Show me the fucking killer at the start of the level

>show me the fucking killer at the start of the level
well fucking hell, no mystery, no figuring it out, I know it's this purple haired guy. They SHOWED it. This isn't the beginner level anymore, why waste my time?

>Actually believing he's the killer


The interesting part isn't finding out who dun it, it's proving they did it. Any Phoenix Wright case you'll be able to really easily figure out via meta knowledge.

It's still beginner tutorial user.
The first case is a tutorial for court.
Second case is tutorial for investigation and actually dealing with shit on your own without Mia spoonfeeding you everything.
Third case is where they stop showing you the killer.

This is probably trolling but regardless, AA rarely try to hide their villains. You could almost always tell who's the murderer just from their first appearance or personality alone. AA was never about finding who did it but proving how they did it.

Nobody and I literally mean NOBODY who hasn't been spoiled expects who the killer is in 4th case of the second game.

I thought it was Iness and a case of fake suicide

Anyway like I said, nobody sees it coming.

I can't remember the case numbers,which one was that?

The one where Maya gets kidnapped.

Tell me a case where the killer actually surprised you like you didn't call it as soon as you could, other than Matt Engarde because that's like a focal point of that case.

The final boss of AAI2, like Matt Engarde, nobody sees him coming.
I was willing to bet on literally everyone except him.

maxamillion galactica

Make your own cancerous designated roleplay thread and fuck off.

I was more surprised by who was who's son, now that was a twist.

you reply to the right person there? all I said was I didn't see the outcome of that case

I knew Courtney wasn't the mother literally the first second I looked at her profile in court record.

>Age 26
>Having a 14 year old son
Yeah no.

3-5. He did nothing wrong.

I meant Horace and Simon.

I assumed the wife did it. I was half-right with her being involved at least.


Regardless of what the fanbase may think of AA2 and how much the 3rd case drags, fuck me if that 4th case isn't anything short of god-tier. I know the usage of the word's been trivalized lately but to deconstruct your game the way this case does is something rarely seen in vidya.

how new are you?

True. It's the first time AA actually tried to hide the murderer, and in quite a clever way too. Which is why it's considered one of the best cases.

That entire case is literally the pinnacle of the series with massive rollercoaster.
Heck, literally every case feels like a final boss case, even the first one.
Especially when the fat piece of shit pulls pic related and triggered my PTSD.


Well, she did kill the assassin in self-defense.
Though it's most likely that even if they did get a lawyer to defend her, it would mean trouble for them anyway.

i was so hyped for this case but when it was over, I was left wondering what I did wrong because it wasn't that good

What went wrong?

>he would be the case 5 villain if he didn't get killed
Goddamn Simon would have gotten away with everything if he didn't satisfy his revengeboner

That's the kay memory loss one ?

I loved the first case. I found the flag and gun switch twists to be really clever.

The whole point is so the player can focus on learning how to find contradictions and present the right evidence, without having to worry about whodunnit.

Third case.

No. It's the last case of the 2nd game of the mainline, Justice for All.

Oh yeaah, i read AAI2 instead of AA2, my bad yeah engarde and de killer are pretty grat characters

>I swear to good if i have to go through that video agai..........
>"but wait there's something more in that video"

>The hired killer who is LITERALLY CALLED 'De Killer' is the killer
How could anyone have known?

Gregory's case

It’s a shame Mia went out like a bitch in the second case, she deserved a endgame trial

>I saw it through the window

>shit you guys caught me
>but I still have the statute of limitations on my side so I'm free to go HAHAHAHAHA

Jesus Christ. Have you ever seen an episode of Columbo?

This was actually supposed to be the first case, but the writers felt the player wouldn't feel any connection with Mia without it.

Payne was also supposed to be Phoenix's Lawyer in the case who was so shit he had to take over himself.

The beginning cases are still made to guide the player, the creator was also inspired by shows like Columbo that do this same thing. The point essentially is to ease the player in figuring out who the killer is and instead reward them by making them use wit to prove it to the other dumbasses who can’t notice it yet.

