I just upgraded to Windows 10 for this game since there's only 2 days left until the free upgrade offer is over

I just upgraded to Windows 10 for this game since there's only 2 days left until the free upgrade offer is over.

Did I fuck up?

You just massively increased the CIAs capacity to spy on you
Nothing to worry about

I'm a leaf though.



Well on Sup Forums, you actually aren't allowed to enjoy MS exclusives. Because if you bought an Xbone to play them, you fucked up because you bought a console where all of the games are on PC, but if you installed Windows 10 so that you can actually play them, you still fucked up, because, well, you installed Windows 10.

>I just upgraded to Windows 10

hope you dont use internet then retard

As long as you wrap your computer in tin foil you should be fine.

>Did I fuck up?


W10 is shit, but it's even shittier if you're a gamer.

the cia is supposed to spy only on non-us citizens.

This game looked like absolute shit.

>"upgrading" your entire OS for a game that isn't even out yet
The only winner here is microsoft.

I'd 99% sure that the only reason W10 is so widespread is that they practically force it on you via "upgrade Windows" button and notifications. People with tech knowledge just press "Accept" and get fucked with win 10.

To start with you didn't even have to "accept", you just had to fail to tell it to fuck off all the time.

huh, thanks, didn't know that. Also, I should proofread my posts.

People with genuine Windows copies problems.

>People with genuine Windows copies problems.

Nah, all of our machines at work run pirated versions and they were still eligible for free upgrades, the initial W10 rollout was hilariously fucked.

Fuck this shit
>was rid of the W10 malware for a few weeks
>get up to go make dinner
>come back to desk
>the W10 malware came back while I was gone and it was less than 30 seconds away from fucking up my PC forever
I pulled the plug on the whole machine and had to spend that night removing it again

This meme needs to die, windows already implement all of 10s spy methods into other windows version,

>W10 is shit, but it's even shittier if you're a gamer.

Explain? i literally never had problems with 10? learn to turn off automatic updates and learn to use a computer in general maybe

I never got any of it. You must've left some update functions in the system settings on which is likely for work environments for safety reasons.

>Explain? i literally never had problems with 10? learn to turn off automatic updates and learn to use a computer in general maybe

You can't even do something as simple as backup and share installs of games from the Windows 10 store for fucks sake.

Want Forza Horizon 3 on both your desktop and laptop?


Want to save a friend from having to download hundreds of GB's of games because W10 games are unopmitized as all fuck and simply share your install?




So please faggot, tell me again about how an OS that doesn't even let you do something as simple as MOVE FILES AROUND isn't absolute dogshit, and that's just one of a metric fuck ton of fundamental problems with the OS.

PS, don't actually bother replying because if you've got W10 and think it's fine, you're obviously retarded as fuck and your opinion is utterly fucking worthless.

>Want Forza Horizon 3

Literal autism

theyre gonna spy on ur ass no matter what so who cares

fuck off theres nothing wrong with w10

literally the most fun arcade racer of the decade

>you can never completely get rid of sugar so why not eat exclusively candy?

>75% of the list is Forza
God damn that's depressing..

>old game with graphics mods for better experience on my potato
>Win 7: expected stuttering in intense spots but otherwise plays smooth
>Win 10: nearly unplayable with same exact setup. Video memory is constantly at 97%

>free content is depressing


>can play these games
>in exchange for thousands of games breaking on w10
lol you screwed up

>why would u play these new games if u can play these 20 year old games over and over again