Claim that Switch will easily sell over 25 million units by the end of 2018

>Claim that Switch will easily sell over 25 million units by the end of 2018

>Sup Forums calls me crazy, fanboy and what not

>Nintendo announces that they expect to sell around 30 millions

Well, well well. Who's ready to eat a bag of dicks?

but are they nice bulging girlcocks? because i'd eat those all day

>Who's ready to eat a bag of dicks?

You for being a corporate cocksucker. Who cares?

>Who's ready to eat a bag of dicks?
I dunno. I'm just happy im not this guy.

Did he smash it?

Nintendo apparently expects that they'll be able to drop the price quite a bit if they expect to hit that number.

Calling it now, Switch price drop in the summer, even cheaper revision in the fall.
Pokemon + $150 Switch == 30 million sales easy.

LameStationfags have no spine.

>Sup Forums calls me crazy, fanboy and what not
Prove it, bucko

If they expect to sell 20 million next year they must have something really big.
> Pokemon confirmed for 2018

This guy sounds like an absolute twat, no doubt he won't smash his Gaystation

If you're lurking here faggot, I triple dog dare you

Call of Duty is poised to become the greatest selling franchise in gaming history, doesn't mean its a good game, Switch selling that much doesn't mean its a good console either.

The switch is rather impressive though, it shows how stupid the average consumer is, they took the turd the Wii U was, repackaged it in a different toilet and sold it again to great success.

>Positive switch thread


why the fuck would they halve the price for a game that will sell bucketloads anyway?
at best they'll release a dockless Switch for ~$250
and then do a Pokemon bundle for it.

But will it sell 20 million in a year like the PS4 did?

only 30? Yikes
70 million

They are claiming they will

Current model probably won't drop below $200 even if they remove the dock from the box.
A version that's easier to manufacture would also allow them to sell for a cheaper price.
If its smaller and cooler running that would also bring the price down dramatically.
Nintendo's second revision of handhelds have often arrived 18 months in.

Current Switch is basically the 'XL' version, watch for a smaller cheaper and more rugged version aimed at the Pokemon market.
They'll want it to be cheap so parents buy them for all their kids instead of just one for the house.

They won't sell 30 million in one year at $300.

No. Fuck you and your anal vore.

>who’s ready to eat a bag of dicks?
Well 30 million people apparently

So are Sonyfaggots and Microfaggots, your point? This is Sup Forums. If you're buying a game or advertising it you're a corporate cocksucker either way. Stop acting like you're innocent.

Why do people who play video games give a shit about whether a corporation sells an item?

I don't understand this. You get 0 benefit of Nintendo selling 30 mil WiiU2s or a 10 million WiiUs. You paid $300 for an nvidia shield with attachable joysticks.

Sonybros paid $400 for a CGI movie machine, and get all upset when their "exclusive movies" get released on PC. Who gives a shit if Sony sold 10 consoles let alone 15 million? Why do you children care? Buy what you want, play the games you want. Discuss the games instead of being a brat about sales numbers.

No 3DS Pokemon game sell that much

If vaginal vore is called "unbirth" wouldn't anal vore be called "unshit"?

If the Switch fails financially, we Nintendo fans may never be able to play their games again, that's why.

high sales invite good support for the system, both in terms of exclusives (both first and third party) and multi-plats (including indies)
Admittedly, it's not everything, which is why the Wii had an ultimately shit library, but the Switch a great concept that only needs to be successful to get the games that we want.

Virtual Boy bombed. DS initially bombed, Wii U bombed, Gamecube bombed.

Seems like Nintendo is fine whether you buy their console or not. They arent ran like shit corporations like Xbox or Playstation is.

Third party games show up on Nintendo games the first year, then disappear the second. It's amazing Nintendo fans never realize this, ten+ consoles/handhelds into their history.

I never thought OP would share his bag of dicks with more people.

Nintendo makes games unlike other console manufacturers. If they fail the games stop. It's pretty simple.

>Virtual Boy bombed
>DS initially bombed, Wii U bombed, Gamecube bombed

The better the sales are the more games we get, you absolute retard.

let it be known that user was an absolute bitch that day. He won't deliver.

>Well, well well. Who's ready to eat a bag of dicks?

Roughly 25-30 million people, apparently.

>Expect to
Once again, millennial underage have difficulties understanding basic language.
Shipped copies != Sales
Expectations != Reality
Predictions != Truth

The Switch has now outsold the Wii U in Japan, in nine months compared to the Wii U's five years.

Incidentally, the PS4 also just outsold the Vita in Japan.

Because they're dumb shits that don't know how to support developers actually working on games.
Pro tip: it involves enjoying games

I never understood this either. The companies don't care if you love them, they just care if you gave them money for their stuff. Everything they do is for PR purposes and to garner good will for their bottom line. But humans have a group mentality and love the us vs them way of life.

What are some big upcoming games on the switch I just it for Christmas and only have Mario odyssey and BOTW


they're not releasing it. you faggots have no idea how this actually works.

I wish Sup Forums would actually ban underage kids like you. go play at gbatemp and whatever neofag turned into and pretend you know how this shit actually works there.