Spends half-an-hour on stream complaining about how people complaining on the internet is unhealthy

>spends half-an-hour on stream complaining about how people complaining on the internet is unhealthy

what video game is this?

ding dong

He's pretty emotional.

He's very emotional as a person and gets upset a lot.

He seems fine on OneyPlays. Is he really a gigantic faggot on his streams?

I went into his stream once for 5 seconds. It was just big letters on the screen that said "programming" while he was talking. I didnt know what that ment so i asked in chat and he responded with a sarcastic comment. Then a nice chat member explained that he was just programming while streaming a blank screen to talk with chat.

So he's an SJW? Gotcha. Also,

Is that what happens when you take dick?

Sounds like a faggot

Ding Dong's a weird dude. It's not as apparent on OneyPlays, but it's a lot easier to understand why he's shacked up with someone like Julian from his solo stuff and twitter.

>listening to anything a '''''''''''''I make my persona OC look like a purposefully ugly/awkward creature to ward off judgmental attacks based on online appearance because I'm a huge wimp'''''''''' fag has to say

Fuck off redditors e-celebs aren't video games

>ask if the mic is really bassy or it's just my speakers
>just a simple question to the rest of the chat
>"umm yes it's very bassy that's just how my voice is and if you didn't know this is a live stream and those can't be edited for sound like a video can so you just gotta deal with it. If you have a problem you can go complain about it on conspiracy grumps later if you wanna."

Dingdong is funny sometimes but he's a complete bitch

ah yes, well put, anonymous

Hahahahha what a pussy

He's The Best Gamers editor right? Whatever happened to those guys?

When the fuck are daily uploads going to be a thing again. Hopefully soon.

Rockcock became the very thing he used to make fun of: a bluepilled SJW cuck

>He seems fine on OneyPlays.
It's almost like their recordings are highly edited.

user... Weird creatures like that are one of him/Julian's fetishes.
And they have good taste.

Fuck Ding Dong, all he does is complain about one thing each stream, every stream.

He is a massive hypocrite too, funny Lets play man. We'll never get Bubbafest 2017 or Best Gamers E3.

Chris will never animate again.

>all he does is complain
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/

I really dislike how Chris makes a lot of noises and screams. I get he's probably just doing it for the audience but it's really tiring.

Except you can adjust your audio so it doesn't sound so bassy when live streaming.

Fucking seriously? Link.