You literally cannot make this shit up

You literally cannot make this shit up.

Well it all makes sense now

So the power...of soy...


Well, playing videogames is the official numale passtime.

Nice. I like that they are going with the reusable and sustainable angle. This company is literally ticking all the check boxes when it comes to modern trends.

>when you actively have to tell your fanbase not to lick the carts cause they crave soy so much

> biodegradable
So how long before my switch crumbles into soy flour?

Somehow the world finds a way to make sense of everything.

Good, there really isn't an efficient way to safely dispose of petroleum plastics

Can't wait until I get my company holiday bonus check. That should cover a Switch, Switch pro controller, and at least 5 full priced games. It will be like Christmas all over again :)


Except you can, because the actual fucking title is highlighted right next to it

Wasn't this thread 404d an hour ago?

post the cat attack webm


We need more pics of manchildren with their baby toy called Switch

LOL!!! epic man :) we're really showing those soyboys!!!!

the jig is up OP

>it'a another "pol crossposters use Sup Forums as a way to assert their masculinity" thread

please go post these cringeworthy memes somewhere else

How the fuck do grown men actually end up looking like this? Eat some fucking meat

>is happy (Switch)
>married (ring)
>has friends (board game)
>pleasant looking house (modern art)
>Christmas decorations (outgoing)
>Ambitious (paints his own art)
>has taste (switch/starwars)
>gets laid (Switch)
No wonder so*yboys hate this thing



I agree my fellow Nintendo soyboy. Now with the wife out of the house hanging out with her bull, I can enjoy the marvelous 11/10 walking simulator experience of Breath of the wild! Thank you based Reggie

>Has taste (starwars)

Good one.


Nintendo fanbase then
>Cool gamers who enjoy and love punishingly difficult games.

Nutendo fanbase now
>Manbabbies, soyboys, cucks, gaymurgrrrls, and Tumblrtards who pretend to be fans to get Nerd cred.

Why the fuck does the fanbase age into rancid rotten milk?

>>has taste (Starwars)
Only thing on that list that is objectively wrong.

The joycons are fucking great compared to the Wii and Wii U controllers, fuck that glossy shit.

They got older but they didn't grow up

i just want to play mega man onmy switch why do you have to torture me with pictures of these faggots, it' so gross, im going to sell my switch,

You mean playing nintendo '''''games''''' (press forward to win simulators) are the official numales past time

Think of the poor animals!

b-b-b-but SONYYYY

the goddamn face. it's the duckface for numales

It's in the pro controller too? Fuck guess I'll have to throw that out. Hopefully I can find a third party option that uses the good old fashioned petroleum stuff. Don't want that soy seeping into my hands.

>has taste
>star wars
Went a bit overboard

Why do you have a collection of bearded men holding switch games on your computer user ?

What's with numales and Nintendo?

He has zero muscle, even if he did he soy and worked out he'd look toned, but nope just a fully-bodied soylant man


guy it's not Sup Forums's fault that every fucking guy who gets a switch is balding, has a gay badly kept beard, glasses, and takes pictures with a fake, gaping-mouth smile like a giddy schoolgirl holding up their dopamine delivery system...

>le open mouth shitty beard and thick rimmed glasses look

>has taste(starwars)

> worked out
Fuck off caveman


Can't really blame Nintendo for catering to their target audience, nu-males and kids.

What is with the open mouth?

Jesus Christ, OP

Post the Sup Forums one with the black hand

This has to be more than a coincidence at this point.

>wageslave sleep-deprived parents
truly living the dream

Absolutely loving the Switch hate from bootyblasted autists.

OP’s article being shopped aside, can you actually make plastic out of soy? Is this possible?

Keked thats pretty good OP.

It's funny because you never see Playstation or Xbox fans do this. There was that one guy who got fucked up by his cat so he'll never do it again, and even then he was joking anyway

Something plastic-ish I imagine.
Doubt it'd have the structural integrity for long term use though.

>face that a dev for a PC/Sony/MS multiplat made is a Nintendo guy
Let's be real honest folks, nobody who owns either of these platforms has any business being happy. What a shit generation for muhgraphiks boxes. Nintendo won.

>It's funny because you never see Playstation or Xbox fans do this.
What, be happy that they own a PlayStation or Xbox?


You can be happy without showing the world your disgusting mouth user