Now that the dust has settled.... this game really wasn't Goty or even an 8/10 and you know it.
Now that the dust has settled.... this game really wasn't Goty or even an 8/10 and you know it
Other urls found in this thread:
what was better?
It's an 8/10 if your system has less than 5 worthwhile new games
it's actually 11/10 and is GOTY 2018 as well
Had everything, every quality a good game has.
Um, you just don't understand that no music, no dungeons, no story, horrible LOD, janky performance, annoying loot, shit durability, limited enemy types, poor bosses, and bad voice acting are elements of an amazing game.
Name your top 5 games of the year so i can laugh at you and call you a pleb
I agree, it was a strong 7/10. Shows potential, hope the next one is better, see me after class.
Automata was better than BotW. There, I said it.
>had everything
What it actually had
>mediocre story with amnesiac Link and 100 year plot that goes nowhere
>no dungeons, just mini-casual garbage like Shrines and Divine Beasts which were piss easy and weren't fun at all
>bad weapon mechanics like disposable weapons that are sticks
>no enemy variety
>terrible bosses with the x-blight Ganons and the SHOOT THE SHINY TARGETS TO WIN Ganon pig
>vast tracks of empty space with not enough relevant things in between other than Shrines and stables making it a walking simulator
>no character development other than Zelda who was an annoying bitch
>terrible voice actors and cringey dialogue
Can you make it anymore obvious you didnt even play the game
not him but that was pretty spot-on
Can you make it anymore obvious that you're assblasted, Nintendo asspie? Your game is overrated and your honeymoon shitposting period of LE SALT and LE 10/10 SONYGGERS ARE LE SO MAD XDDD is over
>more goty awards than any game ever
>literally universal praise
Lol ok kid
>calls other people assblasted
>is very clearly assblasted
>salt is over
>is amusingly salty af
>muh popularity
>dude your mad lol
>dude Xernica Winona James Rainbow-Tears Johnson from Polygon's diversity division gave my game a 10/10!
You have to be 18 to post here.
> no 10/10 for Zelda
kill your self nigger , do it now nigger
>zero counters to his points
kek, next time dont reply when youre btfo this hard
As with every Zelda, it seems they just have to fuck up half the game at the cost of improving the other half. It was an amazing open world game, but they completely fucked the dungeon concept in a game where they had a chance to make something extraordinary. I'm still salty over that. The shrines and divine beasts where good in their own right, but in no way did they make up for the most important Zelda staple.
Then why are there constantly multiple threads a day about this game? Why is this the most talked about game on Sup Forums all year?
The divine beasts were shitty replacements. Also the lack of any large dungeons made it feel like Wind waker tier cutting of content.
Literally the entire industry is praising this game and the tastes of a few contrarian autists on a backwoods shithole website are legit right? Lmao
Sup Forums only talks, consistently, about shit games.
It's a bit overhyped but I think the goty was deserved. What else was even its competition?
Yes, and so have Beyonce and Bruno Mars.
Your point?
>feel like Wind waker tier cutting of content.
Nah, WW had that sense of missing parts, but more than made up for it with the sense of adventure, story, characters and AMAZING soundtrack. BotW did not nearly make up for the lack of dungeons.
Nier which was actually fun gameplay wise which is what I care about. But because western """""""""""""""video game journalists""""""""""""""" are communist cultural marxists fresh off from undergrad and can't stand le wymyn objectification and toobie's amazing ass, it doesn't get anywhere near the same praise.
Beyonce won GOTY awards?
nah hes right
Spotted the brainlet who can't appreciate level design
It's GOTY but still a shit game
It has more awards than the witcher 3 now?
Lol, no. I dont care if some autist nip picks story and dialogue. The only legitimate gripe i see is weapon durability, but I find it refreshing as it forced me to be strategic about encounters, and it was difficult to keep gear that allowed me to just steamroll everything. I dont understand people thinking the world was boring or empty, its probably the most entertainingand varied open world ive played. Name a single one better, not a shitpost if there is one i want to play it.
>not GOTY
100% agreed.
Honestly, watching speedruns of the game has made me appreciate the shrines way more
By your logic Gone Home was GOTY of its year
>the shrines are so boring the only way to make them fun is to bypass over the entire thing
Huh, really makes you think....
it's tracking higher than the witcher. witcher had 58 GOTY awards by Christmas 2015
t. brainlet
why the fuck does Sup Forums care about rewards and reviews so much. who gives a fuck. you realize that a review is just one person's opinion, right?
reviews are not about consensus, they are not about finding common ground.
I mean if you're incapable of appreciating the mechanics in a game then you deserve to be called a pleb.
Yea i agree to a point, but nearly unanomous praise says something significant
Actually, it doesn't say anything significant at all.