Don’t worry case 3,4 and 5 if you’re playing the ds port all don’t reveal the killer

I love how Payne is the obligatory tutorial prosecutor now.

Will Winston Payne make his comeback, since his brother is pretty much blacklisted.

Is this going to be the 2-3 stream thread?

>tfw no retro Athena

Because he's so fucking untouchable, that you have to find enough evidence to show everyone else that he's a scumbag

Deeefinitely would've been dumb.

Never seen Columbo I take it, not every case shows the murderer but most of Phoenix Wright is a howcatchem

I want a case where we actually use Payne and reckt some attorney

Are we using this as the 2-3 stream thread? Yes or no.


go make your own

>for my next trick, I'm going to make Athena's panties disappear!

I don't want to start a thread war. This thread is already active, and I want to get as many viewers as possible on the stream.


If you use this thread I will report your posts and the stream fuck OFF

>He's this mad

Just from seeing his face I can hear his theme, god i love this guy

Dude, what the fuck is your beef? You're getting mad for no reason I can comprehend.

Columbo is way too good for this world.

>uses megatamahawk
Did you kill him?
lol, no

I'm not a brainlet like you

We're all in agreement that he's the best prosecutor the series has ever given us, right? Ok, good.

T-minus 30-90 minutes left

Anyone need a reminder about where the stream is?

A lot of the time the killer themselves isn’t what’s important but rather what it ends up becoming revolving them

6-2 is a good example, until the court case they are making it pretty fucking hard to tell who the real killer could be because both parties are assholes

Only when you go through the Boogaloo of Twins does it become noticeable but it still wasn’t obvious but if anything it splits the choices even more.
When you actually get to the point of cross examining the only other person left, it’s down to the point except you never expect the fucking Boogaloo that Retinz was actually Reus, the Fucking murder victim whose apparently just a body double fan

It’s the little things sometimes

I thought the culprit in that one was blatantly obvious but I still really enjoyed that case. If you didnt have him pegged from when he shows up at the office I dont know what to tell you though. I thought his motive was to just make a couple million off Trucy but the extra gramarye twist was great.


Turnabout Corner

There were suspects from fucking everywhere who could’ve done it, literally all of them could’ve done it because Meraktis was a fucking moron.
The last person you expect didn’t have any grounds to do anything until you found out about them during the second Investigation which catches you off guard since Alita was the one who hired you to defend Wocky in the first place

To be frank
I was one of the people who believed the fake leak of people posting bonny as the killer, especially when I found there’s 2 versions of them


So we're using this as the 2-3 stream thread after all? I mean, it's not even got 100 posts. Only big problem is the lack of "Ace attorney" in the OP.


Got past the Christmas case in the first game and stopped, is it worth doing the last case?

If you liked the game, yeah.


>phoenix still shilling his shitty stream
What a fucking camwhore

Honestly a few times I've been pretty stuck, but other than 2-4 I think 3-5 and 4-1 blindsided me the hardest. I was at the point of literally going through each and every piece of evidence and profile picture in turn because I hadn't the slightest clue who the real killer was. 5-5 too had me guessing, but I wasn't as hopelessly stuck as I was with 3-5 or 4-1.

Daily reminder that yesterday's trial ended with a circus clown saying that a stage magician murdered his boss and literally flew away.



The villain of Rise from the Ashes is one of the best




The most masterful twist in the series is 5-2 where they bait you into drawing the really obvious conclusion of Ninetails' identity and even have you establish it as true in the trial, and then pull it out from under you. It's about the only time in an AA game where I figured something out at the exact moment the player character did.

>the crippled man killed his boss from his own room

The absolute state of Wrightfags

Does Dual Destinies work on emulators yet?

>accusing a cripple
Wright has gone too far this time


remember, lady justice is blind

>a fucking monkey for an accomplice

humans are monkeys. us saiyans too




How many people suspected Von Karma and Chief Gant in the last 2 stages after they were introduced?

I had von karma spoiled for me. And gant just looks insanely suspicious so after Marshall I figured it could only have been him.

Seriously, what's everyone's problems with the cloak flying onto the bust again?

As if blue oni, red oni wasn't in literally everything.