Mfw because of usd to cad exchange rate, canadians get most games cheaper

>mfw because of usd to cad exchange rate, canadians get most games cheaper

You're retarded, stupid fat American

That's cute. Greetings from Europe

I am Canadian...

How cheap are games in Europe?

Usually around 15-20% more expensive than in the US.

I can buy games for you in Canada and gift them on Steam if you paypal me money. It would save you a bit of money and I would be doing it as a service. Although it depends on the game, some of them are more expensive here.

You can't

The fact that it's literally impossible to gift now is the most retarded shit ever

Aw, the Canadians-are-nice meme may be true, after all. But actually, Steam doesn't let you gift games to Europeans from other regions because it would hurt its unfair pricing policy. It's not like I buy too many games, especially not from Steam anyway, but it's just plain BS

Yeah that shit is fucking gay. Friend in Canada tried to gift me a game but it wouldn't let her so she gave me a digital $25 card. Exchange rate made it so I only got $19 and some change.

>games are at least $70 at launch, usually more
>hardware prices are through the roof
>building even a mid-tier PC will cost you the price of a used car
Being a gamer in Leafland ain't easy.

What currency do you get paid in?

Games are way cheaper in Mexico

The fact that they didn't even add in an option for the gifting party to cover the 'costs' is honestly something I can't understand

What bugs me. Is if they are going yo overcharge Euros, in terms of USD, because they are paid in Euros/Pounds which are stronger currencies. Why the fuck cant they do the opposite in Canada? instead of fucking jacking it up to match USD prices. I get paid the fucking same as I did when the CAD was 1to1 with USD. But somehow vidya is now $80 and some fucking retarded OP thinks Im getting them "cheaper" cause they dont change it daily to match the exact exchange rate.

Oh wow, 50% off, totally worth the diarrhea-inducing tap water and beheadings.

But that's a free game.

>Due to regional price differences, the gift you are trying to send cannot be sent to the recipient's region.
I can't gift my friend a game because of there being more than a 10 cent difference between our dollars.
Fuck you Valve you fucking faggots.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Should have an option on the payment page to let you pay the difference.

That's just because the Canadian dollar right now is absolute shite. Everything computer or video game related is imported so it's naturally going to cost tons.

IDK what else, it would be illegal any othe
r way.
Pretty sure that's just Detroit you're thinking of.

6.4 CAD btw

t. Flint, MI

So then how are the games cheaper? Did I forget to call in for my 25% "The CAD Dropped" raise?
>it would be illegal
Not true either