Voiced protagonist

>voiced protagonist
just why? what the fuck were they thinking?

Other urls found in this thread:


Bethesda's designers don't think

Mass market appeal.

People ain't got time to read shit.

Something along those lines.

Even worse, they removed full dialogues and put wrong previews for everyone.

They wanted to make a movie game

Nice spacing :^)

What makes you want to press the enter button so often? Why not just type like this?

not him but
>tfw always left a single line when seperating sentences on Sup Forums
>recently some sperg has decided that only redditors do that because apparently they need to for formatting
>I now have to force myself not to leave a line when changing topic because apparently everyone prefers a big block of text

They were thinking about the people who kept saying pic related.
They kept asking for a Voiced Protag thinking that they would get the good shit.
Didn't matter if you told em "hey you know that putting a bunch of money in for a Voiced protag means less money for the shit that actually matters right?"
They would just scream Nuh uh! And babble about false equivalencies like fucking retards.

>People ain't got time to read shit.
Except reading is faster than listening to people talk. one of the lead faggots at bethesda even mentioned in a presentation how fallout 4 originally didn't have an option to skip dialogue, but they realized during development that they would read the text faster than the actors would talk, and then sitting there having to listen to them finish talking fucking sucks.

>want to rp as a badass raider who takes no prisoners and is covered in scars
>he talks like a fag


Apologies anons, I'm new from Reddit?

I agree, but Bethesda are dumb. It doesn't suit the game at all.

dude appeal to the normies lmao

is this why VN's are better non-voiced?

the writing and dialogue in fallout 3 were so bad I'm actually glad they went for voiced protag because it means less of bethesda's shitty writing and dialogue since VA work costs $$$

that being said fallout 4 is superior to 3 in every single fucking way except lacking in evil options in quests. which was also the only thing 3 did right. not exploration, fallout 3 had no exploration. not atmosphere. fallout 3 had no atmosphere. but playing a comically evil character was fun

also any fo3 fanboiiii ''triggered'' by changes fo4 did is just a tryhard because 3 was never an RPG just a themepark open world and fo4 takes that concept and improves it

not him but why not just answer his question straight up instead of writing a whole essay?

>>Preston Garvey

what were they thinking

they took the time to acknowledge that some people dont want to be 'good' with nuka world, but he's still not killable

There have been few lines I have been chuckling on, nothing like quote worthy so I just remember chuckling to lines, not the line I chuckled to, tho. The game has been so underwhelming that I'd give it a pass, it adds to the whole at this point even if it is mediocre.

> Nothing quote worthy

What exactly is the problem here?

>what the fuck were they thinking?
"Fuck it, Obsidian will fix it when they do their version."

>want to rp a crazy junkie slut with facepaints, burns and scars
>where's Shaun, has someone seen my baby?

I actually really enjoyed that aspect of the game, I just wish they included a Sims style slider that allows you to pick how your characters voice sounds (eg. Deep or high, brassy or soft or whatever).

I hope one day games have that kind of thing. Even better if the game is capable of generating thousands of realistic voice lines and pronunciation and voice types. There was that program that can edit sounds using clips from a voice to then make a copy of that voice say pretty much anything, so if that advances and becomes effective we'll hopefully see a huge increase in game dialogue which will be great.

I was basically just paraphrasing from this video though
I don't think all of Bethesda is dumb, but they seem conflicted about what kind of games it is that they want to make

>3D Fallout
just why? what the fuck were they thinking?

About shekels.

It's an awful decision, but I actually liked some of them, like telling a Mr Gutsy to fuck off and he recognized it as pure american dialect and let me go scot free.

The dialogue is probably the worst thing about Fallout 4. Todd said he "acknowledges" the problems with the dialogue but he's probably going to implement it in the next Elder Scrolls game anyway, fucking liar.


That was actually one of the most memorable moments, other than how predictable the main quest was.