I appreciate the mechanics. I don't appreciate the shrines.
>dude muh physics in muh nintendo game
Just Cause was better.
If any reviewer gave it a negative review they would either be accused of trolling or relentlessly harassed. I mean just look at the comments of people who even dared to give it a mixed review. The entire culture we have built around reviewing just sucks.
Lmao, ok kid. This is the equivalent of plugging your ears and yelling nahnahnah
It's the skyrim of 2017
Tell me the significance then.
I guess Uncharted 4 was a good game as well. Dumb Nintendo soyboys.
>adopting the sjw victim mentality
>t-they bullied us ;_;
Are you fucking serious faggot? Lmao this is par the course for the internet, young one
I like Just Cause 2 but you have garbage taste if you actually believe that. The physics in BOTW are more reminiscent of the Portal games.
You have it backwards. The people who sperg out if someone dares have a negative opinion about the game, are actually the sensitive ones.
>just cause
Now that's an actual empty open world.
It doesn't say anything significant because websites and publications tend to give reviews to people who will receive the game favorably. If someone absolutely hated BotW they probably would not be allowed to review it as they have "bias" against it. After all it someone talks about their negative experience of the game it will seem too "personal", they want their reviewers to be "objective" and go along with the established consensus.
Solid 7/10. I enjoyed it. 135 hours in. I still have DLC to do. I can't stand the endless praise it's getting, but it did a lot of things right.
Nearly unanimous praise means its a good game. Not only a good game, but phrases like "watershed moment" and "masterclass in open world design" are consistently used to describe it, across the board. We arent talking rotten tomato scores here, audiences and publications alike are consistently overwhelmingly positive. Whether you like it or not, devs are going to respond to this massive success, thereby changing the trajectory of the industry as a whole. Literally a game changer
This is why Gone home is still shilled here. Sup Forums has terrible taste.
Persona 5
But it's not on XBOX or PS4.
goty this year goty next year and possibly goty of 2019
yes, it is THAT good
I didn't like the game. So everything you just said is worthless to me. I don't think it's good just because a lot of other people do.
>, but phrases like "watershed moment" and "masterclass in open world design" are consistently used to describe it, across the board.
Not by me.
>implying Uncharted 4 wasn't a good game
it's actually the best game this year.. that and Mario odyssey are both good. if you can't accept that then though shit senpai.
Bad taste then.S-sorry.
I would challenge the idea that it got nearly unanimous praise. Sure most of the professional critics gave it a great score, but it's not like everyone on online forums is totally in love with the game. I've seen a lot of people say the game is just pretty good but has a lot of things they don't like (shrines, lack of dungeons, disappointing music).
Horizon, by a fucking mile.
that's ok kid. i think you're worthless so it evens out
You asked why it was significant lmao, not "convince me to like it."
>Nearly unanimous praise means its a good game
That is objectively incorrect. If a game was nearly unanimously praised, that means it was nearly unanimously praised. It does not make it good.
He still hasn't shown why it was significant, he just said that high praise is significant in itself, which it is not.
>Sup Forums tards still can't get over this game
man the fuck up you pathetic faggots
Nier Automata > Persona 5 > BoTW
didn't even bother to 100% zelda
What the fuck is the objective metric for measure of quality outside of collective opinion then lmao?
BOTW > Persona 5 > Nier
It wasn't and neither was this game.
BOTW > Nier > Persona 5
This is objective fact
There is no objective measure of quality.
And you still can't get over people criticizing the game.
>i will ignore the part of the argument where the entire industry will respond to BotWs success
Holy shit, astounding. If you dont think its a momentous game you are literally delusional. Im done arguing with you butthurt retards lmao
Yo man just because you said it was an objective fact, it makes it an objective fact.
Not how it works man.
This game bored me 5 hours in after I got off the plateau did some shrines and side quests and talked to Impa. Even TP's intro was more fun than this shit and the dungeon's in TP were much better than this stupid "bite-size mini dungeon" shitfest they did with the shrines and divine beasts. How can Nintendo fuck up a Zelda so badly? How hard was it to not fuck up a decent formula?
Pretty convenient way to ignore the immense success of something you dont like lol. At least this means your crap opinion is just as meaningless as mine. Matter of fact lets give up talking about the value of anything, ever
Do you see why you are a retard user??
The fact that this game, or other games like Witcher 3, has received no negative reviews, should give anyone pause. Game reviewing is essentially a gated community in which only the proper opinions are allowed. I find it hard to believe that not a single person, who would write critically about games, had a bad experience of this game.
>Matter of fact lets give up talking about the value of anything, ever
I didn't say that. I am interested in YOUR experience and yours alone. I don't care about the consensus.
