2018 looks promising for video game releases, but you can't shake off the dread that 6 out of 10 of those releases will be trash.
2018 looks promising for video game releases...
>2018 looks promising for video game releases
Why is he so unfunny now?
he got btfo by ricegum
he’s like 27 he’s got a girlfriend, you can tell he doesn’t give a fuck about his videos at all anymore and he just like the easy money. the guy makes thousands from videos of him opening shit people send him
40% would be an incredible signal to noise ratio.
I know I just wish he didn’t become so popular, I miss Kickstarter crap
>2018 looks promising
He released a shitty diss track that earned him tens of thousands of dollars in youtube views alone, he also distributed that shit digitally. He doesn't need to try anymore.
>He makes thousands from videos of him opening shit
Most of his videos get's demonetized and he's admitted he's a cheap fuck that doesn't ever spend more than he needs to.
I've never heard someone say something so obscenely wrong, today.
I unironically miss his Overgrowth lets play.
I wish his Minecraft videos were public. I don't even like the game, I just like learning how others act in a virtual sandbox.
Wondering this too. His unboxing videos have been less funny this year.
>he hasn't seen the like/dislike and view ratios
Idubbbz didn't have much impact on rice's channel like he did with leafy, but idubbbz was the clear winner
>Get sent the same shitty stale memes and disgusting shit from your retarded fanbase
How can you blame him when his unboxing videos are about him playing off what his fans send him?
He lost a lot of his enthusiasm at some point. He was so happy in his earlier ones, then he looked like it pissed him off a bit, now he just doesn’t give a fuck
I think its cuz the one time he tried something new his fans shit on it (whats in the box) so hes stuck doing the same shit
i seriously don't understand why people think idubbbz "destroyed" some youtuber's careers, i mean, yeah, you could definetely say that to leafy, but the rest just gained some dislikes and a temporary hate that nowadays isn't even relevant, like for real? ricegum took him like it was nothing, the content cop on him didn't affect his channel AT ALL
even leafy is still going strong.
Himself, and others around him have stated multiple times that the Content Cops are not aimed at killing channels. They are not supposed to kill channels, they're made to ball bust some shitty youtubers
i mean you have to be pretty silly to not realize they're just fanboys being played by youtubers who still get paid a shitload of money for doing nothing but making fun of each other
Man I like what's in the box
But everyone's been receptive to him capturing squirrels and stuff, What's In The Box just wasn't as fun to watch as his other stuff.
seems like a complete waste if the "shitty youtubers" getting ball busted are affected for like a week tops, only to go back to being more relevant and successful than him
>a complete waste
To make an entertaining video that garners millions of views and subs..
also >more relevant
we're talking about idubbbz here remember, the "more relevant" critic only applies if you're one of the millions of children that sub to 'Howtoprankitup' or 'techrax' or 'tanamongue'
His newest Content Cops aren't very good in my opinion. They focused too much on the person themselves rather then the content or channel like the previous videos.
it's good for him too, he gets so much attention from it and let's agree that his whole channel is content cop
>tfw only have KH3, Spider-man to look forward to
Pokemon is also coming out next year but there's a 99% chance it'll be trash and I refuse to support modern GF the way they've been with the 3DS era.
Honestly not sure what else to look forward to. Maybe Bayo3 if that comes out in 2018.
because it's fun seeing something actually make an effort to shit on garbage content creators. idubbzz's shit isn't the best but his content creator videos are made very well
Think his handler boy h3 ethan tightened his muzzle after the pewdiepie nigger shit.
Give me 8 games you're looking forward to for each month.
>even leafy is still going strong.
>went from 1.5million views for 1 video to 300k
no hes not
>Dragon Ball Fighterz
>SFV Arcade
>Monster Hunter: World
>Final Fantasy Dissgaea
>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Seven Deadly Sins
>Dynasty Warriors 9
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance
>Secret of Mana
>Metal Gear Solid: Survive
It will be more than 60% and you know it.
Also, what are you excited for? I can't think of anything besides RDR 2
I'm legitimately looking forward to 2018 in terms of gaming.
Vita + PC master race.
With 2017 being so shit can 2018 really be worse????
>Fist of the North Star
>Steins;Gate Elite
>Steins;Gate: Linear Bounded Phenogram HD
>Devil May Cry HD
>Yakuza 6
>Sea of Thieves
>Attack on Titan 2
>Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Also Moss in February too.
I know you were straining to meet his quota but I can't believe you'd even pretend to be interested in MG Survive.
>mario oddyssey dlcmaybe?
>half life 3?
what else???
Eh, doesn't look too bad. I'm gonna get it anyway and give it a whirl. If it's that shit, then I'll just get a refund from Amazon.
Half Life 3 will never happen. Ever. Give up.
I wouldn't say never. with the entire aaa industry about to crash, there wouldn't be a more perfect time for them to step up and show people what real games are like. it would be a true revelation