This is one of those times that I hope pcfags can fix this

yeah i know, the ps3 have some serious frames per second bullshit drops

haven't opened it yet, do you know when Sony stopped putting in the 19 blade fans in? Using a CECHG phat ps3. Wouldn't be surprised if it was this model onward since that's when they stopped with the 4 USB ports as well.

why the long face?

it makes me sad that it has those drops. i think that its an excellent console

Speaking of, what's the max temp for a normal slim? Mine's idling at 65C right now and gets to 83 during full load, is that normal?

Is there a copy of Yakuza 5 that doesn't freeze on the trophy check?

any chance you guys know how rpcs3 is going?

Will tales of destiny of tales remake rf rebrith ever have a fan translation please?

not him but made me kek

>that bush
i-is this Sup Forums approved?

Yes user.

Finishing up red dead redemption to play undead nightmare then mgs4.

Played a bit of Lightning Returns.

Hate the amount of cutscenes/dialogue. If it was well-written like Mass Effect 1 then I'd tolerate it.
Actual gameplay is good though.

would get into Yakuza but it's never on sale, not paying $40 for an old game

Is it bad to skip 3? I have all the other games but 3 is really rare in my country and it is physical only. I can watch the story summary that 4 has.

Currently replaying the god of war collection. Comfy af.

Just skip it.

is this game fun?