That sentence was used to illustrate the sillyness of your sentiment. This conversation is completely pointless and boring
>There is no objective measure of quality.
Agreed, but when something is so universally praised by everyone but Sup Forums contrarians, really makes you think. Is it the best game ever? Nope, but its fucking amazing or people wouldnt still be making noise about it.
>inb4 popular doesnt equal quality
True, but its popular for a reason. It hit a lot of strong notes with a lot of people and you can hate the game all you want, but a garbage game doesnt get the praise BoTW does.
>no dungeons, just mini-casual garbage like Shrines and Divine Beasts which were piss easy and weren't fun at all
Are you implying dungeons weren't piss easy in previous Zelda games? The Divine Beasts puzzles were absolutely more interesting than the constant pushing-block babby tier puzzles in the other titles.
>vast tracks of empty space with not enough relevant things in between other than Shrines and stables making it a walking simulator
Here's a list of everything you can do in Hebra, one of the emptiest and smallest regions in the entire game:
>an environmental puzzle/riddle on Talonto peak that requires you to view a bird-shaped terrain formation from a certain angle to take the appropriate path to reach the shrine
>a stable with its own Stalhorse sidequest
>two environmental puzzles that require you to roll snowballs down the correct path to open a large door
>Pondo's lodge and associated snowball-rolling minigame
>Selmie's house and associated shield-surfing minigame
>leviathan skeleton needed for a larger sidequest
>the North Lomei Labyrinth
>an environmental puzzle that requires you to find a way to safely navigate to an underwater cave without freezing (the intended solution seems to be riding a log, but you can cheese your way through with enough health)
>a large wall of ice that requires heat items to melt to successfully reach the shrine
>a Lynel challenge in the north
Almost everything on this list is completely unique to that one region, and that's just in addition to the 10+ other shrines that don't require any puzzles or items to reach but might still be hidden nonetheless. I didn't even mention Koroks. Again, this is one of the EMPTIEST regions on the map.
>Even TP's intro was more fun than this shit
Way to totally disqualify yourself from making any meaningful contribution to this discussion before your post could even get off the ground. Holy shit, I'm baffled that people like you even exist.
>your opinion doesn't count because I say so now stop shitting on my favorite game
What is it with botw shills and their insistence that their shit taste is the objective metric?
Umm as someone who loved the shit out of TP, its intro was probably the weakest aside from SS out of any Zelda, get bent.
>an environmental puzzle/riddle on Talonto peak that requires you to view a bird-shaped terrain formation from a certain angle to take the appropriate path to reach the shrine
>a stable with its own Stalhorse sidequest
>two environmental puzzles that require you to roll snowballs down the correct path to open a large door
>Pondo's lodge and associated snowball-rolling minigame
>Selmie's house and associated shield-surfing minigame
>leviathan skeleton needed for a larger sidequest
>the North Lomei Labyrinth
>an environmental puzzle that requires you to find a way to safely navigate to an underwater cave without freezing (the intended solution seems to be riding a log, but you can cheese your way through with enough health)
>a large wall of ice that requires heat items to melt to successfully reach the shrine
>a Lynel challenge in the north
So just minigames, boring side quests and puzzles. On their own, they are boring and not good enough which is why Zelda's traditional dungeon design is better and why people enjoyed the series.
I'm always amused to hear OoT formula-loving brainlets complain about the "lack of dungeons" when about 95% of those dungeons consisted of more walking between easy puzzles and incessant backtracking than it contained puzzles that were actually engaging. Very few of those even incorporated the same level of macro-level solving and spatial reasoning that BotW had, not to mention that the Divine Beasts also have the added benefit of cutting out all that walking bloat.
Aonuma and Fujibayashi did nothing wrong this time and I'm glad they didn't cater to you faggots. Hopefully they never will again because I'm sick of playing 15 formulaic OoT clones with all style and no substance.
alright Botw gets way more shit then it deserves, i mean the worst zelda game is skyward sword hand down.
i feel like botw and wind waker are actually somewhat similar in the ambition of creating an epic world to explore
i do feel that botw does the exploration better and is much more epic in scale..... buuut i feel like the dungeons really suffered cuz now there broken up into a bunch of mini dungeons and alot of focus has been put on exploring the overworld which is the largest its ever been.. where i feel like wind waker the exploration wasnt amazing especially since ship combat with sharks is just annoying buut i feel like the dungeons all be it were still simple as shit atleast all felt like one big puzzle and the themes were better designed, also the style alone in wind waker coupled with the music made it great. Botw focused really heavily on making the overworld the main stage and as a result while the overworld in botw is better the dungeons feel like they take more of a side stage to the overworld.
>I didn't personally like it so it doesn't count!
Keep moving that goalpost and maybe you'll convince yourself that you're right.