>Games you're too stupid to play.
I'll start: They Are Billions.
Games you're too stupid to play
- fighting games (expect for Fight Night)
- every MMO ever
- every 4X game ever
- every strategy game more complex than C&C1
Baldurs Gate
Neverwinter Night
Any hex strategy game
No more hugs, Will
Hey OP would you make me a sandwich?
Ah ok
Asian MMOs
Holy fuck why do they have 1000 menus
any survival horror game with constant back tracking+respawning enemies
so all of them
all RTS games
I find any RPGs like vampire bloodlines or Baldur's Gate overwhelming.
I've never tried a moba but Im either too autistic or not autistic enough to play them
any rts
Grand Strategy
Autism simulators (Cuphead, They Bleed pixels)
Fighting games except for DOA and Smash
I´d probably call it laziness, not being dumb
Played some Crusader Kings 2 LAN this weekend and holy fuck I was not prepared for this level of autism
I forced myself to beat Resident Evil Remake. I played on easy and followed a guide and played without tank controls
I still died a couple of times
mo're like they are gay niggas lol
I wish it wasn't that hard for head to handle.
i dont understand how people can have fun trying to memorize where to go while having to constantly dodge zombies and waste ammo when you take a wrong turn
You're talking as if it takes more than one walkthrough per area to draw a decent map in your head. Do you have brain damage?
Someone told me resident evil was more of an inventory management strategy game than an action one. He also restarted a save if even one bullet was wasted, but I kinda see his point.
I did still enjoy remake, by the end I'd memorized the entire layout of spencer mansion and it felt pretty comfy
fucking this, and there is an ingame map too if you are a brainlet
space station 13
it's a puzzle game and inventory management is a part of that, so is memory
Victoria 2. I can't micromanage so much shit.